Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/195

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194 CATHCART. land, Russia, Austria, and Prussia. Knight of St. George of Russia (-1th Class), and Knight of St. Anne of Russia, 30 Sep. 1813, and Knight of St. Andrew of ]"!>], .April IS. Gotha. Ernest-Louis, Duke of Sa.yk-Gotha, cousin german of the Sovereign. [Morton Eden, Envoy to Saxony (after- wards (■!•. Baron Henley [I.]) and Sir Isaac Heard, Garter.] [After this period the Missions appear to have been conducted with greater ceremony, and the Foreigners thus admitted into the order were, for the first time (as has been mentioned above) reckoned as supernumerary Knights.] 1813, Sep. 2". Toplitz. Alexander I, Emperor of Russia. [William (Cathcart), Viscount Cathcart, K.T., Ambassador to Russia ; Francis Townsend (Windsor Herald) Dep. Garter, aud Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, Black Rod.] 1814, Aug. 22. Brussels. William Frederick de Nassau, Prince of Orange, Prince Royal, afterwards [1S40] King of Thk Nether- lands. [Sir Robert Stewart, K G. styled Viscount Castle- reagh, Sec>' of State for foreign affaire ; Sir Isaac Heard, Garter, and Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, Black Rod.] „ Sep. 21. Vienna. Francis I, Emperor of Austria. [Sir Robert Stewart, K.G., styled Viscount Castlereagh, Sec. of State for foreign affairs; Sir Isaac Heard, Cartel-, and Sir Thomas Tyr- whitt, Black Rod.] 1815, May 17. Madrid. Ferdinand VII, King of Spain. [Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Wellesley, G.C.B. (afterwards a: Baron Cowley) Ambas- sador to Spain ; the attendance of Garter (who was re- quired elsewhere) being by special warrant excused.] 1822, July 11. Copenhagen. Frederick VI, King of Denmark. [Rt. Hon. Augustus John Foster, Envoy to Denmark, aud Sir George Nayler, Garter.] 1823, Sep. 23. Ajuda, near Lisbon. John VI, King of Portugal. [Sir Edward Thoruton, G.C.B., Envoy to Portugal, and Sir George Nayler, Garter.] 1S25, June 27. Paris. Charles X, King of France. [Hugh (Percy), Duke of Northumberland, K.G. "Ambassador Extraordinary;" Granville (Leveson-Gower), Viscount Granville, G.C.B., Ambassador in resideuce to Finuce, aud Sir George Nayler, Garter.] 1S27, July 9. Tsarkoeselo, near St. Petersburg. Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia. [Richard (Seymour-Conway), Marquess of Hert- ford, K.G., and Sir George Nayler, Garter.] 1842, Oct, 8. Dresden. Frederick Augustus, King of Saxony. [Thomas (Grosvenor), Earl of Wilton, G.C.H., and Sir Charles George Young, Garter. 18fi6, Nov. 1. Constantinople. AbdulMedjid Khan, Sultan of the OttomauEm- pire. Stratford (Canning), Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, G.C.B., Ambassador to Turkey, and Sir C. G. Young, Garter.] 1858, May 27. Belcm. near Lisbon. Pedro V, King of Portugal. John Alex- ander (Thynne), Marquess of Bath, and Sir Charles G. Young. Garter.] 1861, March 2. Berlin. William, King of Pi •ussia, afterwards [1870] Emperor of Germany. [John (Campbell), Marquess of Breadal- bane, K.T., and Sir Charles G. Young, Garter.] flSBS, April 25. Copenhagen. Christian IX, King of Denmark. [Francis Thomas de Grey (Cowper), Earl Cowper, and Sir Charles G. Young, Garter.] „ May 4. Ajuda, near Lisbon. Louis I, King of Portucal. [William Philip (Molyneux), Earl of Sefton [I.] and Walter Aston Blount (Norroy King of Arms) Dep. Garter.] „ June 3. Darmstadt. Louis III, Grand Duke of Hesse [H.R.H. Prince Alfred (son of the Sovereign) and H.R.H. Prince Louis of Hesse (son in law of the Sovereign) ; Sir Charles G. Young, Garter, being iu attendance.]