Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/160

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CARNARVON— CARNEGY. 159 VII. 1811. 2. Henry George (Herbert), Earl op Carnarvon, &c. a. and h., b. in Hill street 3 June and bap. 22 Juue 1772 at St. Geo. Han .Sq. ; was MP. for Crioklade, (as Lord Porehester) 1799-1S11 ; Col. of the West Somerset yeomanry, 1803 ; High Steward of Newbury, fie. He m. 2ti April 179b', Elizabeth Kitty, sister and h. of Sir John Aclaud, 8th Bart., being only da. of John Dyke Aulaxd of Pixton, Somerset, by Christian Harriot Caroline, da. of Stephen (FoX- Stranoways), 1st Earl ok IlcHSSTER. She, who was b. 13 Dec. 1772, and who brought the estate of Piston, Somerset, to tliis family, d. 5 March 1813. He d. 16 April 1833. Will pr. July 1833. VIII. 18:53. 8, Hen ry John Georcje (Herbert;, Earl of Carnarvon, &C, s. and h., b. 8 June 1S00, in Grosvenor sq. ; ed. at Ktou and at Ch. Ch., Oxford, where he mat. (as Lord Porehester) 22 Oct., 1817. Lieut.-Col. West Somerset Veomanry, 1881 ; M.P. for Wootton Bassett, 1S32-33. High Steward of Newbury. He Mb 4 Aug. 1S30, at Aldingbourue, Sussex, Henrietta Aline, 1st da. of Lord Henry Thomas Howahu-Moly.neix-HowaRD, (br. to Bernard Edward, 12th Duke ok Norfolk) by Elizabeth, d. of Edward LONO., Ch. Judge of the Vice Admiralty Court at Jamaica. He d. 10 Dee. 1849, will pr. Fell. 1850. His widow, who was A. 17 July 1804, d. 26 May 1S70 at Pixton Park. IX. 1819. 4> Henry Howard Molyneux (Herbert), Earl op Cah.nauvon [1793] and Baron PobOHESTBB ok High Clerk [1780], 1st a. an 1 h., b. 24 June 1831 in Grosvenor scp Kd. at Eton and at Ch. Ch. Oxford ; matric. (as Lord Porchestcr) 17 Oct. 1849; first class in classics, 1S52; Constable of Carnarvon Castle, 1S54 ; Under Sec. of State for the Colonies,, 1858-59 ; High Steward nf the Univ. of Oxford, 16 April 1859 ; D.C.L, Oxford (by diploma) 10 June 1859 ; LL.D.. Cambridge, 3 June lt>64 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1866-67 and 1874-78 ; P.O. 1S66 ; F.S.A. 1876, and President of the Society of Antiquaries, 1S7S. High Steward of Newbury, 1S84. P.C. [I.] 18S5. Lord Lieut, ok Ireland, June 1885 to Jany. 1887. Hem. firstly, 5 Sep. 1861 at Westm. Abbey, Evelyn, da. of George (Stanhope) 6th Earl ok Chestkkkielu, by Anne Elizabeth, da, of Cecil Weld (Forester), 1st Baron Foresti: h of Willky. She who was 6. 3 Oct. 183 5 was sister and sole heir of the 7th Earl of Chesterfield who d. umn. 1 Dee. 1871 aged 40. She d. of puerperal fever 25 Jan. 1S75 at No. 16, Bruton Street, Midx. and was bur. in the cemetery at HJghclere. He in. secondly 26 Dec. 1S7S at Greystoke Church, Cumberland, hi* cousin, Elizabeth Catherine, 1st da. of Henry Howard of Greystoke Castle (s. and h. of his maternal uncle, Lord Henry Thomas HowahD-Molyneux- Howahd abovenamed), by Charlotte Caroline Georgiua, da. of Henry Hawes Lono of Hampton Lodge, Surrey. [Georqe Edward Stanu.u'e Molyneux Herbert, styled Lokd Porckester, a. aud h. by 1st wife, b. 26 Juue 1866 at No. 66, Grosvenor Street, Midx.: ed. at Eton.] Family Estates. These, in 18S3, consisted of 12,800 acres in Somerset (valued at £6,654 a year) ; 9,340 in Hants (.£6,500) ; 8 in Wilts (.£96) ; 6S in Devon (£36) ; 13,247 in Notts (£23,825) and 120 in oo. Derby (£100), of which the last two (in value considerably more than half of the whole) were the ancient inheritance of the Stanhope family. Total 35,583 acres, valued at £37,211 a year. Principal Resiliences, Highclere Castle (near Newbury), Hants, aud Pixton Park, West Somerset. CARNEGY OF KINNAIRD, and CARNEGY OF KINNAIRD AND LEUCHARS. 1. Bm David Carnegy of Kinnaivil, was. on 14 April, Barony [S.] 1616i c ,.. LORD CARNEGY OF 1UNNA1RD [S.] to him aud his I 1 ft 1 G heirs male bearing the names aud arms of Caruegy.^) On 22 June ' w 1633 he waa cr. EARL OF SOUTHESK, LORD CARNEGV OF l. 1G33. KINNAIRD AND LEUCHARS [S.] to him and his heirs male for ever. Sec " Southesk," Earldom of [S.], cr. 1633. (') Being erected " in Baronem mujorem et Dominum Parliamenti," a peculiar and probably unique form, marking, very clearly, the distinction between the Greater and