Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/148

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ARGYLL. EARL OF" GREENWICH, eft Kent. He »v<w Col. of tlio 3rd Regiment of Foot (or Buffs), 1707, and served in the wars trailer Marlborough with great distinction, 1 708-10. KG. 22 March 1709-10, when he resigned the Order of the Thist,le.() Atu.ssADOitto Charles 111 of Spain 1711 ; Governor of Minorca 1712 ; Commander in Chief in Scot- land, &c. At tlie Council of 30 July 171-1, whereby the undisputed succession of the House of Hanover w*» cfcjeSy secured, he and the Duke of Somerset, boldly, presented themselves without having being summoned. On 18 Nov. 1715, being then Col. of the Horse Guards blue, he defeated the adherents of the exiled House of Stuart at Sheriflmuir, and on 27 April 1719 he was rr. DUKE OF GREENWICH. He ob- tained and resigned several of the highest offices, being, for the most part, an opponent of Walpole's administration, and. according to his It I., "a General and orator exceeded by none in the ago he lived." He m. firstly (contract dat. 30 Dec. 1701) Mary, da. of Thomas BroWKS afterwards Dtocoube of St. James' Westm., Receiver Gen. of the Excise, by Ursula, sister of Sir Charles Dl'Ncomhe, Lord Mayor of London. She i s.p. 16 Jan. 1716-7 and was bur. 19 at Westm. Abbey, aged 85. He in. secondly, 6 June 1717, Jane (formerly maid of honour to Queen Anne and to Caroline, Princess of Wales), da. of Thomas Waubuhton of Wilmington, co. Chester. His Grace d. s.p.m. at Sudbrooke, in the parish of Petersham, eo. Surrey, 4 Oct. 1743, and was bur. 15 is Westm. Abbey, when the titles of Dukk of Ouf.enwich, Kaki, op GUBB&WKJH and BlBDM of Chatham became 8fc(*) M.I. Will dat. 3 Dec. 1741, pr. 31 Oct. 1743. His widow, by whom he had five daughters,( d ) d. 16 April 1761. aged S4, and was bur. the 23 with her husband. Will dat. 31 Dec. 1750, pr. 24 Apr. 1767. Dukes [S.] 1 12. AncniBAi.D (Campbell), Duke ov Argyll, jjj &c. [S.], br. and h. male, b. at flam House, Surrey (the seat of the Countess of Dysart [S.], his maternal grandmother) Earls [S.] f June 1682. Ed. at Glasgow Univ. and at Utrecht. Col. of yjj 36th Regiment and Gov. of Dumbarton Castle. Lord High i Treasurer [S.] 1705. One of the Commissioners for the treaty of the Union of Scotland with England. On 19 Oct 1706 he was en EARL AND VISCOUNT OF 1LAY, LORD OHANSAY, DUNOON AND ARASE pLJ He was a Rf.i Pkf.ii [S.] 1707-13, and again 1715-61. In 1708 he was one of the extraordinary Lords of Session; in 1710 Lord Justice Gen. [8,1 and, in 1711, P. C. He was a great promoter of the succession of the House of Hanover, and was, i» 1714, made Lord Clerk Register. He fought and was wounded at Sheriflmuir. In 1721 he was Privy Seal [S.], and in 1733 Keeper of the Gieat Se*l [S.], being a stedfast supporter of Walpole's administration. Umler the Juris- diction Act of 1747, four year after he had sue. to the Dukedom, he WW .dloival .£21,000 for the hereditary offices of Justiciary of Argyllshire and the Isles, the Sheriffship of Argyll and the Regality of Campbell. (°) He collected a large library and was the builder "of the Caitle of" Inverary. He m da Whitfield, Paymaster of Marines. She U. s.p. I Sep. 1723, and was bur. the 7th as "Ladv Iter" at Keiisington.O He d. s.p. leg. in London, 15 April 1761, in 79th year. Will dat. 14 Aug. 1760, pr. May 1761, leaving his English property to Mrs. Ann Williams, Shireburn, pr. May 1761. (-) At his death the Eakldom aSD VlSCOUKTOT of IuT and the other Scotch honours cr. therewith in 1706 became ex. ( b ) He was the first (ordinary) Knight of the Thistle who was honoured with the Order of the Garter. See p. 11, note " b." ( c ) Bishop Burnet's character of him, with Dean Swift's remarks thereon i» if«f| is as follows : — " Pew of his years have a better understanding, nor a more inanly behaviour. He has seen most of the Courts oF Europe ; is very handsome in ha person ; fair complexioned ; about twenty-five years old. Ambitiuus, covetous, cunmnj Sait, fun no prtaejpte f>ut Ins men interest tind yrealnem." "( d ) Caroline, his eldest da. and coheir was CP., 19 Aug. 1767, Baroness Greenwich which dignity became cr. at her death. (°) See p. 125, note "f." , a') Her mother, Mrs. Whitfiold, widow, d. two days later. 1 e) See account of this will and of the legatees therein in *' Douglas," voL i, p. j