Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/203

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202 CELSFORD— CHANDOS. CELSFORD. i.e. "Khhk of Celsfokd and Cavertoun," Barony [S.] (Km-), /■/■. 18 Sep. 1616, with the Earldom of " Roxbubghe " [S.J, which see. i.e. " Bowmoxt and Celsfojid," Murquessato of [8.] (Kerr), at. 25 April, 1707, with the Dukedom of " Roxbukghe " [S.], which see. CHAMP VENT, see » CHAUVENT." CHANDOS. Barony by l. Roger de Chandos, br. and h. of Thomas de writ Chandos, had livery of his lands co. Hereford (1333), 7 F.d. Ill, I 1337 being apparently,^ 1 s. uf Robert, and grandson of Roger de Chandos, ^ o ' Lord of the Manors of Snodliull. Wylyngton and Fawnhope, co. Here- , ford, temp. Hen. III. He was Sheriff of co. Hereford, 1334, and Gov. lojo. 0 { Hereford Castle. He served with distinction in the French wars, and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD CHANDOS), by writ, 20 Dec. 1337. He m., firstly, Catharine, da. of Richard (Talbot), 1st Lord Talbot, by Elizabeth Comyn, his wife. He m., secondly, Maud, da. of Sir John Acton. He d. (1353), 27 Ed. III. His widow rf., 25 March 1362. [Siu Thomas Chandos, & and h., aged 30 years in 1362. lie was never sum. to Pari, as a Baron. He d. (1375), 49 Ed. III.] [Sin John CHANDOS,( b ) s. and h., aged 26 in 1375. He likewise was never sum. to Pari, and d. s.p., 16 Dec. 142S, when the issue male of the first Baron became extinct, and the Baronii, if an hereditable dignity, fell into abcyancc.{ c )] CHANDOS and CHANDOS OF SUDELEY. Barony 2. John Brydges, s. and h. of Sir Giles Brydges, or I 1554 Bni'GES, of Coberley, co. Glouc, by Isabel, da. of Thomas Baynha.m, sue. his Father in 1 511, being then under age, but, two years later, was with the King at Terounne and Tournay in the French ware, (being Knighted at the battle of the Spurs, Hi Aug. 1513), as also at Calais in Oct. 1532, and at Boulogne in 1533. M.P. for co. Glouc. 1529-36. Keeper of Langley manor and Ranger of Wichwood Forest 1536. Constable of Sudeley Castle, co. Glouc. 1538, Groom of the Privy Chamber 1539, (when the King received Anne of Cleves), Dep. Gov. of Boulogne, 1547. Was appointed by Queen Mary, Lieut, of the Tower of London (Aug. 1553 to June 1554) from whom he obtained a grant of the Castle and manor of Sudeley abovenamed ; was instrumental in repressing Wyatt's rebellion ; (») That he was grandson of Roger is stated in Beltz's " Order of the Garter," p. 69, and, though " Dugdale " says he is " not able to continue a direct series of his [this Roger's] successors," the account there given renders the paternity probable. The celebrated Sir John Chandos, K.G. (1344-69), was a desceudent of Sir John de Chandos, Lord of Radburne and Moggintou, co. Derby, temp., Henry III, whose relationsliip to this line is probable, tho' not proved. He bore " Arg. a pile, (?«.," while this line bore " Or a pile, Sa." ( b ) This Sir John " has been assumed from an error of Vincent," to have been the famous Sir John Chandos, who d. (nearly 60 years before), 1 Jany. 1369/70. See " Beltz," ut supra, quoting " Archenologia xx, p. 490. ( c ) Margaret, only sister of Sir John Chandos, in. Thomas Berkeley of Coberley, co. Glouc. and left issue 2 daughters and coheirs, of whom (1) Margery (living 1428), m. Nicholas Mattesdon, by whom she had an only child, Robert Mattesden, who d. s.p., 1457/8. (2) Alice (dead before 1428), in. as her 1st husband, Thomas Bruges and had, Sir Giles Bruges of Coberley, s. and h., coheir to his great uncle Sir John Chandos (and, accordingly, to Roger, 1st Lord Chandos), in 1428, and sole heir, in 1458, on the death of Robert Mattesden. He d. 1464, and was sue. by his s. and h. Thomas, whose s. and h., another Sir Giles Bruges or Brydges, a. 1511, being father of John Brydges, cr. in 1554, Baron Chandos of Sudeley, in 1554.