Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/46

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24 ABERGAVENNY. XIV. 1720-1. 14, 7, or 2. George (Nevill), Lord Bergavenny, or Abergavenny, 2nd but 1st surv. s. aud h., h. 16 May 1702. He m. 19 March 1722-3, Elizabeth, 1st sister aud coheir of Gideon Thornicroft of Dodington and Linstead, Kent, and da. of Co). Edward Thohxichokt of Westminster by Mary, only da. aud eventually sole h. of Sir William Delaine of Stansted, Kent. He d. a.p., 15 Nov. 1723, of the small pox His widow (by whom lie had two posthumous daughters, both of whom, b. 20 Nov., d. 1 Dec. 1723), m. Alured Pinke, of Stansted afsd., and of Lincolns Inn, and Tottenham Higli Cross. Midx., who d. Dec. 1755. Shed, i and was bur. 12 March 1778, aged 85, at Tottenham afsd. Her will dat. 26 Uet 1770, pr. U March 1778, by her s. Alured Piuke. XV. 1723. IS, 8, or 8. Edward (Xeviix), Lord Beromvenny, or Abkrga venn y, br. and h. He m. 30 April or 6 May 1724, at the Fleet Chapel, London, Catharine, da. of Lieut.-Gen. William Tatton of St. Margarets, Westm. (who d. June 1736) by his first wife who was dead before 1717. He d., also of the small pox, s.p., 9 Oct. 1724( a ), in his 19th year. Admon. 27 Oct. 1724, to "Gideon Harvev, Esq., curator of Catharine, Baroness Dow. of Abergavenny" ( b ) till her age of 21. His widow m. in May 1725, his successor. William, Loud Abergavenny, as under:— XVI. 1724. 16, 0, or 1. "William (Nevili,), Lord Abergavenny, ( c ) cousin and h. male, being only «. and h. of Kdward Nevili, Capt. U.K. (by Hannah, da. of Jervois Thorpe), who was br. to George, xiijth Lord. He sue his father 12 Sep. 1701, twenty years before he sue to the Peerage. He took his seat in the House of Lords on 12 Nov. 1724. Capt. of the Yeoman of the Guards 1737. Master of the Jewel Office 10 Feb. 1738-9. In 1730 be built a residence at Kidbrook in East Grinstead, Sussex (an estate purchased by sale of outlying oues), and gave up residing at the old mansion of the family at Birling. He m. 20 May 1725 Catharine, Dow. Lady Abergavenny, (widow of the last Lord) above-named She d. 4 Dec. 1729, and was bur. 12 at Kensington. Shortly a fter her death he recovered £10,000 damages in an action against " Richard Lvddel, Esq.," for crim. con. He in. secondly, 20 May 1731, Rebecca, da. of Thomas (Herbert), 8th Eahi. OK Pembroke, by his first wife Margaret, da. of Sir Robert Sawyer He d. at Bath 21 Sep. 1744, and was bur. 30 at East Grinstead, Sussex. Admon. 20 Nov. 1744 to his widow. She d. at Gad- desden, Herts, 20 Oct, 1758, and was bur. with her husband. Will dat. 1 April 1758, pr. 7 Nov. following. XVII. 1744 17, 10, or 2. George (Neviu.), Lord Aberoavex.nv, Earls 011,y surv ' B ' an ^ kj ty" first wife, 6. 24 June 1727 at St. Margaret's, AVestminster, the King, George II, being his godfather. In July 1757 I. 1784. he was appointed Lord Lieut, of Sussex, but resigned in 1759. On 17 May 1784 he was cr. VISCOUNT NEVILL of Birling, co. Kent, and EARL OF ABERGAVENNY, co. Monmouth.(l) He m. 5 Feb. 1753 at Stanmer, Sussex, Henrietta, widow of the Hon. Richard Temple of Romsey, Hants, sister of Thomas, 1st Earl of Chichester, being da. of Thomas Pei.ham of Stanmer aforesaid, by Anuetta, da. of Thomas Bridges. She, who was b. 1 and bap. 22 Aug. 1730 at St. Anne's, Westminster, d. 31 Aug. 1768, aud Wan bur. 8 Sep. at East Grinstead. AdmoD. 24 July 1779 to her husband. He d. 9 Sep, 1785 and was bur. at East Grinstead. Will pr. Sep. 1785. ( a ) On his death any Barony in fee possessed by his father (who sat in the House in 1695) would have vested in his sisters, viz., (1) Jane, b. 8 March, 1703, m. John Abel Walter, of Busbridge, Surrey, and d. 19 March 1786, leaving numerous descendants ; and (2) Ann, b. about 1715, who, like her mother (but unlike her brothers and sister, all of whom were her seniors), received no benefit under her father's will or codicil, and who d. mini. March 1736-7, in her 22nd year.— See Pedigree, p. 25. ( b ) Her father had m. (26 Feb. 1716-7, at St. Mary Aldermary, London) Ann, da. of Gideon Harvey, m.d., Physician to the Tower of London. (<•) In Garter's Roll, 13 Jan. 1729-30, the title first appears as "Abergavenny," and continues ever afterwards as such. The death of George, Lord Ecrgavenny, on 15 Nov. 1723, is noted on a previous roll. (*) The creation of an Earldom of the same place as that of a Barony, but with a different limitation is very objectionable as, in the event of their separating, the anomaly arises of two persons being designated of one and the same place— e.g. in 1717