Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/170

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CARRI3S GTON — CARTERET . 169 I808-18S8 : LED., Cambridge, 1819. Ho m. firstly 6 July 1780 at Tottenham, Midx. Anne, 1st da. of Lewyne Boi.dkro-Barxaru of Cave Castle, co. York, by Anne, da. of William Poiti.kwki.i. of Monk Hill, near Poiitefract. She tl. 9 and was bur. 19 Feb. 1 S-27, at St. IVter's, Nottingham, aged 70. He m. secundly, I!. 1 Jan. 1836, at Bath, eo. Somerset, Charlotte, widow of Kev. Walter Tkevklvan, 3d dtt. of John HUDSON of Bossint:by. Co York, by Susanna, 2d da. of Sir Qeorge Tiikvei.vax, 3d Hart He tl. IS Sep. 183*8, and was bar. at Wycombe, Buck*. Will, e.. d;it. 22 July IS36, pr. 2 Nov. 1838. His willow, who was 4. at Beasingbv, 1 May 177o, </. at Bath 22 April 1849. Will pr. .Inly 1849. II. 183§. ■'■ Robert Jihix(Smitu, aflerwartls Cabhixotos), Babos CaURInoton ok Uiton [G.I!.] and Baron Carrinuton ok BtJLCOT Lowe [I,], onlv s. and h., by 1st wife, h. 10 Jan. 17!)(i : was cd. at Christ's Coll.. Owbrfdgei M.A. 1816. He was M.l'. for Wendover, 1818-20 ; for Be.eks. 1 S20-21 ; and for High Wycombe, 1831-38. Lord Lieut, of Bucks ami Colonel of the Bucks Militia. By royal lie. 2ti Aug. 1839 he and his issue took the name of Carr'nii/ton in lien of that of Smith, in compliance with a direction in his father's will. F.K.S., &c. Hew;., firstly, 17 June 1X22, Elixaleth Katharine, 2d da. of Cecil Weld (Fo«es*«), 1st RaRoX Forester ok Wii.i.i.y Park, by Katharine Mary, da. of Charles (Manners), 1th Dl'KK ok Kt TLAND. She, who was /;. 15 Nov. 1803. efc,, 23 July 1S32. He w.. secondly. 3 Aug. 1840, Charlotte Augusta Annabella, 2.1 and yst. surv. sister () and coheir of Alberie, Lord Willonghby de RresUy, being da. of Peter Robert (Druji- Moxn-Wlu.oi'uHRY), LoitD WtLLOUOHBT pf. Ekesby and BARON Gwyiur, by Clementina Sarah, da. and h. of James (DrummoXd), Baron 1 Irim.MoXD ok StoubaLL, who, hut for attainder, would have been Karl of Perth [S,] He d. 17 March 1888, in Whitehall yard, and was bur. 25th at Moulsoe, Bucks. His widow, who was b. 3 Nov., and Ac;*. 21 Dec. 1815, at St. Ceo., Han. s<p, </. 26 July 1879, in Berkeley 0$, Midx. III. 1SGS. ■!. Charles Robert (Carrington, afln-itiwrds Cakingtox), Rabox Cabuint.tox ok Upton [O.B.] and Baron ' 'aiirixo'Sbs ok Bel- cot Lodok [1.1. s. and h. bv 2d wife. I,, 10 Mav 1843, at Whitehall, Midx.; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll.. Cambridge; B.A., 1803 : M.l*. for Wycombe, 1605-88; Capt. Roys] Horse Guards. IHOS. By the death of his mother, 20 July 1.S79, ho inherited a nioiety of the office of .Ioixt IIebeimtaey GkEaT Chamberlain ok F.xolaxd,^') held by his maternal grandfather and maternal uncle, both Lords Willoughliy da Eresby, above- nauicd. By Royal lie. 21 Aug. 1S80. he and his brother were authorised to continue to use the name of Cnr'niytnn in lieu of Carrington. () Lieut. Col. Oxon Militia, 1SS1 ; Capt. of the Gentlemen- at-Arms, lS81-S. r >: P.C., 1SS1 ; Governor OF New Sooth Walks, 1880: G.C.M.G., 188.'. He Bt. 15 July 1878, at the Chapel Royal, White- hall, Cecilia Margaret, 1st da. of Charles (Harbord), N« Baiiox Sukkikld, by Cecilia Annetta, da. of H enry Barlno. She was b. 15 June I8;>6. family Estate*.— These, in 1883, consisted of 16,128 acres in Bncks ; 9,656 in co. Lincoln ; ami 25 in Beds. Total 25,809 acres, valued at £42,254 a year. Principal Jtciidcncc, Wycombe Abbey, near High Wycombe, Bucks. CARTERET, ami CARTERET OF HAWNE& Barony /. Sin Oeorge Carteret, Hart, was, on 19 (Jot, 1681 ] leg.] eft BARON CARTERET OK HAWNES, co. Bedford, with a spec- reui., failing heirs made of his body, to his brothers Philip Carteret and Edward Carteret in like maimer respectively. He was s. and h. of Sir Thilip ( ft ) This direction Was doubtless a final (indeed posthumous) effort to give an additional appearance of a descent (palpably untenable) from the " gentle" family of " Smith, alius Carrington " whoso title of Peerage had already been aequired. See ante, p. ttiS, note "e." ( b ) The Barony of Willongliby ile Kresby was, in 1871, called out of abeyance (she being one of the two coheirs thereof) in favour of her eldest sister. ( c ) See as to this office vol. i, p. 207, note "b." ( 4 ) It is staled ill the petition that their father bad altered the orthography of his (so recently assumed) surname of Carrington to that of Curinyton, prior to the birth of the petitioners, i.e., in the short period between 1839 and 1843.