Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/308

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28fi BEAUMONT. of Viscount in England.^) Within ft year of this creation the King, IS Jan. 1441 bestowed on him and the heirs male of his body " the feudal Viscountci/ of Beaumont in France," which on the death of the Duke of Bedford, in 1435, bad reverted to the Crown. (See " Courthopc," p. xlvii.) K.G. 1141. Constable op England, 1445-50 • GREAT Chamberlain, 1450. He m. Elizabeth, da. and sole h. of Sir William ruELip' K.O., generally considered Loud Bardolf, by Joan, da. and coheir of William (Bardolf), Lord Bardolf dkWormegay. Sherf. before (1440-41), 10 Hon. VI. He m. secondly, Katharine, Dow. Duchess of Norfolk, widow of Sir Thomas Sthangwavs da. of Ralph (Nevill), Earl of Westmorland, by his 2nd wife Joane de BgAOTOM, He <f. W July 1400 being slain under the Lancastrian banner, at the battle of Northampton. His widow m. (for her 4th spouse) Sir John Widvjlle, who was beheaded (with his father, Earl Rivers) in 1169. Viscountcy i II. Barony by Writ. VII. WttUAJi (P>p:aumont), Viscount Beaumont, Lord Bardolfh and Lord Beaumont, 2nd but 1st tan. 1 4G0, s. and h. b. at Edenham, co. Lincoln, and bap. there 23 April to 1438. He inherited the vast estates of his mother's family, 1507. and, on the death of his maternal grandmother, Joan, Baroness Bardolph (1-2 March 1440-7), assumed the title of Lord Bardolhi, though but uineyears of his age. He subsequently made p roof of his age as cousin and heir of John, Lord Bardolf, and was Knighted before 2 Sep. 1460. Adhering stedfastlyto the House of Lancaster he was taken prisoner at the battle of Towton field and attainted at the subseipient Pari. 1 Nov. (1461), 1 Ed. I, wherein his honours became forfeited, but was restored Nov. 1470 though again attainted in April 1471, having been in arms against Ed. IV. He was taken prisoner in 1474, but was again restored in honours by Tarl. 7 Nov. (14S5), 1 Hen. VII, having been on, 16 Sep. previous, sum. to ParL as Viscount Beaumont. He in. firstly, before 4 March 1461, Joane, da. of Humphrey (Stafford), 1st Duke of Buckingham, by Ann, da. of Ralph (Nevill), 1st EaM of Westmorland. This marriage was, however, set aside before 1477.( a ) He w. secondly, 2-4 April 14S6, Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Sir Richard ScROFB (yr. s. of Henry, 4th Lord Scrope of Bolton) by Eleanor, da. of Norman WashbourxF. of co. Worcester. In 1487 he appears to have lost his reason, when the custody of hia land (as in 1495 was that of his person) was committed to the Earl of Oxford, in whose house at Wivenhoe, Essex, he ci.,s.p., 19 Dec. 1507. M.I. at Wivenhoe.( h ) On his death the Viscountaj heeximc crtim-t and the Baronies fell into abeyameclfj His widow m. (as his 2nd wife) John (de Verb), Earl of Oxford, who d. 10 March 1512-3. She rf. 26 June 1537 and was bar. at Wivenhoe afsd. M.I. Will dat. 30 May 1537. ( (l ) By this patent of creation ho had precedence above all Barons, and by a subsequent patent, 1444-5, " aboee all Viscounts then created or to be created, and aliove the heirs and sons of all Earls, with seat and honour immediately after the Earls." The words in italics shew the inherent wwer of the Crown as to WtKSBUWCT, i.e. a power of granting preeminence to a junior creation of the same degree of Peerage. See ante p. 229, note " a," tinder " Banbury." ( a ) The lady m. about that date (as the second of his three wives) Sir William Knyvett of Buckenham, Norfolk, and was living temp. Ric. III. Her husband was living 149], aged 51. ( h ) A very beautiful coloured engraving thereof is in Waller's monumental brasses, 1864. In the inscription thereon he is styled '•Viscount Beaumont and Lord Bardolfe." ( c ) The coheirs were his great nephews, viz. (I) Sir Brian Stapieton, s. and h. of Joan (wife of Sir Brian S.), 1st da. of John (Lovel), Lord Lovel, by Joan, only sister of the deceased, and (2) Sir John Norreys, s. and h. of Frideswide, 2nd and yst. da. of the said Lord Lovel by tile said Joan, only sister of the deceased. The said Sir John Norreys d. a.p. legit., 6 Eliz., leaving as his br. and h. Henry, who had been attainted in Pari. 28 Hen. VIII. Though Henry Norreys, the s. and h. of the sMtj Henry, was restored in blood and sum. by writ, 14 Eliz., as Lord " Norris de Rycote," the attainder was never reversed. In consequence of this attainder (the issue of the attainted person who represented this moiety of the Barony still continuing) Mr. Thomas Stapieton of Carlton, co. York, sole h. of the other coheir (see pedigree p. 2S7, note "a"), having been advised that such attainder had terminated such abeyance, petitioned the Crown in 1789, claiming the Barony as one vested in himself as sole kff-