Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/153

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ARLINGTON ARMAGH. 131 AELINGTON.(») Barons and J. Sir Hbnry Bennet of Euston, Suffolk, 2nd s. of Sir Baronesses Wff Bennet of Dawley, Midx., by Dorothy, da. of Sir John Clou ts of ' Saxhain. Suffolk (which Henry was a yr. br. of Sir .John P.ennet of I. 1664, Dawlev, K.H., tr. in 1682 Loud Ossolston) was h. about 1618, became and Beoretary of State in 1 608, and, on 1 4 March 1 664, was cr. BARON A Ii- 1672. LINGTON "f Arlington, Midx., with a spec, rem., failing his issue male, to the heirs of hit iooy,e*j In 1670 he was one of the five who formed Earls and t l( , Council for foreign affairaf 0 ) to whom alone the King revealed his Countesses policy. Ho was also one of those sent to Holland to treat with Louis XIV of Franco concerning a | eaco with the States. On 22 April 1672 I. 1G72. he was re. BARON ARLINGTON of Arlington, co. Midx.. VISCOUNT THETFORD, co. Norfolk, and HAUL OF ARLINGTON, with a similar spec. rcm.,(<>) and in default, of heirs of his body, with a further rem. to his br. Sir John Uennet, K.B., abovenamcd, and the heirs male of his body. K.G. 15 June 1672. Lord Chamberlain of the Household. He purchased the estate of Euston, Suffolk, from the family of Fielding, and the plot of land lying west of St. James' Park, Midx. (whereon he built Arlington House), from Hugh Audley, Registrar of the Court of Wards, the well known miser. He in. Isabella, da. of Henry de Nassau, Lord of Ai'VKnortKHoeK in Holland, by Elizabeth, da of the Count OF Horn. He d. s.p.m. 28 July 1GS5 aged 67. at Arlington House, afsd., and was bur. at Eustou. His widow d. 18 Jan. 1717-8, in her 87th year. Her will pr. Feb. 1717-8. II. 1685. 2. Isabella, Duciiess of Grafton', and aim jure Countess ok Arunoton, &c, only da. and h., wife of Henry ( Fitzhov), 1st Oukk OK Grafton, K.G., to whom (when he was aged 9 and she about 4 years) she was m. 1 Aug. 1672. He d. 9 Oct. 1690 and was bur. at Euston aged 27. Her Grace in. (for her second husband ) 16"S, Sir Thomas Hanmk.h, :3rd Hart. Lie., to marry at White- chapel, at Bp. of London's office, 14 Oct. 1698, he aged about 24, and she about 25. He d. s. p. 5 May 1746. She d. 7 Feb. 1722-3 in her 56th year. III. 1722-3. 3. Charles (Fitzroy"), Duke of Grafton, Ac, who had me. his father as such in 1690, and who tuc. his mother as Haul ok Arlington, &c, in 1722-3. only s. and h. See " GliAFTON," Duke of, cr. 1675 (under the second Duke), in which title the Earldom ami the two Baronies of Arlington and the Viicountry of Thetford became merged. ARMAGH. Sec " CHAWORTH OF ARMAGH," Viscount [I.], cr. 1G27, ex. 1614. See " ROKEBY OF ARMAGH," Baron [I.], cr. 1777, ex. 1883. ic " EARL OF ARMAGH " [1.1 See " CUMBERLAND," Duke of, [G.B.], cr. 1799. L J (*) Usually called JTarlington, a parish near Hounslow, Midx. ( ) Dugdale, in his MS. additions to his Baronage, states that this patent was sur- rendered before the granting of that of 1672, but this is apparently a mistake as ne is styled Baron Arlington in the second patent. ( c ) Called the " Cabal" from the initial letters of their names, i.e. Clifford, Ashley, iri ?< llaU> ' A, ' h 'ngtou *nd Lauderdale. Of these, says Hume (vol. vi, p. 9, edit. 1848), "Arlington was the least dangerous either by his vices or his talents. His judgment was sound, though his capacity was but moderate, and his intentions wore good, though he wanted courage and integrity to persevere in them. Clifford and he were secretly Catholics." Lord Clarendon gives a somewhat contemptible character of Moral " el "^' " lmveraetI in any b,laulf!SS I " oue " wno uad not tlle faculties to get himself l*M*l^ difficult to account for the extensive limitation in 1664. As to that in the Kin g had probably in view the match of the little heiress (expectant) with his own son which took place about three months later.