Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/161

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IGO CARNWATII. CAKNWATH. Earldom [S.] J. Sir Robert Dalzell of Dalzell, on. Lanark, s. and I 1630 • ot Rohel t D*W "f tll:lt b y Janet, da- <>f Gavin Hamilton of Raploch, is described as u Robert Dalzell, younger of Datecll," 12 Nov. 1596, in a charter of the lauds of Kliok ; and as "of Eliok." 26 Julv 1002; was knighted before 1002 and wai«, in consideration of his own merits and of the loyalty of his ancestors, on 18 Sep. 1628, cr. LORD OF DALZELL [S.j to him and his heirs male bearing the name and arms of Dalzell. On 21 April 1639 he was a: EARL OF CARXWATH [S.] with a like limitation. He m. Margaret, da. of Sir Robert Crichton of Cluny. He appears to have d.. a few mouths after his eleva- tion to the Earldom, in 1639. TI. 163!). ii. Robert (Dalzell), Haul ok Carxwath, &C. [§], s. and h. who as "Master of Dalzell " had, in 1634 and 103f>, charters of the Barony of Camwath. He was accused in June 1643 by the Scutch Convention of betraying the designs of the Scots to the King, and they on his retiring to Euglaud, fined him .£10,000 Sets. On 25 Feb. 1 1>45, he was "forfeit," sentenced to death, SC., the act providing "that his only lawful sou, Gavin, Lord Dalzell, shall enjoy not only all the estates but the title of Earl as if his father were dead." He was present at the battle of Naseby, 14 June 1615, the loss of which is attributed, by Lord Clarendon, to him, from his hindering the King charging the enemy at the head of his Guards. He in. firstly Christian, da. of Sir William DOUGLAS of Hawiek. He m. secondly Katherine, da. of John Abington of Dowdeswell, co. Gloucester. He was bur. 21 June 1654 at St. Margaret's Westni. Admon. 30 Oct. 1660 to his relict. His widow m. 30 Dec. 1661 at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, William W ATKINS of Westminster, aged about 60, a widower, she being aged about 26 (mar. lie. at Fac.-ott'.). This gentle- man appears to have d. before June 1662 when an admon. (not now existing) occurs of person of that name. She m. thirdly, as his second wife (mar. lie. 13 Feb. 1602/3 tVic. Gen. -off.), Samuel Coi.i.ixs of London, Doctor of Physic, then aged abuut 40. He, who entered and signed his pedigree at the Visit, of London, 1665, il. 11 and was bar. 19 April 1710 at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. The Countess Dow. of Camwath was our. (as such) 12 Aug. 1712 at St. Martin's afsd. Will dat. 15 May 1710, pr. 9 Aug. 1712. III. 1654. H. C.avix (Dalzell), Earl of Carxwath, &c. [8.] s. and li. by first wife, who, as early as 1016, wna, in consequence of the act of Pari, above alluded to. stilled Earl of Camwath. He fought on the King's side, Sep. 1051 at the battle of Worcester, where he was taken and detained prisoner for many years. He m. firstly Margaret, 1st da. and coheir of David Caiinegy, styled Lord CaHXEoy, (s. and h. ap. of David, 1st Eaiil ok Southesk [S] ) by Margaret, da of Thomas (Hamilton), 1st Eaiil of Haddington [S]. He m. secondly Mary, 1st da. of Alexander Eusiunk, styled Viscount Fentoun (s. and h. ap. of Thomas" 1st Karl of Kelue [S] ) by Ann, da. of Alexander (Setox), 1st Eaiil ok Dunekhmune [S]. By her he had no issue. He d. June 1674. Fun. entry in Lyon office. IV. 1674. J f . James (Dalzell), Earl of Carxwath, &c. [S], s. and h. by 1st wife, served heir to his father, 30 May 1676. He m, Mary, yst. da. of George (Seton), 3d Eaiil ok Wintoun [S] by his second wife Elizabeth, da. of John (Maxwell), Loud Heriiies [S], He d. s.p.m. 1683. His widow d, 15 and was bur. at Holyrood Chapel, 19 July 1698. Fun. entry in Lyon office. the Lesser Barons of Scotland. There are only, apparently, about half-a-dozen cases of which "Aston " is one (see, ante, vol. i, p. 168, note "c"), where the word "Baron", occurs in the creation of a Scotch Peerage, and in all it is subordinate to "Lord of Parliament." (») See note by the late R. R. Stodart in Foster's "Coll Gen." p. 52, and see also an article by the late Col. Chester at p. 31 of the same work.