Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/83

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ALBEMARLE. 61 tot dk Maiis. Hi- Wns h. l(!7n .in<l attended the Prince of Orange, in 16S8, to 16S9 in- 1600 ' [ J. Piers (I'.iTLKit), Visoocnt Galmoy [I]., cr. EARL OF NEWCASTLE [1. I]. His issue male ex. 1740. 16S9 ot 1690 ? [ j. DoMJMCK ROG&B, Alderman of Limerick, a: BARON TARBERT and VISCOUNT CAHIRAVAHILLA [I.] See Ferrer's " History of Limerick." 1090-1. Jan. [— ]. PATRICK SaRSMELD (the celebrated Irish General), en BARON ROSBERRY, VISCOUNT OK TULLY, and EARL OF LUCAN, co. Dublin [I.], by a patent brought over from St. Qermaius to Ireland by the Lord Deputy Tyrcounell [I.] His only son d. s.p. 1691 ? Sir Edward Hales of Woodobjweh, Kent, Barf, cr. EARL OF TENTERDEN with a spec. rem. His issue male ex. 1829. 1891 ! Sin Edward Berbers, sometime ( 1 GS5-87) Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, was appointed by James II, when in exile, his Lord Chancellor and cr. EARL OF PORTLAND. He <i. s.p., Nov. 1698. 1092. April 17. John (Duummonp), Eaiilof Melfort [S.], cr. DUKE OF MELFORT, as also "MARQUIS OF FORTH. EARL OF ISLA AND BURNTIZLAND, VICOMTE OF RIKERTON, LORD CASTLEMAINS AND G ALSTON" [S.],* with the like spec. rem. as his former honours. K.G. (by James II) 1692. Attainted by Will. Ill 1695. [His heir was restored 2S June 1853.] IB . . [ ]. Kenneth (Mackenzie), Earl of Seaforth [S.], cr. MARQUESS OF SEAFORTH [S.] KT (by Jac. II). Attainted by Geo. I, 1716. His issue male ex. 1815. 1690 ? [ ]. Henry Fitz James, cr. DUKE OF ALBEMARLE. He d. s.p. 1702. 1698- April 12. Yiuuiuo Dayia, Senator of Bologna, cr. BARON D AVIA, VISCOUNT MONETISE and EARL OF ALMOND [S.] [ ] . . . POBCBJX, said to have been cr. BARON LOUGHMORE [I.] sed quere. Nicholas Purcell, Lord of the Barony of Longmqw, eo. Tipperaiy, was Col. of a Regiment of Home in James II's army [I.] 16S9. Many of that name " followed the fortunes of James the Second to the Continent." See " King James' Irish Army List, 1689," by J. D'Alton. Edit. 1S55, pp. 239-245. [ ] • . . De Ca.ntili.on, said to have been cr. BARON BALLYHIGUE [I.] sed quere if not a French creation ! The arms of " Cautillon de Ballyhigue " are blazoned in H. Gourdon de Genouillae, Jlecueil d'Armoires des MaUom NoUes de France, Paris 1860, 8vo. "The Chevalier Antoine Sylvian de Cautillon, Baron de liallyheige in France" is mentioned in Sir B. Burke's " Gen. Armory," 1S78. The abovenamed creations of James II (since 21 Dec. 10SU), if arranged according to the highest dignity conferred (omitting the incidental titles), amount to 4 Dukedoms, viz ;— Tyveonneli . Powis [E.], Melfort [S.] and Albemarle [E.] ; one Mai-nuessnte, viz :— Seaforth [S.] ; 0 EaRLDOUS, vii :— Dover [E.], Newcastle [Qy. L ?], Wan [I. J. Tentmlen [[■:.], Portland [E.] and Almond [S.] ; 4 Viscounteies, viz :— Iveumare [I.], Mounteashell [I.], Mount Leinster [I.] and Cahiravahilla [I.]; and 5, nr 7 Bauomes, rir:— Fitton [I.], Bowie of Bophin [I.],Nugent of Riverston [I.],Esk, [E.], C'leworth [E.J. and (Qy.) Loughmore [L] and (Qjr.j BaUyhigue [L] In all 20, or 22 creations, of which 6 (Tyrcounell, Powis, Jerrnyn, Galmoy, Melfort and Seaforth) were already Peers of the Kingdom in which they were thus granted a dignity of a higher grade. THE FOLLOWING PEERAGES WERE CREATED BY JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD STUART, titular " JAMES III," 1701-66. A&fe-.The number of creations so made, and, more especially, the dates on which these were bestowed are so imperfectly known (excepting as to the three peerages granted in 1701) that the list is arranged according to the rank of the Peerage conferred. _ It is to be observed that there are some Scotch creations among them ajta- 1/07, inasmuch as the Union with Scotland was not recognised by the exiled House of Stuart. See " Riddell," pp. 963-965. On 28 June 1853, the h. male of his body, George 1 aimonci ) Rue de Melfort in France, was restored in blood, and consequently became !,™ to the Earldoms of Perth and Melfort [S.]; inasmuch as his ancestor, the «t Earl of Melfort {cr. Duke by James II in 1689 as above) was 2nd s. of the 3rd t. T ,,f rth ' and " ext br - to the ^th Earl (cr. Duke of Perth by the titular mm III) whose issue male had failed in 1760. G