Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/45

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ABERGAVENNY. 23 X. 1641. 10, 3, or 1. John* (Xevill), Lord Bergavenny, eldest snrv. b. and h. male, being eldest s. by second wife. He was 8 years old in 1622. He appears to have sat in Parl.,( h ) his name being among those sum. S May (13 Car. II) 1661. He m. Elizabeth, da. and coheir of John Chamrer- laise of Sherborne Castle, Oxon, by Katharine, da. of Francis Plowdeu of Plowden, Salop. He d. s.p., 23 Oct. 1662. Will dat. 2 Aug. 1661 (remaining, apparently, among the family deeds), devising his lands to his wife to sell for payment of his debts, Arc. His widow d. before 169-1. Admou. 5 Jan. 1693-4 (wherein she is styled "Elizabeth, Baroness Dow. of Abergavenny," of Sherborne, Oxon. widow), to a creditor; Lady Mary GoiUNii, sister and next of kin, renouncing. XI. 1GG2. 11, J,, or 1, George (Nevill), Lord Bergavenny , bp, and h. He appeal's never to have been sum. to Pari. He m. Mary, sister of Sir Henry Gifkord of Burstall, co. Leicester, Bart., da. of Thomas Gifkord of DutttOB Walet, Essex, M.D., by Anne, da. and b. of Gregory BkooksHY of Burstall aforesaid. He d. 2nd and was bur. 14 June 1666 at Birling. Will dat. IS May 166«, proved 16 Juty following. His widow m. (as his second wife) Sir Charles Shelley of Miohelgrove, Sussex, 2ud Bart., who d. 1681. She was bur. 14 Nov. 16U9, from St. Giles-iu-the-Fields, at St. Pancras, Midx. Her will, in which she describes herself as seized of the manor of 1'ortslade, Sussex, dat. 10 and Iff. 22 Nov. 1699. XII. 1GGC. 12, 5, in- George (Xevill), Lord Bergavenny, only s. and h. b. 21 April 1665, sue. to the title at a year old. His name appears in the roll of the Pari, of 1685 as "under age." He m. Houora, da. of John (Belasysb), 1st Lord Belasyse of Worlaby. by his third wife Anne, da. of John (Pai'LEt), 5th Marquess of Winchester. He d. s.p., 26 March 1695, and was bur. at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx. Will, in which he mentions no relations but speaks of his " now wife," dat. 30 .Inly 1694, and pr. 29 March 1695. ( c ) His widow d. 1 Jan. 1706-7, and was bur. 9, at St. Giles afsd. Her will dat. 5 June 1706, pr. 9 Jan. 1706-7 by Dame Barbara Werb, the sister. XIII. 1G95. 13, 6, or 1. George (Xevill) Lord Bergavenny, cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of George Nevill fby Mary, da. of Sir Bulstrode Whitelock), who was only s. and h. of Richard Nevill, the s. and h. ap. of Sir Christopher Nevill, of Newton St. Loo, Somerset, K B , who was youngest s. of Edward, Vlllth and br. of Henry, IXth Lord. He sue. his father in 1665, thirty- years before he sue. to the Peerage. He took his seat in the House of Lords on 1 May 1695. Excepting on the theory that his writ was incidental either (1) to a Patent (hitherto undiscovered) of 1603 to his ancestor, or of 1695 to himself, or (2) to the tenure of the Castle, such writ must (according to all modern Peerage law) have sr. a Barony in fee and one de novo of the date of 1695. He m., 1701 or 1702, Anne, da. of Nehemiah Walker, of co. Midx., " a sea captain," from whom he apparently was separated in 1708. He d. 11 March 1720-1, in his 63rd year. Will dat. 16 Dec."l708, in which he revokes all benefits hitherto made to his wife Anne, pr. (with a cod. 24 Nov. 1720) 17 Aug. 1723.C) His widow m. (as his second wife) John (West) 1st Eajil de la Warr, who d. 16 March, 1760. She d. July 1748. (") His elder br. (of the half blood), Sir Thomas Nevill, K.B., d., v.p., 1628, leaving two sous (both of whom d. unm., one in 1637 and the other in 1639) and one da., viz., Margaret, m. Thomas Brooke of Madeley, Salop, who was aged 49 in 1663, when their grandson and h. ap., Basil Brooke, was aged 4 years. See Visit, of co. Stafford, 1 663. Among their numerous descendants would vest any Barony in fee possessed by Edward Nevill, sum. by writ in 1604 as Lord Bergavenny. — (See pedigree, p. 25.) ( b ) In Dugdale's " Summons " it is written in this case " Abergavenny," but in the next (1685) as bergavenny. _ ( c ) On his death any Barony in fee possessed by his father would have passed to his niece Frances, da. of Sir John Shelley of Michelgrove, 3rd Bart., and only child of her mother, Winifred, only da. of George, xi"' Baron. She m. Richard, 5th Viscount Fitz- william (I.), and d. 1777, aged about 90. In 1837 the Earl of Pembroke and Edwd. Bourchier Hartopp were her representatives. — (See case of the claim of the Barouy Vaux of HiuTowden, see also pedigree, p. 25.) ( d ) His will is signed " Bergavenny," and this appears to be the last signature, so spelt, of any of these Lords.