Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/412

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390 r.OTREAirx. VI. I5SQ1 (>. Okow,i- (Hastings), Loud H^shkijs Hattings, »■ mid h., (bj l.-t husband) who hud already, cnej 8 Nov. Io07, tut. his Father in that Barony, and v. Irish.', (u liis mother's Baronies at llov death, as LORD BotREAUX. LOUD HlNGKRl'ORD AND LOUD UK Moi.kyns. (hi S Dee. 1529 he was ,t. I'.ahI of Hl'NTINUIiox. lie i/. -J 1 March 1545. VII. 1543. 7. Francis (Hastisgs*, Earl m- Hextixgdox, Lord Botrkafx, s. and ft", </. 22 June l.'OO. VIII. 15G0. 8. Emm (Hastings) F.aki. or ]1i tingi>on, Loud Botrbacx, &o., s. and 1 , (/. 1 ( Doc. 1595* IX. 1503. 0. George (Hastings), Haul or IIuxtixodqx, Lord Botrkaux, &c., br. and h., d. 31 Dec. 1001. X. 1G04. 10. IIkmiv (ILwn.i.s Eahl of lltrsTOfGUGSi Lord Botrkux, Ac, grandson and h., d. 14 Nov. 10 IS. XI. 1G 13. 11. Ferdixanuo (Hastings!, Karl 0* HuSTUffi- do.v, Loi;n lUmtE.wx, he-., s. and h., rf. 13 FtfU lfl®8i XII. 1G3G. 11. Theiu'iiiixs (Hastings), Kari. <<v Huxtixg- D"N, Loud Botreai'x, &e., s. and h., d. :i0 May 1701. XIII. 1701. Georok (Hastings), Kari. ok Huxtixodox, Lord Botioui x, Sc., s. and h., d. mini. 22 Fcltf 1701/.".. XIV. 1705. /.;. TnEoraiLUS (Hastings), Kari. od? tlyxTESC- Do.w, Lord llOTBK'AUX, &c., br. and h., d. 13 (Jet, 1710. XV. 174G. 1">. Francis (Hastings*, Kari. or llcxTixunnx, Lord BotuK.vcx, s. and h., d. 11:1m. 2 Oct. 17sy, when the Earldom of Huntingdon paused to the heir mitt, while the Baronies of Botrcanx, &e., passed to the h. yen. as under. XVI. 17S9. in. I'.i.i/aiiktii, Caesma nv Moira, [I.] and stt'tjiitv Baroness Botrkaiw, Baroness IIi'ngkrfori>. Baronf-^ in: Molfyns and Baroness Hastings (& lladinys, sister ami h.. being third wife Of .l.,lm (UawduS) l sl Karl ok Moira [[.], to whom she was ;.>. 55 Feb. 17;'.2. lie r/. Juno ] ~,:>, She ./. 1 1 April 1S0S. See fuller account under " Moira, " Kiirldom of [I.], cr. 17(12-; XVII. 1808. 17. Francis (Rawhon - Hastings, formerly 1 j Rawdon), Karl or Moira ami Baron Rawdon [L], s. and li., I g. who had already (June 17!f3) xtu: iiis Father iu the Peerage [I.], and who on 4 I ~ March 1783 had been cr. Baron Rawdon [<!.!!.] Re inc. to his mother's I <5 Baronies at her death (1 SOS), becoming Loud BoTue.U'X, In ISO'. 1 his right to one of these four Baronies (so inherited) r/c. that of Hastings of Hustings was admitted, and he took his seat accordingly. On 13 April 1817 he was n: Marqfess or Hastings. He d. 28 Nov. 1S20. XVIII. 1826. IS. George Acgustus Francis (Rawdon-I I ast- incs), Marquess or Hastings, Lord BotbkaUx. &c, s. and h, d. 13 Jan. 1844. XIX. 1844. 1.9. Faulyn Reginald Serlo (Rawdox-IIast- ings), Marquess or Hastings, Lord Botheaix, Ice., s. and h., (I. a minor and num., 17 Jan? 1851. XX. 1851 .10. Henry Weysford ri.ANTAiiF.NET to (Rawdon-Hastings), Marqi'Kss or Hastings, [U.K.], Lord 1.SG8. OllKY UK Rl'TIIIN,(*) (1324 i, BolRKAlX [iAOS , 1 1 INilKliKoIll) (1420), Dn Moi.kvns (1 1 If.), and Hastings dc tta>tin;it (1481), in Knglnnd, and Baro.y Ritoow [G.B.], «!«>, Kaiii.J X 2 (") On the IS Nov. ISM he tuC, his mother in ties Barony, of which, at his death, in 1S0S, the represcntiition devolved between his 5 sisters — viz , the I daughters (hereafter mentioned) of his Father, and llnrbara, Baroness Cliurslotl, the da. of his said mother by her 2nd husband, Admiral Sir Hastings Reginald Velverton.