Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/84

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62 ALBEMARLE. England as a page of honour, who, soon after his accession to the throne of DUKES. 1701. James (Drummono), Earl ok Perth [S.1 er. MARQUESS OF DRUMMOND and DUKE OF PERTH [&], KG. (by the titular James HI) 1700. His s. and h. ap. was attainted, v.p. (by (ieo. I), in 1715. Issue male of the grantee eas, 17t)0. IrrS. Jofi.v (Ebskixb), Haul of M.u;, [S.J, cr. DUKE OP MAR X.G. (by Die titular James HI) 1716. Attainted by Geo. I 1716. His issue male cr. 1766. 1717. William MrnuAT, styled Marquess ok Tuu.ibariiink (being s. and h. up. of John, Duke ok Atho'le [S.]), cr. DUKE OF RANNOCH fjft| He had been previously (171 3) attainted by Geo. I, but at the Court of St. Germains was (of comae) recognised, on his father's death (14 Nov. 1724), as Duke ok Athoi.k [S.] He d. s.p., !) July 1746, in the Tower of London. 1717. Don Jose Be Bozas, Conde del Castelwanco, cr. a Duke.* Qy. DUKE OS castelwanco ? 1721. GeobGb (Ghanvili.k), Loud Lansdowne (so cr. by Queen Anne), cr. a Duke.* Qy. DUKE OF LANSDOWNE ? He d. s.p.m, a 1731-5. 1722. Charles (Butler), Eabl ok Arban [I.], it. a Dike.* Qu. DUKE OP ARRAN [I.]? On 16 Nov. 1745 he became, dc jure, Duke ok Okmonuk [1.], but never assumed that title. He d. s.p., 17/i.S. 1722 Thomas (Wextwouth), EaRL ok Strakkori) (so cr. by Queen Anne), cr. a Duke.' Qi/. DUKE OF STRAFFORD ? His issue nude er. 1791, 1726. Philip (Wharton), Duke ok Wharton (so cr. by Geo. 1.), was; in 1726, num. KG. by the titular James HI, and cr. DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, Attainted by Oeo. II in 172S. He d, s.p., 1/31. 1740. Simon (Fbaskb), Lord Lovat [S.], er. DUKE OF ERASER [S.]. AMa/ai^ by Geo. II in 1717. His issue male ex. 1815. 1746.' Henry Benedict Maria Clement Stuart, 2nd and yst. s. of the titular James III, attuning the age of twenty-oue years ou 21 March 1746 was probably about that time (if not earlier) cr. (by his father) DUKE OF YORK. Certainly U early as 1747 when he was made a Cardinal Bishop, he was popularly known it "Cardinal York." He d,, unm., 13 July 1807, in his 83rd year, being the last legitimate descendant of James If. MARQUESS. 1720 ? James Francis Fitz James, itylcd Earl ok Tinmouth (being s. and h. ap. of James, (attainted) Duke ok Berwick), er. Marquess ok Jamaica. He was also rr. a Spanish Duke, M Duke ok Lihia. K.G. (by the titular James III), 1725. In 1734 he tut, his father, and d. 1738. His issue male still (18S4) exists. EARLS. 1701. Charles (Middleton), 2nd Earl ok Middleton [S.], one of the Principal Secretaries of State to the late King James II (attainted by Will. HI- 30!tf>), cr. EARL OF MONMOUTH. He appears to have d. s.p.m.s. 1706 '! William Graham, of Duntroou, co. Forfar, appears to have been vain. K.T. (by the titular James III) in 170S. either as VISCOUNT DUNDEE or EARL 01-' DUNDEE [S.]. Had it not been for the attainder by Will. Ill (which, of ctmrMj M ould not be recognised at St. Geriiiaius), he would, as h. male gen. of tlw celebrated John Graham of Claverhouse (cr. Viscount Dundee in Nov. 16SS WW a spec. rem. to such heirs), have been entitled to the former title. He was attainted i>y Geo. I. in 1716. His a. and h., James Graham, of Duntroou. GA in Lord Ogilvy's regiment, also assumed the title. He also was attainted M 1746, and d. an exile, at Dunkirk, in 17511, having previously (1735) sold th«  family estate of Duntroon to his uucle, Alexander Graham. 1715. Henry (St. John), Viscount Bolincibhokk (bo cr. by Queen Anne), cr. an Earl. (id. KARL OK BOLINQ BROKE ? Attainted by Geo. I, 1714. He d. s.p., 1MB. 1716. William (Villiers), Earl ok Jersey (whose father had been so er. by Will. UD. cr. (by the description of " William Villiers, s. of Sir Edward Villiers and Barbara, his wife ") an Earl.* Qy. EARL OF JERSEY ? He d. 1721, being ancestor of the succeeding Earls of Jersey. 1713. Col. the Hon. John Hay, of Cromlix (3rd s. of Thomas, 0th Earl ok KiNNomx

  • The name of the title unknown,