Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/411

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EOTREAUX. 389 Saxony that year, and subsequently (13S0) was in that (into Portugal) against Spain. Ho was, on 24 Feb. (1367/8), 42 Ed. 1II.,( ;1 ) sum. to Pari, aa a Baton, (LORD BOTREAUX) to 12th September (1300), 14 Rio. 11.0') He m. before 1375 Elizabeth, <la. of Sir Ralph D.uueny, by Catharine, bis 1st wife, sister and h. of Thomas ile Thwcngc. He </. 10 Aug. 1301. His widow ((. May 1133. II. 1391. William (de Botreaux), Loud Botreaux, ?. and h. aged 24 at bis father's death, lie was sum. to Pari. 7 Sep. (1291), 1 5 Hie. II. lie m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of John de St. Lue, by Margaret," bis wife, lie d. 25 May, 1302. His widow d. i Sept. at some date before 1468. I IT. 1392. •/. Wiujam (de Botheaux), LonD Botoeato, s. nrrd h. b. 1380 lie was sum. to Pari. 1 Dee. (1412), 11 Hen. IV. to 23 May (MOD, 1 Kd. IV., ("jbcing present jn tin- House 10 Oet. (Mill), 7 Hen. V>) In 1415 he attended Doury V. in his expedition to France. He m. before 1415 Elizabeth, da. of John in: Kvkkingiiam, of Lax ton, Notts. He </. ftp. m. (1402), 2 Ed. IV. having by a will dated so lung bark as 1115, directed to be bur. at the church of Cadbtuy. Aduum. 1 July, 1 102, at Lambeth. 1-16J. .', Mabgai<et, mo jure, Baroxess Botreaux, (styling liereclf " Margiirnta, d'na Uotreaux ") only da. and b. aged 10 years at her fathtr's death. Shi' was widow of Robert i llungei ford), 2nd Loud HUKGBBFOIU), who ({. 1459. She </. 1177 and was bur. in Salisbury Cathedral. See fuller account under 11 HBSOKRVOBD," Barotiy, cr. 1426. Y. 1177. r>. Maty, mtojurt', Bauoness BoraEAtrx, great grau<lcliild and h. being da. and h. of Thomas HvsuiAivoun attainted and executed 140?, by Anne da. of Henry (Percy) Eaiil of NORTHUMBERLAND, which Thomas was B. and h. of Robert (Hungerford) Lord Hungerford and de Moleyns, attainted and executed 1403, the said Robert being s. and h. of Robert, Lord Hungerford by Margaret sua jure Baroness Botreaux above-named.^ 1 ) This Mary in. Edward Hastings (s. and h. of William, Loud Hastings tie Jlirslinys) who in her right was, v.p. sum. to Pari, as Loud Hastings DE Huxgeiuord in 14S2 ; altbo' the attainders of the last Lord Hungerford and his son were not reversed till 14S5. After that reversal the Harmless Botreaux, became (by inheritance) suo jure Baroness Hi'ngeukord and Baroness ue MOLEYN&C) Lord Hastings (/. 8 Nov. 1507. His widow, the Baroness, m. in 1511, Sir Richard,, and was living 1517. See fuller account under " Hastings de Heating) " Barony cr. 1461. (■') So adjudged by the House of Lords, 1st August, 1871. ('•) " Though Dugdale states that William [the] 1st Baron, was sum. to Pari, until the 15 liich. II., it is most probable that the Writ of that year, 7 Sept. 1391, was dnected to his son, for this Baron d. Thursday, 10 Aug. 1391, leaving William his son twenty- three years of age. who ('. on the 25 May, 1392, and, unless this conjecture be correct, without having be. n sum. to Pari William, A is son, was, [in 1412] soon after coming of age, sum. as is stilted in the text."— See "Nicolas." m There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of bis having sat. ('■) These attainders of persons who el. in the lifetime of the late [1462-77] Baroness Botreaux would not affect the transmission of her peerage to their descendants. See under "Atiioi.e " p. 1S9 note "e." ('-) " She styled herself Lady Hungerford, Hornet, Botreaux, Moels, Mobiles, and Peveiell. Hornet and PerereU were never Parliamentary Baronies. Moels, though a Barony by Writ, was not absolutely vested in the said Lady Hungerford, as she was only sole "heir of one moiety and coheu- of the other moiety of that dignity." See " Nicolas."