Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/309

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BEAUMONT. 287 VIII. 1840. <?. Miles Thomas Stapletox, of Carlton Towers, co. York, s. and h. of Thomas S. of the same, and of the Grove, Richmond, in the said co , by his first wife Mary Juliana, da. of Sir Robert Causfield Gerard, 9th Hart., wan (>. 4 June 1805, was Capt. North York Militia, 182i, and Site, his father 4 July 183SL Being one of the coheirs of the Barony of Beaumont (see p«ligree(->) below), he WW sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD BEAUMONT) by writ, This extraordinary view of the eil'eet of an attainder was naturally enough not adopted by the House, who, on 26 June 1795, adjudged that the Petitioner was not entitled to the dignity.* In consequence thereof, on 26 April 1796, Mr. Stapleton petitioned for ft termination in his favour of the abeyance of the Barony, as a Coheir thereof. On 14 March 1708 the House resolved that the Petitioner was a coheir of the Barony ; anil, there, for above 40 years the matter ended. A full account of these proceedings is given ill " Cruise," pp. 214, 244. (») Pedigree shewing the coiiEinsrur to the Barony ok Beaumont, when TERMINATED IN 1840. [Descent— Through the families of Be.vgmont and Stapleton to Eimisctos, now Stapleton.] John (Beaumont), Lord Beaumont, sum to Pari, as such=f= 1432-39 : a: Viscount Beaumont, 1440 ; i. 1460. William, Viscount Beaumont, Lord Bar- dolf and Lord Beaumont, d. s.p. 1508. an Staple- ton of Carlton, co. York, ( /. 10 Dec. 1496. _j Joan, 1st da., (/. before 1508. at- Sir Brian Stapleton, tk' and h. Found to be one of the two coheirs of William, Lord Beau- mont. He (/. 20 March, 1550-1. Francis, Lord Lovel, tainted 14S5, but d. s.p. 14S8 in the lifetime of his uncle, Lord Beaumont. I Sir John Norreys, s. and h. Found to be one of the two coheirs of William, Lord Beau- mont. He d. s.p. legit. 1564. John (Lovel),=f=Joan Lord Lovel. ( I cl. (v.f.) 150S. Sir Edward= Ncrreys of Yattendon, Berks. Henry Norreys, : 2nd s., attainted and executed (1536), 28 Hen. VIII. 1 ^Frideswide, 2nd and yst. da., d. before 1508. 1 Two sisters. See Sub ; note * Sir Richard Stapleton, s. and=j= h. d. 11 Jan. 1584-5. | Brian Stapleton, s. and h. d. 13 Dee. 1607.=j= Richard Stapleton, s. and=f= h. d, 17 April 1636. | i - — 1 Henry Norreys, only s. and h. re-' Stored in blond onto, sum. by writ as Lord "Norris de Rycote", 1572, d. 1600. William Norreys, s.-p and h. ap., d. v.p. | the then notions of representation that a considerable amount of i was wasted in consequence of their Lordships having (in 1791)

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time and expen directed that " the representatives of Anno and Margaret, sisters of the attainted Henry Norreys (who, it must be remembered, himself left issue), should be traced by Mr. Stapleton, and being found should be sewed with notices of his claim," their Lordships apparently believing that an attainder not only prevented the succession «f the rightful heir to a dignity but actually had the effect of introducing a new line of heire. The result of this search is printed " in the Prospectus and Specimen of a Proposed Work on the present State of Baronies by Writ, by Francis Townsend, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms" [1820 to 1833], pp. 16, folio, no date. The author was s. (and owner of the MSS.) of Francis Townsend, Windsor Herald [1784 to 1819], whose valuable additions to " Dugdale" are given in the "Coll. Top. et Gen."