Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/208

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186 ATHOLE. XXVI. 1596. 1. John' Stewart of Inno.rmeath, a and h. of James S.( a ) of the same, by Helen, da. of James (Ooilvy), 3rd Loud Ooilyt of Airlik [S.] was cr. 6 March 1 SOf.-G EARL OF ATHOLE [S.] with rem. to the heirs male of his body. He m. Hrstly, before 4 Nov. 15S7, Margaret, 2nd da. of David (Lindsay), 9th Earl ok CbaWkokd [S.] by his 2nd wife Catharine, da. of Sir John Camimiell of Calder. She was living 16 June 15S9. He m. 2ndly, Mary, Dow. Countess of Athole [S.] nbovenamed, but by her had no issue. He d, at Kincardine in Stratheru 13 April 1605. XXVII. 1 603, :.>. John (Stewart), Eahi. of Athole [S.], only s. and b., to by 1st wife, served h. to his father 29 July 1609. He HI. Mary, 2nd 1625. da. and coheir of John (Stewaut), xxvth (fitbj Karl of Athole [S.], by his own step-mother (2nd wife of his father), Mary 2nd da. of William ( 1!ltjive.v), 1st Haul of Gowjiik [S.) aWeaamed He<J. s.p. 162:", when the Earldom of lf>96 conferred on his father became e.elinrt. XXVIII. 1628-9. 1 or 6. John Murray, only & and h. of William Murray, sometime ( 1 609-26 > Haul of Tit.uii uidine [S.] by his 2nd wife Dorothea, 1st da. and coheir of John (Stewaut), xxvth (5th) Earl ok Athole f&J IMS his father in or shortly after 1620, but his said father had previously resigned (1 April 1626) the Barony of Murray and the Karldom of Tullihardine [S.] in favour of Sir Patrick Murray, having obtained the Royal promise that tile Earldom nf Athole [S.] should he RrilH in the person and descendants of his wife who was die h. of line. Accordingly on 6 Aug. 1628 the said John Murray was served "nearest and lawful eldest h." to John (Stewaut) [xxj st ] Karl of Athole [S.], " br. uterine oi King James." By patent 17 Feb. 162S-9 the service was confirmed and the title of KARL OF ATHOLK [S.] acknowledged, (j the grant containing a novodamwot the title and dignity without prejudice to the Karl's right ;is h. gen. In the Civil wars the Earl raised 1800 men to support the King, but was taken prisoner by Argyll iu 1610. He mi. Jean, yst. da. of Sir Duncan Camimiell of Glenonhy by his second wife, Elizabeth, da. of Henry (Sinclaiu), 3rd LoliD SiNclaiu [S.] He (/. June 1612. XXIX. 16-12. 8 or 7. John (Murray), Earl of Athole [S.], & ami ivr 1 h - • about 163"). He joined the King's Standard with 2000 men in maiquessesis-j ^ wafl exeepteli f rom Cromwell's act of indeumity in 1654. I. 1676. At the restoration, in 1660, he was made P.O., Hereditary SherttM Fife, &c. Jrsrici; (Jen. [S.) 1663 to 1678. In Jan. 1670 he MM his cousin James (Murray), EARL OF TULLIBAKDIXE and LORD MURRAY [S.] in those titles. C'apt. of the King's Guards 1670. Keeper or the Pltivv Seal [S.] 1672. An extraordinary Lord of Session 14 Jan. 1673. On 17 Feb. 1076 he was cr. I to him and the heirs male of his body) MARQUESS OF ATHOLE.^) EARL OF TULLI1URDIN, VISCOUNT OF BALQUHIDDER, LOUD MURRAY, BALVANY AND CASK [S.] He was instrumental in opposing ArgjU's invasion iu 1685. K.T. 29 May 16S7, being one of the original Knights ou the (a) This James Stewart was great grandson of Thomas S. of Iunermeath above- named (killed at Flodden 1513), who was great grandson of Sir John S. of the same, " Lord of Lorn," who (by his s. Sir James S. " the Black Knight of Lorn") was grand- father of John Stewart cr. Eahl of Athole [S. ] in 1457 as above stated. (•') There can be little doubt but that this is an entirely new creation, ami such appears to have been Lord Hailes' view, though it is stated in " Ridded " (p. 17S), that it was confirmed 17 Feb. 1629 " with the oriyhutl precedence:' Charles I in his patent of 1629 (misinformed as to the facts), expressed himself bound iu honour ana conscience to ratify the dignity to the heir of lino ; but the Earl of Tullibardme, doubting the legal efficacy of such ratification, obtained a new patent of the honour of Athole. The Earldom of 1 157, appear*, however, under the charter "of iVwwfeWW 111 1481, to have lapsed in 1595 by failure of the heirs therein named. , . ( c ) The spelling of the Athole titles is given in accordance with the (rather variable) orthography of the Register of the.Qreat Seal.