Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/248

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226 BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE. Barons [I.] l. George Calvert, of Danbywiskc, l-ci. York, s, T 16°4 5 ;lm ' °^ Leonard 0.| by Alice, da. of John CroSSLaND ot Crossland in said co., //. at Kipling in the ohapelry of Bolton, en. York, about 1582 ; matrie. at Oxford (Trin. Coll.) as a Gent. Commoner, 1593. IS. A. Feb. 1597: Under. Secretary of State; Clerk of the Privy Council, 1605: Knighted 29 Sep. 1617 ; Secretary of State 1618, received a life pension of £1000 a year and obtained a grant of the province of Avalon in Newfoundland with moat extensive privileges, (which last, after expending £25000 thereon, he had to resign to the French) was M. P. for the L'niv. of Oxford; P.C, resigned his preferments in 1024, having become a Roman Catholic, but inasmuch as he had received large grants of land in Ireland was, ou 16 Feb. 1624-5, a: BARON BALTIMORE of Baltimore, (•>) [I]. He obtained from Charles I a grant of Maryland( b ) (on the same terms as he had held that of Avalon), which grant was made out to his s. and h. under the great seal 20 .Time 1632, a few weeks after bit) death. He m. Anne, da. of George JIvNN'i: of Hertingfordbury, Herts., and Woodeote, Surrey, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Thomas Wroth. She d. 8 Aug. 1622 and was bur. Hertingfordbury. M.l. He d. 15 April 1632 and was bur. at St. Brides, London. Will dat. 11 and pr. 21 April 1632. II. 1632. & Cecil (Calyeut), Baron Baltimore [I.], and h. He M. Anne, da. of Thomas (Arundel), 1st LoltD Aiu'xdel of Wardutr by his 2nd wife Anne, da. of Miles Philipson of Crooke, co. Westmoreland. She if. in her 33rd year, 23 July 164!', and is bur. at Tisbnrv, Wilts. M.I. He was bur. 7 Dec. 1675 at St. Giles in the fields, Midx. Will, &c, dat. 22 and 28 Nov. 1675 ; pr. 3 Feb. 1675-6. III. 1G75. 3. Charij:s (( alvert), Baron Baltimore [I.], s. and h. He was present at James II's Irish Pari, in 1689, and was outlawcdior high treason, but this was reverted 25 Jan. 1691. He inherited the estate of Woodcote Park and Horton under the will of Elizabeth Evelyn, widow, (pr. 3 Aug. 1692,) a relative uf his grandmother Ann Mynne. He Ml. firstly, before 1677, Jane Sciuvett, ulias Lowe. She was bin: 24 Jan. 17O0-1, at St. Giles in the fields. He m. secondly Mary ( — ), who was bur. (from St. Andrews, Holborn) at St. Giles afsd., 17 March 1710-1. He in. thirdly, Margaret, da. of Thomas G'HarleTON of Hexham, Northumberland. He (/. 21 Feb. 1714-5, aged S6, and was bur. 26 at St. Pancras, Midx. Will dat. 29 July 1714, pr. 20 May 1715 by his widow. She m. 9 Nov. 1718, at Symond'a chapel, Laurence Eliot of Yapton Place, Sussex, and waa bur. 26 July 1731 at St. Pancras afsd. Her will dat. 15 and pr. 27 July, 1731. IV. 171L 4- Benedict Leonard (Calvert), Baron Baltimore [I.], s. and h. by first wife b. about 1677. He conformed to the established church in 1713. M.P. for Harwich. He m. 2 June 1698 Charlotte, da. of Edward Henry (Lee), 1st Earl of Lichfield by Lady Charlotte Fitzroy, illegit. da. of Charles II. He d. 16 April 1715 and was bur. 2 May at Epsom, Surrey. Will dat. 15 Aug. 1713, pr. 2 May 1716. His widow, from whom he was separated in 1705, m. Christopher Crowe, sometime Consul at Leghorn, who d. 9 Nov. 1749, aged 68. She (/. 22 Jan. 1720, aged 42, and was bur. at Woodford. M.I. Her adruon., as of Woodford Hall, Essex, 4 March 1720-1. V. 1715. 5. Charles (Calvert), Baron Baltimore [1.], s. awl h. b. 29 Sep. ] 699. Gent, of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, 1731 ; Warden of the Stanneries and Cofferer, 1736 ; M.P. for Surrey, 1741 and 1747. He in. 20 July 1730 Mary, da. of Sir Theodore Jakssen of Wimbledon. ( IL ) " A r o County is named in the enrolment of the Baltimore patent." Ex infunii Sir 15. Burke, Ulster. There wan not (and is not) any place of that name i" co. Longford, which is the county generally assigned to this creation, but the chartered town of Balti- more co. Cork, (the only jiacc of that name in Ireland) was then one of considerable note. ( b ) So named in honour of the Queen Henrietta Maria.