Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/172

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CARTERET — CARYSFORT. 171 Vf. 1838, 3. John (Thvnxe), IJahi tx Cahthuut of Hawses, br. to :inil h., according to the spec, rem. in the creation of this dignity, 1849. being M mid youugest s. of Thomas, 1st aIaisijukss ok Bath, by Elizabeth, bin wife, abovenaraed, b. 28 Dec 1772: M.P. for Bath, 17984832 ; Vict- Chamberlain ,,f the Household, ISO 4 ; P.O. Be m. 18 June 1801, Mary Anno, d;i. of Thomas Masteu nf Cirencester Al>l»ey, m. Clone, by Alary, sister of James, 1st I'auon SiiElinoitNE, da. of James Lcnnx Dittos, formerly Xai'EH. lie (t. s.p. 10 Mareh 18 10 at Hawncs place, when the Barony became extinct. Will IH March 18-10. ( !1 ) His widow (who for many years was Lady nf the Bedchamber to II.H.IL the Princess Sophia) d. 22 Feb. 1868, in her 86th year, at No. 18, Chesterfield street, May fair. Midx. CAKYLL OF DURFORD. In 1701, -loiix Cahyij., Secretary nf State to the Queen Uouspri of Etllg .lames II, was a: a few months after the death nf that King by his s. & h. the titular James III, B.YRON DURFORD or B.YROX CARYLI. OK' IH'RKORD in Harting, Sussex, lie was s. and h. of Sir John Caryl! of West Harting at'sd. by Catharine, da. nf William, (1'ETltK), 2d B.uiON 1'ktke ok Whittle, and was bap. 2 Nov. 1626 at Harting. He was ed. at St. Omer and was a minor poet and the anther nf a few plays. In 1085 King .lames H sent him as Envny to Pope Imioeeut at Rnme, but shnrtly recalled him, making him in 1080 Secretary tn the Queen Consort. With the Royal family he went ttVtO exile, being held in great esteem by them, lie in., early ill life, Margaret, da. and coheir of Sir Maurice DutjIMoSD. She d. before him. He d. s.p. at St. Geriiiaiu-eu-laye -1 Sep. 1711, aged 80, and was bin: (near King .lames II) in the Church of the English Dominicans at Paris, M i. ih- h it as,ooo to Richard Oryli his nephew sad heir.( h ) CARYXOTOX. See '-XAi'iiiii OF .Maohai.a ill .Ahy-sinia .xn of CarYXGTOX, CO. Ghoster," (Nai>i<r) Jlarony, er, 1SGS. CARYSFORT ami CARYSFORT OF NORMAN" CROSS. Barony [1.] J. JoHS I'BOBY, "junior" S. and h. ApL of John Proby ] ] irfrq nf BltOU Hall, e... 1 luntiiigdou, by Jaue, da. of John (Levkson-Goweh), 1st BaIios OoWEK ok Stittesiiam, was b. 25 Nov. 1720: M.P. for Stamford, 17 17-5-1 ; and was, mi 2:1 Jan. 1752. cr. BARON CARYSFORT nf Carysfort, co.WickW[l.], taking his seat in the of Lords f I.] 7 Oct. 1 755. P.C. [I.] fcoGeorge II. Prom 1754 to 1708 he was M.P. for en. Huntingdon. In 1700 he sue. his father. Inv. K.B.. S', March, 1701. In 170-'J was one of the Lords nf the Admiralty. He in., 27 Aug. 1750, Elisabeth, 1st da. of Joshua (Allen), 2d Viscount Allen [[.] by Margaret, da. of Samuel Do Pass. He d. at Lisle, in Flanders. 18 Oct. 1772, and was bur. at Elton, Co. Huntingdon. His widow, who was top. 10 July 1722, and who became coheir to her only br., the 3d Viscount Allen [I.J, (who d. num. 1745), March 1783. II. 1772. 1 and £ John Joshua (Pkoby Baron Carysfobt [L], Va vl rl nv. n i ""' v *• • ^ J ^"S- 175] ; took his seat in the House of Peers II 1 am0m L L J 1-2 Oct. 1770. K.P., 5 Feb. 1784. On 18 Aug. 1789 he was cr. EARL 1. 17S9 OF CARYSFORT [I.J: was Joint Guardian of the Rolls [I.J, 17S0- 1S2S ; M.P. for East Lose, 1700, and fur Stamford. 1790-1801 ; Am- Barony |l* K 1 bassador tn Berlin. lSHO, and to St. Petersburgh, 1801. tin 21 Jan 1801 he was <v. BARON CARYSFORT of the Hundred OF NORMAN 1. 1S01. CROSS, co. Huntingdon. He to., firstly, 19 March. 177 1, Elizabeth, da. of the Rt. Hon. Sir William Osbohnb, Bart. [I.J, nf Xewtown, co. Tipperary, by Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Christmas, of Whitfield, co. Waterford. She The Carteret estate in Beds passed to his Brat cousin, Lord John Thymic, Sub- Dean nf Westminster, who <i. 9 Feb. 1881, aged S3, leaving numerous issue. ( b ) See " Coll. Top. et Gen." vii, p. 42. See also " History of Halting," Sussex, by the Kcv. H. D. Gordon, 1877 ; a very valuable and interesting parish-hiatory.