Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/247

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BALMERINOCH — BALRATH. 225 (under the spec. rem. of that Peerage 20 Dec. 1607) to the title of LORD COUPAR [S] and to the estate of Coupar in Angus. He m. 30 Oct. 1049 in the chapel of Holyrood House Edinburgh, Margaret, da. of John (Campbell), 1st Earl of Loudoun [S.], by Margaret, sua jure Baroness LoODOCK [S.] She d. Dec. 1665. Had. 10 June 17U4 in his 82nd year. Both bur. at Restalrig. Fun. entry for both at Lyou office. IV. 1704. 4- John (Elphinstone), Loud Balmerinoch and Loud Coupar [S.], b. 16 Dec. 1652 at Edinburgh, "a man of excellent parts, being perhaps one of the best lawyers in tho Kingdom." P.C. 16 Aug. 1687. A stedfast opposer of the Union but elected a Rep. Peer [S.] 1710 and 1713. Governor of 1 lie Mint and Sheriff of co. Edinburgh, 1710. A Commissioner of the office of Lord Chamberlain, 1711. On the accession of Geo. I he was however removed (for no apparent reason) from all his places. He m. firstly 16 Feb. 1072, at Cramond, Christian, da. of Hugh (MoNT(io.MERlE), 7th Earl ok Eguntoiw [S.], by his 2nd wife, Mary, da. of John (Leslie), 0th Earl ok Kotiiks. He m. secondly, 7 June 16s7, at Edinburgh, Ami, da. of Arthur Boss, Archbishop of St. Andrew's. She d. at her lodging in the Hint and was bur. S Nov. 1712 at Restalrig. Fun. entry in Lyon office. He d. at his house in Leith, 13 May 1736, in his 84th year and was bur. 17th at Restalrig. [Hut,'h Elphinstone, styled Master of Balmerinoch, 1st s. and h. ap., an officer in the army, d. unm., v.p., being killed at the siege of Lisle in 1708.] V. 1737. 5. John (Elphinstone), Lord Balmerinoch and Lord Cour.ui [S.], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. by 1st wife, b. 24 Nov. 1675 at Edinburgh. Barrister, 1703. One of the Lords of Session, 5 June 1714, assuming the designation of "Lord Coupar." He m. (contract 28 April and 17 May 1 7 1 S) Elizabeth, da. of David (Caiineoik), 4th Earl OF Northesk, by Margaret, sun jure Cui'xtess of Weiitss [8.] He d. s.p. at Leith, 5 Jan. 1740, in 71st year. His widow d. 21 Sep. 1767, aged 68. VI. 1746. G. Arthur (Elphinstone), Lord Balmeulnoch and Lord Coupar [S.], br. (of the half blood) and h., being s. of the 4th Lord by his 2nd wife. He was b. 1688. In the time of Queen Anne he commanded a company of Foot, but joined in the rising of 1715, escaping afterwards to France where he continued nearly 20 years in the French service. In 1744 he was one of the first to join the Chevalier in Scotland and was made Col. of the 2nd troop of Horse Guards. He was at the taking of Carlisle and the march to Derby but was taken prisoner at the battle of Culloden (16 April 1746), having sue. to the Peerage but a few weeks previous. He was confined in the Tower of London, tried for high treason 29 July (together with the Earls of Kilmarnock and of Cromarty [S.], both of whom pleaded "guilty"), pleaded "not guilty," but was attainted and sentenced to death on 1 Aug. Oil 18 Aug. 1746 he and the said Earl of Kilruamock were beheaded on Tower Hill, and bur. in the chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula there. He in. Margaret, da. of Capt. Chalmers. He d. s.p. 18 Aug. 1746 (as afsd.) in his 68th year, whereby the issue male of the 1st Lord Balmerinoch failed, and the Peerages of Balmerinoch and of Coupar [S.], which had a few days previously been attainted, became extinct. His widow d. 24 Aug. 1765, in her 56th year, at Restalrig. BALMOEE. i.e. " LOED OF BALMOEE, &c." [S.l, see "Htjntley," Marquess of [SJ, ex. 1599. BALQUHIDDEE, or BALWHLDDEE, i.e. "VISCOUNT OF BALQUHLDDER, &e." [S.], see " Athole," Marquess of [S.], cr. 1676. i.e. " VISCOUNT OF BALWHLDDER, &c." [&], see "Athole," Duke of [S.], cr. 1703. BALEATH. i.e. "BARON OF BALEx^TII "/[L], see " Aylmer," Lord [I.J, a: 1718.