Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/159

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158 CARNARVON. IT. 1643, jft (Dormer), Earl of Carnarvon [1028], tii Viscount Ascott [1628] und Baron Dormer ok Wyng [1015], also a ■t -ao Baronet [1615], Hereditary Chief Avenor and Keeper of tlie King's 1 ' • Hawks, &e., only s. and h., 4. 25 Oct.. and bap. 26 Nov. 1682 at St. Benet's, Paul's Wharf. Loudon. He hi. firstly, in or before 1653, Elizabeth, da. of Arthur (Capell), 1st Baron CAPBLL ok Hadham, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir Charles MorysON. She d. 30 July and was bur. 7 Aug. 1678 at Wing, Bucks. He m. secondly, Mary, da. of Montagu (Bertie), 2d Karl ok Lindsey, by his second wife, Bridget, suo jure Baroness Norreys dh Rycotk. She, who was 6. and bap. 1 Sep. 1655 at Campden House, Kensington, Midx., rf. s.p. 3D June 1709. Will pr. July 1709. He d. a ) a few mouths later, at Ascott House, 29 Nov. 1709, and was bur. at Wing afsd., when the Earldom und Visrountci/ (both cr. 1628) became extinct, but the Barony (cr. 1615) devolved on his cousin and h. male. See " Dormer," Barony, cr. 1615. [Charles Dormer, styled Viscount Ascott, 1st a. and h. ftp. by 1st wife ; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) '22 April 1664, being then aged 11. He was cr. M.A. (being then of Morton College) 8 Sep. 1665. He d. v.p. a minor and num.] III. 1714. Marquessate I. 1710. Marquessate. II. Earldom. IV. Marquessate. III. Earldom. V. 1. James (Bryooes), Baron Ciiandos op SuheleyI Castle, having sue. his Father, 16 Oct. 1714, in that dignity, was, a few days afterwards, 19 Oct. 1714, cr. VISCOUNT WILTON co. Hereford, ami EARL OF CARNARVON. On 29 April 1719 he was n: MARQUESS OF CARNARVON and DUKE OF CHANDOS. He d. 9 Aug. 1744. 1744. 1771, 1789. $. Henry (Bryoges), Duke of CHANDOS. MAKO.UESS OK C-ARNARVON, EARL OK Carnarvon, &c, only surv. s. anil 1l male. He d. 28 Nov. 1771. S. James (Brydges), Duke of Ciiax- dos (1719), Marquess ok Carnarvon (1719), Earl ok Carnarvon (1714), and Baron Chandos ok Suoelky Castle (1554), only s. and h. He d., s.p.ra., 29 Sep. 1789, when all his honours became extinct. V 9 r- t - !§ o Earldom. Henry (Herbert), Baron Porcitester of Hich Clere, was, on 3 July 1793, cr. EARL OF THE TOWN AND VI. 1793. COUNTY OF CARNARVON. He was s. and h. of Major Gen. the Hon. William HerreRT (5th s. of Thomas, 8th Earl ok Pembroke) by Catherine Elizabeth, da. of ( — ) Tkwes of Aix la Cbapelle. He was b. 20 Aug. 1741 ; sue. his Father 31 March 1757 in the estate of High Clere, Hants ; matric. at Oxford ( b ) (Ch. CL) 9 May 1760 ; and subsequently at Cambridge (Mag. Coll.) ; cr. LL.D, Cambridge 3 July 1769. He was M.P. for Wilton, 1768-80, ami, on 17 Oct. 1780, was cr. BARON PORCHESTER of HIGH CLERE co. Southampton. Thirteen years afterwards he was cr. Earl of Carnarvon as aforesaid. Col. in the army during service, 1794 ; Master of the Horse, 1806-07; P.O., 1806. Ha m. 15 July 1771, at her Father's House in Piccadilly (St. Geo. Han. sq.), Elizabeth Alicia Maria, 1st da. of Charles (Wyndham), 1st Earl of Egrbmont, by Alicia Maria, da. of George (Carpenter.), 2ml Baron Carpenter ok Killaohy [1]. He d. 3 June 1811. His widow, who was 6. 29 Nov. 1752 in St. Margaret's Westm. d. 10 Feb. 1826. (») Of his two surv. daughters and coheirs (1) Elizabeth, m. Philip (Stanhope), 2it Earl of Chesterfield and was grandmother of Philip Dormer, the celebrated Earl ; and (2) Isabella, m. Charles (Coote), 3d Earl ok Mountrath [I] and was ancestress of the succeeding Earls. ( b ) As " Comitis de Pembroke, vitafuncti, iiepos nat. max," a somewhat misleading description, inasmuch as that Earl was not represented by this his eldest " nepos " [which here means " nephew "J but by his son, the 10th Earl.