Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/154

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132 ARMOY — ARB, AN. ARMOY. ie. "LORD OF ARMOY, co. Antrim p.] See " DA MORI E," Baron [E.], m 1317.(°) ARRACAN. Sec « AMHERST OF ARRACAN in the East Indies," Eavl, m 1826. ARK AX (in Scotland). Earls [S.] 1. Thomas Boyd, styled Master of Boyd, s. and h. ap. T 1 IPiT l {oDert > 1st Lord Boyd ok Kilmarnock [S.], Governor of Scotland ' 1466-09, by Mariota, da. of Sir Robert Maxwell of Calderwood, " was, by his father's influence, m. to Mary, eldest da. of James II 110 J. rgi H ;. s t er „f the reigning monarch (then a minor) James III [S.j The island of Arrau, witliin the Sheriffdom of Bute, was given as her dower, and by charter/") 26 April 1467, he was cr. EARL OF AURAN [S.], and sat in Pari na such !6 Oct. following. He proceeded to Denmark in 1469 to escort to Scotland the Princess Margaret for her espousal to James III [S.], but, during his absence, that Kiug had become alienated from him and he had to fly his country, and was attainted in 1469, as also was his father, and his uncle, Sir Alexander, who was beheaded on 22 Nov. in that year. He was in England in 1472, ami is said to have rf. shortly afterwards at Antwerp. M.I.( b ) His widow )h, in 1474 James (Hamilton 1 , Loud Hamilton [S.], who rf. 12 Nov. 1479, and whose s. by her was cr. in 1503 Eakl ok Arran [S.] as below. She rf. about May 1488. II. 1")03. 1 James (Hamilton), Loud Hamilton [S.], s. and b, of James, 1st Lord Hamilton [S.]. by his second wife Mary, Dow. Countess ok Arrax [S.] abovonamed, da. of James II [S.] He sue. his father 12 Nov. 1 179, being then about four years old. He was P.O. in 1508, when he was sent to conclude a marriage between James IV [S.] and Margaret, da. of Henry VII ; after which, by charter 11 Aug. 1503, he was cr. EARL OF ARRAN, co. Bute [S.J, his consulship to the King being therein recited. ( c ) On the death of the King at Flodden he yielded his claim to be appointed Regent, to Albany, by whom he was, in 1517, made one of the Lords of Regency. He commanded the army for the King against Lennox at Linlithgow, 4 Sep. 1526. He mi. firstly, Beatrix, da. of John (Drummond), 1st Lord Dkummond [S.], by Elizabeth, da. of David (Lindsay), Duke ok Montrose [S.] She rf. s.p m. He m. secondly, Elizabeth, da. of Hon. Alexander Home, styled Master of Home (s. and h. ap. of Alexander, 1st Lord Home [S.]), by Elizabeth Hekburn his wife. She had been m. previously to Sir Thomas Hay, but, it having been ascertained that he was still alive, a sentence of divorce was pronounced in 1513. He m. thirdly, before 22 Nov. 1516, Janet, widow of Sir Robert Livingston of Easter Weems, tin. of Sir David Beaton of Criech, Comptroller of Scotland. He d. before 21 July 1529. (°) See also " Irish Peerage, etc.," at p. xii of this vol. ("y The creation of this Earldom, as also of the earlier Scottish Earldoms generally, was bj) cltarter ; patents being unknown till 1600. The form of the erection of the Earldom of Arrau was somewhat peculiar ; four charters wore simultaneously granted on 26 April 1467 to Thomas Boyd, the designed Earl, and Mary his wife, one of them conveying the island of Arrau. Ex. inform. R. R. Stodart, Lyon Clerk Depute. () James Boyd, his only s. and h., was restored to the estates of the family on 14 Oct. 1482, but rf. young and uum. in 1484, leaving Grizel, his only sister and h., who m. firstly, Alexander (Forbes), 4th Lord Forbes [S.], and secondly, David (Kennedy), 1st Earl of Cassilis [S.], but rf. s.p. ( c ) The original limitation was to heirs male of the body of the Grantee, but it possibly was altered on 16 Jan. 1512-3, when the limitation of the lands and Baronta of Hamilton, Machanshire, &c, was extended to several of his bastard sons and the heir-, male of their bodies, with rem. to others therein specially named ; with a final rem. to the nearest h. male whomsoever of the grantee bearing the name and arms of Hamilton. Four days afterwards three of these bastard sons were legitimated on the ground that the Earl " had no heirs of his body lawfully procreated to succeed to him in bis inheritance, and in consideration of his propinquity to the King, &o." See also another charter granted, 1540, to the 2nd Earl.