Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/194

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CATHCATtT. 193 Military Adviser to the German anil Bosnian Generals, ami to ht8 diplomatic, services in a great measure i8 owing the good understanding then effected between Bug- 1603, Nov. 6. Stuttgart. Frederick, Duke of WiiRTEMBERO. 1612/3, Feb. 4. The Hague. Maurice de Nassau, Prince of Orange. 1027, April 24. „ Henry Frederick de Nassau, Prince of Orange. 1649, Sep. 19. St. Gennain-en-layc. Edward, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria. 1653, April 14. The Hague. Henry Charles de Tremouille, Prince of Tarent. „ May 4. „ William-Henry de Nassau, Prince of Orange, afterwards William III, King of England. 1654, March 31. Berlin. Frederick- William, Elector of Brandenburg. 1857/Sj Feb. 26. Antwerp. John-Gasper-Ferdinand de Marchin, Count de Graville. 166S, July 28. Stockholm. Charles XI, King of SWEDEN. 1660, April 13. Dresden. John-George II, Elector of Saxony. 1690, June 6. Berlin. Frederick III, Elector of Brandenburg, afterwards Frederick I, King of Prussia. [James Johnston, " Esq.," and Gregory King (Lancaster Herald), Dep. Garter.] 1601, April S The Hague. George- William of Brunswick-Luneburg, Duke of Zeix. (Invested by the Sovereign.) 1692/3, Jan>' 26. Dresden. John-George IV^ Elector of Saxony. [Sir William Dutton Colt, Bart., Minister to Brunswick, and Gregory King (Lancaster Herald), Dep. Garter.] 1701, Aug. 4. Hanover. George-Louis, Elector of Hanover, afterwards George I, King of Great Britain. [Charles (Gerard), Earl of Macclesfield, and Gregory King (Lancaster Herald), Dep. Garter.] 1706, June 13. „* George- Augustus Prince Electoral of Hanover, after- wards George II, King of Great Britain [Charles (Mon- tagu), Baron Halifax, and Sir JohuVanbrugh (Clarenceux King of Arms), Dep. Garter.] 1733, July 25. The Hague. William, Prince of Orange, son in law of the Sovereign. [Hon. William Finch, Envoy to the States Gen., and John Anstis, Garter.] 1741, June 29. Hanm-er. Frederick, Hereditaiy Prince, afterwards Land- grave, of Hesse Cassel, son in law of the Sovereign (Invested by the Sovereign.) „ July 24. Gotha. Frederick III, Duke of Saxe Gotha. Hon. Thomas Villiers, Envoy to Poland, and John Anstis, Garter.] 1745/6, Feb. IS. Wcissenfels. John Adolphus, Duke of Saxk Weissenkels. [Hon. Thomas Villiers, Envoy to Poland, and John Anstis, Garter.] 1749, Aug. 26. Anspaeh. Charles-William-Frederick, Margrave of Branden- buro-Anspach. [Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, K.B., and John Anstis, Garter.] 1752, June 5. The Hague. William V, Prince of Orange, grandson of the Sovereign. [Joseph Yorke, Envoy to the States Geu. and John Anstis, Garter.] 1759, Oct. 16. Kroffdmf, near Giessen (in the Camp). Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick-Bevern. [John Manners, styled Marquess of Granby, Com. in Chief of the British Forces, and Stephen Martin Leake, Garter.] 1764, June 4. Strelitz. Adolphus- Frederick, Duke of Mecki.enburg-Streutz, br. to the Consort of the Sovereign. 1786, Aug. 7. Cassel. William, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. [John Dalrymple, styled Viscount Stair and Dalrymple, Envoy to Prussia, and Sir Isaac Heard, Garter.]

  • At Hanocei; also, on 24 Dec. 1717 were investedFrederick-Lewis, Prince of Wales,

grandson of the Sovereign, and Ernest-Augustus, Duke of York and Albacy, br. of the Sovereign, but these, tho' invested abroad, were Peers of Great Britain. O