Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/147

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ARGYLL. 125 imprisoned and sentenced to death 26 Aug. 1602, but was released 4 June 1663, and, by patent, 36 Oct. 1663, wherein fie is styled " Dominus dc Lome," was restored to the titles of EARL OF ARGYLL, Loud Campbell, LofUts ami Kintyrb [S.](°) He was P.C. and a Commissioner of the Treasury. On 1 5 Oct. 1 667 lit; received a new charter of all nil lands and offiees.( r ) On 11 .July 1674, he was appointed an Extraordinary Lord of Session. On 1^ Pec. 1681 he was sentenced to death for high treason for refusing to subscribe to the " test act," but escaped from Edinburgh Castle to Holland, when lie was attainted. On 17 April 1888 he was chosen General of the forces which invaded Scotland in behalf of Monmouth's rebellion. Here he was tal<en prisoner at a ford of the Inehimv.m, was executed OB his former sentence (at the same place as his father), on SO June 1685, and bur. in Greyfriars churchyard. M.I. He had m. firstly, 13 Hay 1650, in the Canongate, Edinburgh, Mary, 1st da of James (Stuart), 4th Eaul of MOBAI [S.], by Margaret, 1st da. of Alexander (Home), 1st Earl of HoxB [S.] 9h« (/. May 1668. For his second wife he had w. 28th Jan. 1670, Anne, Dow. CoDOTWSOJ IUicabkks [S.], 2nd da. of Colin (Mackenzie), 1st Eaul ok SraFORTH [S.], by Margaret, 1st da. of Alexander (Seton), 1st Earl ok Pumfeioilinu [S.J By her lie had no issue. She waa-a prisoner at Edinburgh Castle at the time of her husband's execution in 1685, and was bur. at Balcarres 28 May 1707. X. 1689. 10. AncmnALD Campbell, etyleA Lodd and T) kfi rs 1 Master of Ahoyll in the lifetime and for some period after the " I death of Ins father, s. and h. by iirst wife. On his father's invasion I. 1701. [S.J, in 1685, he offered to serve against him, placing himself in the hands of King James. This King, however, he soon afterwards deserted, and assisted the Prince of Orange in his expedition against him to his utmost power. Iu 1689 he was admitted as Earl OF Argyll [S.] into the convention of estates [8.1 made P.C. and, on 5 June iu that year, his father's attainder wms rescinded. On 14 Dec, 1694 he was made an extraordinary Lord of Session, lie commanded a regiment, chiefly of his own clan, in Flanders, and in 1696 was made Col. of the Scottish Uegiment of Horse Guards. On 23 June 1701 he was rr. bv William [II, DUKE OF ARGYLL, MARCHESS OF KINTYKE and LORN faiej, EAltL OF CAMPBELL and COWALL, VISCOUNT OF LOCHOW and GLh'NYLA, LORD OF INVERARY, MULL, MOEVKltX and TIRIE [S.], with rem. to his heirs male whomsoever. ( a ) He in. Lady Elizabeth Tolle.mache, 1st da. of Elizabeth, suo jure Countess of Dysart [Sj, by Sir Lionel Tollkmauhe, Bart. He d. 25 Sep., or 21 Oct., 1703, at his house near Newcastle. His wi!l, made long befoi-e his creation as a Duke, in which he styles himself " Earl of Argyll, Lord Kintyre, Campbell and Lome," dat. 26 Sep. 1690 at Inverary, was produced 2 Oct 1703 at Edinburgh, and pr. 1 July 1704. His widow, who had been separated from her husband many years before her death, d. at Caiupbelltown 9 May 1735. Dukes [S. | t H j 01 j N (Campbell), Duke of Argyll, &c. H. [S.], s. and b. h. 10 Oct. 1680. P.C, K.T. 4 Feb. 1703-4. ! j Col. of the Scottish Horse Guards 1 705, and an extraordinary Earls [S.] ! ' Lord of Session. He exerted himself greatly in favour of xjj^ I the Protestant succession, and of the Uuion between England J and Scotland. He was raised to the Peerage of England, on 26 Nov. 1705, being en BARON OF CHATHAM, and C) See p. 124, note ( b ). ( f ) The office of JUSTICE GEN. OF SCOTLAND was not included, as it had ceased to be in the family. It was not-, strictly speaking, fienditary, excepting from 1625 to 1628 ; but it was virtually so, having been held by the 2nd' down to the 8th Karl inclusive. In 1561, in the confirmation thereof to the 5th Earl, the moving cause is said to be that the office had been held and the duties well discharged by the grantee's father and grandfather ; and iu the charter of 1625 it is stated that the predecessors of the Earl had for ayes past exercised this office. On the other hand the JCSTICIARYSHIP OF ARGYLL AND OF THE ISLES (comprised iu this charter) were, m the strictest sense, aereditart/ and continued in the family till 1747. The ottceof GRAND MASTER OF THE HOUSEHOLD (which still continues in the nunily) was also confirmed by this charter as a hereditani office. Ex inform. G. Burnett, Lyon. ( a )The patent is made out iu the plural— i.e. "Duces de Argyll, &c.," the word Lorn ' being spelt therein without the final " e." L