Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/211

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ATHOLE. 189 Dukes [S.] III. Marquesses [S.] IV. Earls or Countesses [S ] XXXIT. >17G4. J 5 in- 10. John CMurray), Duke op Atiiole, &c. [S.], nephew and h. mule, being s. and h. of Lord George Murray (by Amelia, only surv. da. and h. of James Murray of Olencarse and Strowan), who was next surv. I>r. of the 2nd Duke, and 5th s. of the 1st Duke, by his 1st wife. He was h. 6 May 1729, and was dpt. in the 54th (Highland) Regt. of Foot. M.P. for Co. Perth 1761-64. In consequence of the attainder of his father") (who was Lieut. Gen. of the forces of " Charles Edward "' in 1745) his right of succession to the Dukedom of Athole, Ice. [S.], being a matter of doubtful validity, he presented a petition to the Crown, claiming the same on the death of his uncle, and it was resolved, 7 Feb. 1764, by the House of Lords (to which the petition had been referred) " that the Petitioner bath a right to the titles, honours and dignities of Duke of Admit, Marqvit of TvUwardine, Earl of Strathtay and Slrttthardli; Yiseotnit Ital'/tthidttr, itlniahnoirl and ttleidyon, Lord Mun'ai/, Ualirn'ie and Oask claimed bv his said petition."!' 1 ). On 21 Aug. 17(i(J and again in 17(58 he was chosen a REP. [S. | K.T. 23 Dec. 1767. He m., 23 Oct. 1753, at Punkeld, Charlotte, only surv. da. and h. of his uncle James (.Murray), 2nd Dl'KK OF Atuoi.f. [8.J, by Jean, his 1st wife, da. of Thomas FREDERICK abovenamed. On tat father's death, *8 Jan. 1761, she became stio jure B.inoSESS Stiusuk, and inherited the Sovereignty of the Isle of Man, which had been granted by Henry IV ti her ancestor Sir John Stanley and held by that family till 1730, when it devolved in right of her father's grandmother [see under the 1st Marquess as also under the 2nd Duke of Athole) on her said father. This Sovereignty of the Isle of Man she and her husband sold to the Government in 1765 for .£70,000 and au annuity of £2,000 for their joint lives, reserving however their landed interest. The Duke d. at Dunkeld 5 Ko». 1774, in his 46th year. Will pr. March 1779. His wftjowf^ d. at P.arrachney House, near Glasgow, 13 Oct. 1805 in her 75th year. Her will pr. Aug. 1806. Marquesses [S.] V. Earls or Countesses [S.J XXXIII. Dukes [S.] ] 0 or 11. John (Murray Duke of Athole, jy &e. [S.], s. and h. I). 30 June 1750. In 1777 he raised a Regiment for the public service named the 77th Reg. of Foot or Athole Highlanders. In 17S0 he was elected a Hep. Peer [S.] On 18 Aug. 17S6 he was raised to the 1774. Peerage of Great Britain, being nr. BAUON MURRAY of Stanley, 60. Gloucester, and EARL STRAN'GE. On 4 ('eli. 1 793 he was made Capt. Gen. and Gov. in Chief of the Isle of Man, P.C. 1797, Lord Lieut, of eo. Perth and Col. of the Perthshire Militia 179S. KT. 4 April 1S00. F.R.S. &c Ou 13 Oct. 1805 he sue. his mother in the BAHOW OF STRANGE. In 17S1 he presented a petition praying for a bill to amend the provisions of the Act of 1765, as having Map unjust to his fv.mily in the inadequate allowance granted for the sale of the Isle I i -on T '" S lll ' n, Kh !t passed the Commons, was lost in the House of Lords. Ju 1/ .»0 lie renewed the same, but it was postponed. In 1S"05 however, on a third ( c > ^ the effect of an attainder, " In the Athol ease (1764) it was held that if the attainted person died in the lifetime of the person in possession of the dignity, the attainted person's son could take ; and in the Aiiiie ease (1S12) it was held that if tue attainted person survived the person in possession of the dignity the title was Ml t. • See " IJu "- Ie tt," p. 12, and see " Robertson," p. 315-31S. ., 1 , J t i» eurions that neither the Marouessate of Athole, the Earldom of Athole, nor HW Jtomwn of TuUibanline are mentiouetl omonK these honours. ( e ) On the death of the Duke of Ana through the families of Stanley and de Vei " Henry ISth Hurl of Oxford, JJhjh CU Ummberlam of England, as also wa, of John, the 1 4th Karl, aud of all the preeedina EarU) but the. decision rJ, , </ . Wils tlmt tlleir rights " were barred by the statute of limitations." See n »w tu Avelaud," 2nd Baron. ter, in 1779, the Duchess of Athole (being, senii >r ci iheir, though thn iugh the half bit m id, 'lamberlahi) was a claimant for the office of High was Hugh, Lord Percy, styled Earl Percy (who was