Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/212

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CHARLEVILLE. 211 1S0P ho was ci: VISCOUNT CHARLEVILLE OP CHAELEVILLE FOREST^) in the King's County [I.] and on 16 Feb. 1S06 was cr. KARL OF CHARLEVILLE [I.] BKP. PKEB fl.] 1801-S5 ; F.R.S., F.S.A.,&c. Hem. 4 June 1708, Catharine Maria, widow of .lames Tlsn.u.L of Uivwvt, co. Louth, da. and h. of Thomas Townley Dawsos o£ Kinscaly, CO. Dublin. He tl. at his house at Dover 31 Oct. 1835 aged 71. Will pr. March 1837. His widow, who bad bean ed. at a French convent, and who was long

i leader in Dublin society, (/. in Cavendish sq. Midx. 24 Feb. 1851 aged 90. Will pr.

March 1851. Earldom [I.] 1 111. Viscountcy & Barony [1.] II. Earldom [I.] ^ IV. Viscountcy & Barony [1.] rn. 2 Charles William Ciiaiu.evii.le, &c. [I.], only (Burt), Earl op andh. h. 29 April 1801. M.P. for Carlow (as Lord Tullamore) 1828-81, and for > 1S35 Falmouth, 1832-35 ; Rep. Peer [I.] 1S3S-S1. He m. 26 Feb. 1S21, at Florence, Harriet Charlotte Beaujeaulois, 3rd da. of Col. John Campbell of Shawfiold, by Charlotte Susan Maria,( b ) da. of John (Campbell), 5th Duke of AniiVLL [S.] She d. at Naples 1 Feb. 1S4S. He d, near London, U July 1S51. 3. CnARi.ES William George (Bury), Earl of Charleville &c. [I.], b. 8 March 1822 at Charlevillo forest ; sometime Lieut. 43rd Foot. He Ml. 7 March • 1S51 1S50, at All Souls, Langham place, Marylebone, Arabella Louisa, yst. da. of Henry Case of Shenstono Moss, co. Stafford. She d. 8 July 1857 at Erina, co. Limerick. He d. 19 Jan. 1859 at Charlevillo forest, aged 37. Earldom [I.] V. Viscountcy & Barony [I.] IV. >1859 J 4- Charles William Francis (Bury), Earl of Chalileville &c. [I.], s. and h. b. 10 May 1S52 at Charleville forest. In 1871 he passed for a direct com- mission in the Household Brigade. He d. warn. 3 Nov. 1S74 at Staton island, New York, aged 22.( b ) Earldom [I.] ^ 5. Alfred (Bury), Earl of Charleville yj [1S06], VlSOODirr Charleville of Chaulbviu.e forest 1S7-I [1S00J and Bauox Tfllamore of Charleville forest S to [W87J in the peerage of Ireland, uncle and h. male, being ]X7 r-. 3rd and yst. s. of Charles William, the 2nd Earl, was 4. ' 19 Feb. 1829; ed. at the Royal Mil. Coll.: sometime (1858) Capt. in 10th Foot, &c. He M. 20 June 1854, at the Cathedral, Barbados, Emily Frances, 3rd da. of Gen. Sir William Wood, K.C.B., Col. nth Foot. He d. s.p. 20 June 1875 nt Brighton, aged 46, when all his honours became cxlinct. His widow living 1887 at No. 31, St. James place, Midx. Family Estates.— These, in 1883, consisted of 20,032 acres in lung's county, valued at £10,052 a year. Viscountcy & Barony [I.] V. (") This was one of the 18 Irish Peerages conferred (on the last day of such creations before the Union) on persons who already possessed a Peerage of that Kingdom, See Vol. i, p. 208, note " c." ( b ) This Lady lit. (for her second husband) 17 March 1818 the Rev. Edward John Bury, M.A., and is the " Lady Charlotte Burg" well known as Lady in Waiting lo Queen Caroline (when Priucess' of Wales), and as the authoress of " The Diary of the times of George IV," &c. She was 6. 28 Jan. 1775 at Argyll house, Oxford street, Marylebone, and d. (almost forgotten) 31 March 1801 in Sloane street, Chelsea. ( c ) His sister Emily Alfreda Julia, sue. to the Charleville estate and m. 20 Sep. 1881, Kenneth Howard, who by Royal lie. 14 Dec. 1SS1 took the name of Bury in addition to that of Howard.