Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/162

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CARXWATII. 161 V. 1GS3. 5. John (Dalz ell), Earl op Cabnwath, &c. [S], brother of the whole blood and h. male. Served h. to his br, 22 March 1091, was "a nobleman of good learning and well known in the science ot Heraldry." He d. num. Jtme 1702. Fun. entry in Lynn office. VI. 1702, 6. Robert (Dalzell), Earl op Carnwath, See, [S] to second cousin (onoe removed) and h. male, being s. and h. of Sir John 171G. 1J-U.ZKI.L, Rart. [&] by Harriet, da. of Sir William Murray, Bart. [S.] of Stanhope, which Sir John was s. and h. of Sir Robert Dalzell, or. a Bart. Kifir i ['"'J April 1666, s. and h. of the Hon. John D., all of Glenae, co. L ,[.!" Dumfriea, who was 2d s. of Robert, 1st Earl of Carnwath [S] 1737, abovenamed. In .March 16S9 he sue. his father in the Baronetcy and in the estate of ( ilenae afsd. He was ed. at Cambridge and was of tlii' English Episcopal Church. Engaging in the rising oti belialf of the exiled Royal line hi' was taken prisoner at Preston, 14 Nov. 1715 and his impeachment was read l'.l Jany. 1 71 r>/6 before the House of Peers. He pleaded guilty and was on 9 Feby. sentenced death as a traitor, and, being attainted, his estate of £S6'i per annum, as also his Peerage honours were fur/cited. His execution was, however, first respited, anil afterwards altogether remitted. He in. firstly, before 1703, Grace, 3d da. of Alexander (Montoomkky), Pth Earl ok Eolintoun [S], by his first wife, Margaret, da. of William Cochrane, styled Lord Cochrane. She d. He m. secondly, 3 June 1720, Urizell, da. of Alexander UnQUHART of Newhall. She d. 5 Sep. 1723. Hew. thirdly Hi Nov. 1728, Margaret, da. of Johu Hamilton of Bangour. Shed. 13 Feb. 1730 at Edinbugh. Fun. entry in Lyon office. He m. fourthly, July 1735, Margaret. 3d da. of Thomas Vincent of liamborough Grange, co. York. He d. July 1737 at Kirkmichael. His widow in London 11 April 1758. The following is an account of the successive heirs to the Grantee of the above Picragu after the forfeiture :— VII. 17-J7 '. 7. Alexander Dalzell, styling himself, and who, but for the attainder in 1716, would have been, Eaul of Cahnwath, &c. [S], s. and h. by 2nd wife. b. 2 and bap. 1 Feb. 1721/2, at St. James', Westra. He »t. before 1753, Elisaibeth Jackson, spinster. He d. 3 April 1787 at Kirkmichael. [Richard Dai.zki.t., styling himself Master of Carnwath or Lord Dalzell,

  • . and h. ap. b. 23 July, 1753. He m., in 1775, Elizabeth Johnston, spinster. He

d. s.p.m. a id v.p. in England, 5 July 1782.] VIII. 17S7. 8. Robert Dalzell of Glenae afsd., who, but for the attainder in 1710, would have been Earl of Carnwath, &c. [S], but who never assumed that title, 2d but Istsurv. s and h. male. He became a Member of the College of Advocates, Edinburgh, in 1776. He m. 18 March 1783, Anne, da. of David ARMSTRONG of Kirtleton, CO. Dumfries, Advocate. She d. at Edinburgh, 21 Feb. 1797. He d. at Glenae House 13 Feb. 1808. IX. 1S0S. '.). John Dalzell of fllenae afsd., wlio, but for the attainder, would have been Earl of Carnwath, &e. [S], but who never assumed that title, only s and b. b. 18 Aug. 1795. Was an officer in the ltoyal Navy. He d. unm. 10 Oct. 1S11, being slain in action off New Orleans. [X 1S14.] [10, or] 7. Robert Alexander. Dalzell, who, but for the attainder, would have been Earl of Carnwath, &c. [S.], cousin VII. 1S2G. and h. male, being only s. and h. of Robert Dalzell, by Elizabeth, da. of John Acklom of Wisetoii Hall, Notts, which Robert was youngest 8. of Robert, the 6th (and attainted) Earl, by Margaret, his 4th and last wife. He was 4. 13 Feb. 1768, and site, his father 31 July 17S3. He was an officer in the army and as " Major-Gou." obtained an act "for the restoration to the dignity and title of M