Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/171

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170 C-AKTEE ET. C. by Jemima, da. of Edward (MoOTACtn), 1st E.v«i- of Saniumcii, which PbiWp, «m s. and h. ap of the celebrated loyalist, Sir George Carteret, Bart (so en fl May 1648) hut ('. v.p, 2S May 1872, being blown up (with, the Karl, his wife's Father 1 , in the naval engagement off Solebay. George C. was 6. about 1889, and, after having been HI. when a child, by the influence of his said Grandfather, me. him in the Baronetcy, 13 Jan. 1679 and was shortly afterwards raised to the Peerage as above. He in, (tic, at Kac. oft'. 15 March 1074/5) Grace, youngest da. of John (Guanvuxk), 1st F.m. or HATH, by Jane, da. of Sir Peter WycIIE. He <l. 22 Sep. 1695 aged '28 and was bur. at Hawnes "at'sd. Admon. 6 Nov. 1695 to his relief. Viscountcy 1. Grace, Baroness CARTERET, widow of the above, r i - 1 k having on 17 .May 1711, by the death of her nephew. William Henry (Granville), 3rd Eaul of Bath, become one of the ;! coheir- 1 to his vast estates, was, on 1 Jan. 171 1/5, a: VISCOUNTESS CARTERET (with a spec rem of that dignity, failing the heirs male of her body, to her husband's br. Edward Carteret abovenauied) and COUNTESS GRANVILLE. She ,t. 18 and was bar. 27 Oct. 1744 aged 77, in Westui. Abbey. Barony. TT. 1695. Viscountcy II. 1744. Viscountcy and Barony. HI 17G3, to 177G. „?. Jutix (Carteret), Bauon Carteret OF Hawnes on his Father's death in 1605, and Eahl Gkan- ville and VlSOOUKTf Cakteuet on the death of his mother in 171 1, s. and h., b. 22 April 1600. This celebrated Statesman (/. 2 Jan. 1763. S. KouEUT (Carteret}, Earl Granville [1715], Viscount Cakteret [1715] and Baiion Caiiteket OS Hawses [1681], also a Baronet. [1645]. only s. and h., b. 21 Sep. 1721 ; il. s.p. 13 Feb. 1776, when M hi* hommrt became c.rlinct. > h

  1. 5"

J T. : m Barony. /, Trre Hon. IIenhv Frederick Thynne. afterwards jY iy s i Cahtkhet, of Hawnes, Beds, 2d. s. of Thorn s (Thynne), 2d. Viscount Weymouth, by Louisa, 2d. da. of John (Cautkiot Fail Gkanvii.i.e, Viscount Carteret &c. and sister and coheir of Robert, the last Ear] Giianvili.e abovenauied, was b. 17 Nov. 1735 ; one of the Masters of the Household, 1768-70 ; joint 1'ost Master Gen., 1770-89, and having, in 1776, cue, under the will of his maternal uncle, the said Fail Granville, Viscount Carteret, &&, to some of the estates of the f am ilv of Carteret, he assumed that name and was, on 29 Jany. 1784, er. BAHON CAKTERET OK HAWNES, co. Bedford, with a spec, rem., failing the heirs male of his body, to the 2d, 3d, and every other subsequent ton of his br. Thomas (Thynne) 1st Marquess or Bath, in like manner, respectively. He tl. unm. 17 June 1826, aged 01. V. 1820. 2. Georoe (Thynne), Baron Carteret of Hawses, nephew and h. according to the spec. liin. in the creation of this dignity, being 2d s. of Thomas (Thynne), 1st MARQUESS or Bath, abovenauied, by Elizabeth, da. of William (Cavendisii-Bentinck), Iiuke ok 1'oktianh. //. 28 jany. 1770; M.P. for Wcobley 1790-1812 ; one of the I.ords of the Treasury, 1801-04 ; Comptroller of the Household, 1804-Ofi ; P.O. He m. 12 May 1707, Harriot, sister of William, EABt OF Devon, being 5th da. of William (Couktenay), 2d Viscount Coiirtenay (tic Jure, Karl of Devon), by Frances, da. of Thomas Clack. She, who was b. 7 Sep. 1771, 13 April 1S36. He d., a.p, 19 Feb. 1838. Will pr. April 1S3S. ( a ) See these coheirs set out in vol, i. p. 266 uote " d."