Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/207

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ATIIOLE. 185 He was Ambassador to England 14 SI, and commanded in the army of King James III [S.] against the rebel Lords. He »i. firstly, in 14(30, Margaret, Dowager Countess, or DOUGLAS [S.] (being relict of William, Sth F.arl, who d. Feb. 1451-2 and the divorced wife of his l>r. James, 0th Earl;, only da. of Archibald, Sth Eari, ok Dona.AS [S.] by Lady Euphemia Graham, da. of Euphemia, suo jure Countess of StBATHBRH [S.l She, who was tilled " the fair maid of Galloway," was h. to her be William, Oth Karl of Douglas. [A.], who d. s.p. 21 Nov. 1440. On this marriage the King bestowed on them the Lordship of Balveny( e ) (one of the forfeited possessions of the family of Douglas i and other large estates. She was living 10 July UtiO bat d. in or before 1475. He in. secondly, before 19 April 147S, Eieanora, da. of WfllBUD (Sinclair). E.vlll. OF ORKNEY and CAITHNESS [S.] by his 2nd wife Marjory, ib. of Alexander Sutherland of Dunheath. By her he had eleven more children. He (I. 19 Sep. 1512 and wits bur, in Dunkeld Cathedral. XXII. 1512. ... John (Stewart), Earl of Atiiole [8.1 s. anil h. by 2nd wife. He in. Janet, da. of Archibald (CaMI'BHII.), 2nd Earl of Aroyll [S.J, by Elizabeth, 1st da. of John (Stuart), 1st Earl of Lennox [S.] He d, 9 Sep. 1513, being skin at the battle of Flodden. XXIII. 151.3. .!. Jons- (Stewart), Earl of Athole [S.], only a. and h. He was celebrated for his magnificent hospitality. In 1529 he entertained James V [S.], the Pope's nuncio, &e. He in. firstly, Grizel, da. of Sir John Rattray of that :1k, which lady Waa living 1537. He m. secondly Jean, yst. da. of John (FoHBBS), 6th Loud Forres [S.], by his 3rd wife Elizabeth Barlow, relict of Alexander, 1st Lord Ei.piiinstone [S.] He </. 1542. His widow in. Alexander Hay of Dalgety, and, as her 3rd husband, William Leslie of Balquhain. She had a charter (wherein she is called " Jonct Forties, Countess of Atholl"), dat. 9 Jan. 1547-8 oi part of Balquhain, XXIV. 1512. J h JOSS (Stewart), Earl of Atiiole [S.], s. and k by first wife. He was a zealous Roman Catholic. P.C. 1561. In 1576 he opposed the Regent Morton, but on 29 March 1577 was made Chancellor [S.] Being reconciled to the Regent lie was feasted by him 20 April 1579 at Stirling, but. </. fuirdays afterwards not without suspicion of poison. He ill. firstly, before 26 May 1547, Eliauwth, 1st da. of George (Gordon), 4th Earl ok Huntly [S.], by Elizabeth, 1st da. of Robert Keith, style.--! Lord Keith. She </. s.p.m. before 1557. He m. secondly, Margaret, widow of Thomas EliSKINK (styled Master of Erskine), da. of Malcolm (I'lemixg), 3rd Lord [S.] by Joanna Stewart, illegit. da. of James IV [S.j They had a charter 9 June 1557. She was thought to possess powers of incantation. The Earl d. as above related, 21 April 1579, and was bur. 4 July in St. Giles church, Edinburgh. M.I. XXV. 1579 S. Jons (Stewart), Earl of Atiiole [S.], only 8. and h. to by 2nd wife, served h. to his father 5 May 1579. P.C. [S.] 1590. He 1595. »i. 4 Jan. 1579-80, at Perth, Mary, 2nd da. of William (Udthven), 1st Earl ok Gowihe [S.], by Dorothea, 2nd da. of Henry (Stewart), Lord Mkthven [S.] He d. s.p.m. and in embarassed circumstances 2S Aug. 1595 at Perth, when the Earldom (according to the charter of 1 480-1) reverted to the Crown. His widow at, John (Stewart), cr. E.uu. ok Athole [S.] in 15% as below. ( ) Though the Castle of Balveny came to the Earl by his first wife he did not leave jt to her issue (two daughters) by him (she had noue by her former husbands), but to Mj own s. and h. by his second wife. It was sold in 1010 (soon after the death of the ," 1,1 ISM, s.p.m.) to John (Abernetby), Sth Lord Saltoun [S.J, whose issue uccaiue e.H,ncl in 1669. In 16S7 Alexander Doll' of Braco. agent to Arthur Forbes, got possessiou of it, and succeeded, after many law suits (all of wdiieh were settled in «), lu retaining it.