Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/211

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210 CTJAllLEMONT — CHARLEVILLE. vili.e), 1st Baron Athlumnf.y [I.], by his first wife Maria Harriett, da. of Henry (GONYNOHAM), 1st MaRiJI'Ess C'onynoham [I.]. She who was b. 21 June 1S34, <l. s.p. .it ),Vb„roiigli Castle, 31 May 1882. Hi' m. secondly, 10 May 1873 at the British Cousulate, Paris, Anna, da. of llev. Charles Jaines Lamrart, Rector of Navan, co. Meath by Marian, da. of ( ) Smith, Family Estates. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 20,695 acres, co. Armagh ; 5,003 in co. Tyrone and 222 in co. Dublin. Total 2ti,S20 acres valued at £20,331 a year. Principal Residence. — Roxborough Castle,! 3 ) near Moy, co. Tyrone. CIIARLETON. See, also, under " CnEni.ETON." id. "Cuarlkton-, no. "Wilts," Barony (Hownnl), a: 1G22, with the, TisepomcCS of Andovek. See " Berkshire " Earldom of, cr. 1G2G. CIIAKLEVILLE (co. Cork). is. " Charleville, co. Cork " [I.], Barony (Brownlnic), a: 1718. with the Yiscountcy or Tyrconnel [I.], which see ; ex. 1754. CHARLEVILLE (King's County), CHARLEVILLE OF CHARLEVILLE FOREST, and TULLA- MORE OF CHARLEVILLE FOREST. Earldom [I.] 1. Charles (Moore), Baron Moore of Tullamore [I.] I. 1758 was > on 16 Se P- 175S > EARL 0F CHARLEVILLE in the King's I ' County. He was only s. and h. of John (Moore), 1st Baron Moore , ^ . of Tullamore, by his 1st wife Mary, da. of Elnathau Ldnx, and sue. U0i his Father 8 Sep. 1725. He was ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin; B.A., 172S ; M.A. 1730. Gov. of King's county, Muster-Master-Gen. of Ireland and P.C. [I.], being raised to an Earldom, in 1758 as above. He wi. 13 Oct. 1737, Hester, only surv. da. and h. of James Coohill.C') LL.D., by Anne, sister of Thomas Pearson of Rathmore, eo. Meatli. He el. s.p. 1" Feb. I76'4 when all his honour* became extinct. His widow m. John Mayne of Richings in lver, Bucks, Major in the Army, who thereupon assumed the name of Cogiiill and was cr. a Bart. 24 March 1781, which dignity became extinct at his death s.p. 14 Nov. 1785. The Dow. Countess died 2S July 1780 and was bur. G Aug. (with her second husband) at Aldenham, Herts. Will, or admon., 1789. Barony [I.] i. Citarles William Bury, of Charleville Forest in I 1797 King's County, only s. and h. of John Bury of the same, by Catherine, da. and coheir of Francis Sadler of Sopwell Hall, CO. Viscountcv II 1 1l'l"-' mr . v i which John was s. and h. of William Bury of Shannon y L - 1 Grove, co. Limerick, by Jane, only sister of Charles (Moore), Karl T. 1800. W Charleville and Baiion Moore of Tullamore [I.] abovenamed, was h. 30 June 1761, a few weeks after his Father's death (4 Aug. Earldom [I.] 1764) who a few months previously (17 Feb. 1704) had sue. to the Charleville estates on the death of (his maternal uncle) the said II. 180C. Earl. On 2fi Nov. 1797 ho was er. BARON TULLAMORE OF CHARLEVILLE FOREST in the King's County [I.], on 29 Dec. ( a ) An extraordinary advertisement in "The Times" newspaper, 19 Feb. 1S76 states that " The onti/ address in Ireland of the Earl and Countess of Charlemont from henceforth will be Roxborough, Moy, county Tyrone." (■') Hester, his sister, m. in 1700, Oliver Cramer of Ballyfoile, co. Kilkenny, and their s. and h.. Balthazar John Cramer, was father of John Cramer, who was cr. a Bart. 1778, and who, having sue. to the estates of his cousin, tho Dow. Countess of Charleville, assumed the name of Coghill.