Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/210

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188 ATIIOLE. [William Murray, ntyletl Marquess of Tullihardixe, 2d but 1st surv. s. ami h. apt by 1st wife. He was one of the first to join the rising in Aug. 1715 for the restoration of the House of Stuart, anil was consequently attainted of lurrh treason, but he escaped abroad, and returning with the Spanish force, was present at the battle of Gleushiel, 18 June. 1718, He again escaped, though £2000 was offered for his capture, ami in Oct. 1731 " hail been long a prisoner for debt" at Paris.;*) After 26 years he accompanied the Chevalier St. George to Scotland, in whose behalf he unfurled the ttoyal Standard at (Jlenliunan, 19 Aug., 1745,t&) but after the battleof Culloden he surrendered himself "27 April, 1746, and was committed to the Tower of Loudon (on 21 June), being then very ill. There he d. num. S) July, 1740 in his fiSth year ami was bur. in the Chapel of the Tower.] 1 Dukes [S.] n. Marquesses [S.] III. Earls or Countesses [S.] I XXX [. j 4 "/• 0. Jambs (Murray), Dukb of Athole, &c. [S], 3rd, but 2nd surv. s. (by 1st wife) who, according to the Act of Pari, of 1715, sue. to his father's honours and estate. He was b. about 1680, In 1712 he was Captain and Lieut- Col. of a Grenadier company in the 1st Reg. 1 I 14. „f ].„ )t Guards and afterwards Lieut, Col. of the 1st or Hoyal Scots Reg. of Boot. M.I». for co. Perth, 1715 and (again) 1722. In 1733 he obtained an act of Pari, that the attainder of his br. should extend only to that gentleman and his issue, ami not to any other the heirs male "f his father. Loud Piiivy Sk.u. June 1733 to 0 April, 176:!. Elected a 1Ski Peek [S] 1733 and '.again) 1734. KT. 11 Feb. 1734. In 1730, in accordance with the same act of Pari, of 1715 (notwithstanding that his elder br. was still alive), he sin: his cousin James (Stanley), 10th Karl of Henry, both in the Sovereignty of the Isle of Man as well jus in the Peerage of England as LOUD STRANGE, a Barony rr. by writ 7 March 1627-8. As Lord Strange he was sum. to Pari, in 14 March 1 737, sitting both as an English Baron and as a Scutch Rep. Peer for 4 years, till the gen. election of 1741. On S July, 174ii by the death of his elder br. s.p. he became the dc facto as well the jiurlianuntari/ h. male of Ins father. He accompanied the Duke of Cumberland to Scotland in 1740. Was made Keeper ok the Great Seal, 6 April, 1703, and Loud Justice Gen. He m. firstly 1727, Jean, widow of James Lannuy of Hammersmith, yst, da. of Thomas Frederick (by Leonora, da. and h. of Charles M.U'Esni of London) sister of Sir John Frederick Bart., so cr. 1723. She d. in London 13 June, 1748, aged 55 and was bttf. at St. Olave's, Old Jewry. Her will pr. June 1 748. He M. .secondly, 7 May, 17411. Jean da. of John Dia .M.MoNi) of Megginch, co. Perth, but by her had no issue. He d. 8 Jan., 17ti4, at Duukeld in bin 74th year. Fun. entry at Lyon otlice. His widow m, 2 Sep , 17'i7 in London, Gen. Lord Adam GoHDON, 4th a. of Alexander, 2nd DDKS ok Cordon [8.], which Lord Adam d. 13 Aug., 1801. She (/. 22 Feb., 17t'-> at Holyroodhouse. Both are bur. at Inveresk. [* * * Murray, ttgtnl Marques.* of Tdlubardixb, only s. and h. up. by 1st wife, lie </. an infant and v. p. at Dunkeld 13 Feb. 173ti, aged 9 months.] W See " N. and Q.," 4th, S., x, 101. () " Tottering with age and infirmities, and supported by an attendant on each side, [he] was, as highest in rank, appointed to unfurl the banner ; it was of red silk with a white space in the centre, on which, sonu weeks afterwards, the celebrated motto " Tandem triumphant " was inscribed . . . . Tullibardine, after a little pause, read aloud the manifesto of the old Chevalier, and the commission of Uegene,- granted to Prince Charles." See Karl Stanhope's eloquent account of " The Forty Five."