Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/97

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WBMYSS. 87 The following would bftve been the •ucoesaioo of this peerage, had it not been for the attainder, vix,, VI, 1766, 6, David Wemtss, styled Lord Elcho, let s. and h., b. 1721 ; ed. (1734) at Winchester ; joined in the Stuart rising in 1 745, and was Col. of the first troop of Horse Guards, but sscaped nbroaid sfter the battle of Coltoden, and wan ooosnqiiently attainted. By the death of his father, 8 April 17^6, the pe€»a^ ivoved on him, and became thereby fttrfeited ; he appears, accord iiiety; never to have asBUUied the style of Sari of IVemyia, He d. unm. at Parts, *29 April 1787, aged 66. VII, 1787, 7, Francis Chartkium, formerbj Wbhtss, styling himself, after 1787, Earl of Wkutbb, Ac. [S.], neit br. and h. ; h. 21 Oct 1728. He, on the deatli, 24 Feb. 1731/2, of his maternal grandfather, Col. Francis ChartAris, inherited his real and personal estate, (*) and assumed the name of CharUrU accordingly ; ed. (1739) at Eton. In 1771, he obtained an Act of Pari, to enable him, *' KranciH Charleris, Esq., heretofore called Francis Wemyss, and Uie heirs of his body . . . tf> retain, assume and sign the name of ChaHeris . . . notwithstanding the descent to him or them respectively of the honour or title of Wemyss or any other honour and title whatsoever." By the death of his brother, 29 April 1787, the hereditary right to the said title did so devolve on him, and he was thenceforth known (tho* never officially recognised) as Bati of If emj/M, ke, [S.], the impression (an erroneous one) being, that, as he did not deduce his claim thni* an attainted fierson, the forfeiture of his late brother did not affect his ciaim.C*) He rebuilt the houses of Amisfield and Gosford (now called Wemyss House), both in CO. Haddington. He m., 12 Sep. 1746, Catherine, 6th da. of Aleiander (Qokoon). 2d DuKK OK Gordon [S.]. by Henrietta, da. of Charles (Mordahnt), Earl op Phtbrborouoh and Monmouth. She d, at Edinburgh, 21 Jan. 17S6. He d, at Gosford n!fA., 24 and was bur. 80 Aug. 1808, in the mausoleum there, in his 85th year. [Francis Chartkbis, known after 1 787, as Lord Elcuo, Ist s. aud h. ap., 6. at Edinburgh, 81 Jan. 1749. He was M.P. iu two Paris., 1780-87, for Haddington boroughs, being deprived, 28 May 1787, when a new writ was iffsued "in the room of Francis Charteris, Esq., now Lord KIcho, who is become the ddetl.ion of a Peer of Scotland.^* {^) He was a great agricultorist. He m., 18 July 1771, at St. Geo., Han. sq., Susan, 2d dia. and coheir of Anthony Traot-Kkck, formeriy Tract, of Great Tew, Ozon, by Susan, da. of James (Hamilton), Dukb of Hamilton [S.] He d, ▼.p. after a long and painful illness, 20 Jan. 1808, in his 69th year, and was bnr. in the Abbey Church of Haddington. His widow, who had been, before 1771, one of the Maids of Honour to Charlotte, the Queen Consort^ d. 26 Feb. 1836, aged 89. Will pr. AprU 1885] VHL 1808, 8. Francis Chaiitbris, qfiei-wards Chartsris- WiMTSS-DoUGLAS, Styling himself, after 1808, Karl or Wbmtss, kc [S.], grandson and heir of the late (so style^l) Earl, obtained, in 1826, the revorsnl of tho attainder of 1746, and became, in conseqtieiicc, hart of WernyUt ko. [8.] See next below. (*) He, however, did not inherit the estate of Wemyss or any of the paternal estates of the family, which were all left by the late Karl to the youngest sou, the Hon. James Wemyss. (^) The forfeiture was Tslid on the same principle as in the case of Airlie, s/i., that" if the attainted person iurvived the pei-son in posseasion of the dignity, the title was forf^Ued.** See vol. i, p. 46, note " a," tub *^ Airiie." (0) This recognition of his father's peerage was, however, (see note next above) iu error.