Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/204

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CHANDOS. 203 attended (his prisoner) Lady June Grey to the scaffold, having 4 days previously, viz. on 3 April 1551, been cr. BARON CHANDOS OF SUDELKY.r-) co. Olouo. He TO. Elizabeth, da. of Edmund (Grey), Loud Gkky de Wilton, by Florence, da. of Sir Ralph Hastings. He d. 4 March 1556/7 at Sudeley Castle and was bur. " according to hia degree" 3 May, at Sudeley church. Will dat. 2 March 1555/6, pr. 28 May 1557. His widow d. 29 Dec. 1559 and was bur. 3 Jan. at St. Faith's by St. Paul's, Loudon. Will dat. 5 Sep. 1559, pr, 5 Jau. 1559/60. II. 1557. % Edmund (Brydges), Baron Chandos of Sudeley, s. and h. b. before 1522 ; He fought in Scotland and France and was Hindu a Knight Banneret, at Roxburgh, 27 Sep. 1547. M.P. for co. Glouc. Sep. to Dec. 1553. Lord Lieut, co. Glouc., 1559 ; el. KG. 23 April and inst. 17 June 1572. He m. about 1548, Dorothy, sister and coheir of John, 2nd Lord Braye, being 5th da. of Edmund (Brays), Loud Brays, by Jane, da. and h. of Sir Richard Halighwkll. He a'. 11 Sep. 1573 and was bur. at Sudeley. Will dat. 1 March 1572/3, pr. 5 June 1573. His widow, who was aged 29 in 15o9,( b ) m. (us his first wife) William (Knollys), Baron Knollys ok Gueys (afterwards, 1626, Earl of Banbury) and d. 31 Oct. 1605, being bur. at llotherfield Greys, Oxou. III. 157;!. 3. Giles (Brydges), Baron Chandos of Sudeley, s. and h., aged 25 in 1573. M.P. for Cricklnde, 1571 ; forco. Gloucester 1572 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Glouc. 1586. He m. Frances, 5th da. of Edward (Clinton), 1st E.uil of Lincoln, by his second wife, Ursula, da. of William (Stourton), Baron Stovhton. He entertained Queeu Elizabeth at Sudeley in 1592. He d. s.p.m.( c ) 21 Feb. 1593/1 and was bur. at Sudeley. Will dat 23 July 1592, pr. 1594. His widow il. at Woburn Abbey, 12 Sep. 1623, and was bur. at Cheneys, Beds., in the vault of the family of Russell. Will pr. 1623. IT. 1594. William (Buydges), Baron Chandos of Sudeley, br. and h. inale. He was M.P. for Cricklade, 1572 ; and for co. Gloucester, 1685-87. He m. Mary, da. of Sir Owen Hopton, Lieut, of the Tower of Loudon, by Anne, da. of Sir Edward Itchinofiam. He d. 18 Nov. 1602. His widow was bur. 23 Oct. 1624 at Stepney, Midx. V. 1G02. 5. Grey (Brydges), Baron Ciiandos of Sudeley, s. and h., b. before 1583. K.B. 5 Jan. 1604/5. Visiting Oxford with the King, he was made M.A. of that L T niv. 30 Aug. 1605. Keeper of Ditton park, Bucks, 1609. Lord Lieut, of co. Glouc. 1614. His sumptuous style of living at Sudeley, where he kept " open house " thrice a week, gave him the nickname of the " King of the Cotsicolds," and his retinue in London was equally elaborate. He m. before Sep. 1608, Anne, 1st da. and coheir of Ferdinando (Stanley), 5th Earl of Derby, by Alice, da. of Sir John Spencer of Althorpe, co. Northampton. Ho d. suddenly 10 Aug. 1621 at Spa in Germany, and was bur. at Sudeley. Admon. 30 March 1622. His widow m. 22 July 1624, at Harefield, Midx. Mervyn (Tuchet, alias Audley), Karl of G'asti.ehaven [I.], who was attainted of felony and beheaded 14 May 1631. She d. at Riselip and was bur. 11 Oct. 1647 at Harefield afsd. Admou. 2 March 1651/5 to her s. " William Bridges, alias Chandos." (■) Bjj descent from and representation of Roger, Lord Chandos (1337-53) is given above in page 202, note " c." ( b ) See, ante, p. 11 note "c." (°) Of Ins two daughters (1) Elizabeth, aged 16, in 1594, whose fortune was £16,500, was "the fair Mrs. Brydges" to whom the Earl of Essex shewed so much attention «s to offend Queen Elizabeth. She ill. in 1603 Sir John Kennedy who is said to have had another wife then living. She claimed Sudeley and other estates as heir gen, buti s.p. and in poverty, Oct. 1617. (2) Catherine, aged 18 in 1594, in. 26 Feb. 1608/9 at St. Mary le Strand, Midx., Francis (Kussell) 4th Earl of Bedford and d. 29 Jan. 1656/7. In her s. and h., the 5th Earl and 1st Duke of Bedford, vested the representation of the Barony of Chandos, (1337) w hich now vests in the present Duke. (*) He is, by Horace Waipole and others, considered as the author of "Horse Subseciv;e," but such authorship is by no means certain.