Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/96

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86 WEMYSS. Qeoi^^e (Maokkksib), Isi Earl of Orom artt [S.], who d 17 Aug. 171 4, ia Lis 84th year, at New Tarbat. She d May aud was bur. 1 June 1705, in East Wemyss churdi. Funeral entry as " Countess of Wemyas and Crotnartie " in Lyon office. IV. 1705. 4* David (Wemyss), Earl of Wbmyss, tkc. [S.], ouly s. and h. by first husband ; HyUd Lord Elouo, till he sue. to the peerage [3.], on his mother's death iu May 170fi, taking the oaths and his seat, 28 June 1705 ; P.O. and a coromirar. for tlie treaty of the Union (of which he was a sealous supporter), 1705 ; High Admiral for Scotland, 1706-07, and Vioe-Admiral thereof, 1707 -20 ; one of the Council to the Prince Consort, Qeorge of Denmark : Hep. PliR [S.] in two Paris. 1707-10, being one of the 16 who were first so elected. He in. firstly, in 1697, Anne, ouly da. of William (Douglas), Ist DuKi ov Quiknsbkrky [S.], by Isabel, da. of William (Douglas), 1st Marquiss oy Douglas [S.] She d. 28 Feb. and was bur, 6 March 1700, as ** Latly Elcho " (Funeral entry in Lyon office), in consequence of bums, 10 days previous to her death, her clothes having taken fire, when engaged in secret prayer.'* He m. secondly, 5 Jan. 1708/9, at St. Martin's in the fields (Lie. liond., he 27 and ahe 22), Bf ary,(*) 1st da. and coheir of Sir John Robin- son, 2d Bart., of Farming Woods, oo. Northampton, by Mary, da. of Sir William Dudley, 1st Bart. She d, s.p. Admon. 18 Sep. 1712. He m. tliirdly, July 1716, EliEsbeth, 4th da. of Henry (St. Clair), Lord Sinclair [S.], by Qrizel, da. of Sir James Cookburn. He d 15 March 1720, aged about 45 or 50. (^) [David (Wbmyss), atyled^ after 1705, Lord £loho, let a. aud h. ap. by first wife ; b. 1698 ; d, unm. and v.p., of malignant fever, 16 Deo. 1715, in his 17th year.] y. 1720, 5. Jambs (Wkmyss), Earl of Wkmyss, [S. 1633], Loiiu to Wrmyss or Elcho [S. 1628], and Lord Elcuo and Mbtiikl [S. 1633], 1756. 2d but Ut surv. s. aud h. by firnt wife ; 6. 1G9U ; ed. (with his said elder br.), by the well known " Chevalier,*' Andrew liamsny ; etjfled Lord Elcho, from 16 Dec 1715, till he tue. to the peerage [S.], as above, 15 March 1720. He m. 4 Oct. 1720, Janet (a K^eat heiress), only da. and h. of the noturioua Col. Francis Cuartiris,(o) of Amiafield (formerly Newmills), co. Haddington, by Heleu, 5th da. of Alexander Swinton, a Lord of Sesaion under the stvle c»f Lord Mersiugton. He d. at Norton, in the Bishopric of Durham, 21 (his bowels being Imr. there the day following) March, and waa bur. 8 April 1756, at Wemyss, in his 57th year. At his death, all hit tiUet, by devolvinfr on his eldest son, who had been attainted, became /or/ciied. His widow d. 1 March 1778. Will pr. May 1779. (*) A fortune of £15,000, according to Luttrell's ** Diary," 18 Jan. 1708/9, but one of £20,000 according to a letter of Lady Went worth, on 18 of said mouth, who calls the future bridegroom "Ixird Weinlw.*' (b) Macky in his " Ohatuictere,*' s^Hiuks of the " Enrl of Weems," when about 30, as " a man of honour *' aud "good sense," and " as his family huth ever been, sealous for the liberty of the people, and for bringing down the power of the crown," adding that "he has not yet been in the adminiitration ; is a fine personage and very beautiful," to which Dean Swift adds " he was a black man, and handsome for a Scot." (*) He is one of the " Twdve bad men" whose lives are written by T. Seooombe (1894), and he also appears among Cauldfield's " Remarkable Penont." Of him, who a one time, Feb. 1729, was sentenced to death for rape, Douglas writes ( * Baronage of Scotland" [1798], iu an account of the Charteris family), " He waa a man of good parts and great sagacity and, by his particular skill and knowledge of men and mannera of the time he lived in, acquired a vast estate/* a highly euphemistic description of a auccessful and unscrupulous gambler and money lender, who thereby acquired eatates (for being of a younger line, he inherited none), valued at about £7,000 a vear (one of which he named Amisfield, the name of the old family estate iu Dumfnes-shire), besides some £100,000 iu the stocks. He d. at his seat of Stoney- hill, near Musselburgh, 24 Feb. 1731/2, in his 57th year. He is frequently alluded to by Pope, and figures in the first plate of the " RaU*i Progrett" by Hogarth. See " N. <6 Q-" 8th S., iii, pp. 117 and 192, for some su^estions as to his wife's parentage, not, however, apparently, sufficient to outweigh Douglas' statement, which has aoGordiogly been followed in the text