Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/216

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CHA WORTH. 215 (Talbot), 2nd Eakl of Sukkwhiiukv and rf. a lunatic and s.p. (14S2) 22 Ed. IV, leaving Elizabeth, wife of John Oh.mond his sister and hen-.(') She s.p.m. leaving 3 daughters among descendants any Barony cr. by the writ uf 1299 is in <tbcy tna( h ) CHAWORTH OP ARMAGH and CHA WORTH OF TRIM. Viscountcy & 1. George Cha worth of Wiverton and Annesley, Barony [I.] JJ;^ 3 . aml „f j, )UU (j, „f the same, and of Cruphill Butler in t IMS tv,i cu., by Jane, da. of David Vincent of Stuko Daburnun, cu. Surrey, was Knighted at Greenwich 29 .May 1 0O.">, and, having been employed in the court of James I and his sueeessur, was High Sheriff of Notts, 1028 and in the same year, was on 4 March 1627/8, cr. BARON CHAWORTH of Trim, co. Meath and VISCOUNT CHAWORTH OF ARMAGH, co. Armagh [I.]. He m. Mary, sister of Sir William Knyveton, Bart, da. of William Knyveton of Mercaston, co. Derby, l>y Jane, da. and coheir of Ralphs Leeciie. He it. at bath, Somerset, 3 Jnly 1039. Fun. certtf. in I'ub. Record Office. Will pt. lfl:J0. His widow d. at a Serivencr's house, above Middle Row, 28 and was bur. 20 July 1646 at St. Andrew'St Ilolburn. Admun. 28 March 1650 to a creditor. II. 1G39. 2. John (Ciiawoiith), Vlscoln't Ciiawouth of AiniAGii, &c. [I.], 1st surv. 8. and h. Ho m. firstly, before 1632, Elizabeth, da. uf Edward (Noel), Viscount C'ami'ukn, by Juliana, da. and coheir of Baptist (Hicks), also Viscount CamI'Den. She was bur. 30 June 1638 at Southwell, Notts. He m. secondly, Elizabeth, da. of Dixie Hickman, by whom he had as issue. He d. about III. 1GI5 1 3. Fatiuck (Ciiawoiith), Viscount Ciiawouth of to ARMAGH and BarON Ciiawoiith of Tni.u [I.], s. and h. by 1st wife, On/: 10... 20 June 1635 at Southwell, Notts: aged 26 years in 1062. He m., before 1666, Grace, 2nd da. of John (MaNNEIis), 8th Eaul at Rutland, by Frances, da. of Edward (MoNT.yOU), Bahon Montauu of Bociuiton. He </. s.p.m. when his peerage bceame extinct.^) His widow whu was b. at lladdun, co. Derby, 1632, m. (as his 1st wife) Sir William L uiiornk, Dart, (so cr. 1C6S), who (/. March 1714/.3. She d. 15 and was bur. 24 Feb. 1699/700 at Charlton, co. Kent, in her 09th year. M.l. CIIA WORTH OF EATON HALL. I. 1831. 1- John Chambue (Bkabazon), Kami, of Meath, eve. [!.]> was, 10 Sep. 1831, it. Bakon Ciiawouth of Faton Hall, co. Here- ford. He was great grandson uf Chanibrc (Brabazon), 6th Eaul of Mkatii [I.], who in. Juliana, aged 7 years in 1002,( c ) da. and sole h. of Patrick (Ciiawouth), 3rd and List Viscount Chawohth of Armaou [I.] aboveuamed. See MiiATH, Earldum of [I.J, cr. 1027, under the 10th Earl. ( ;l ) Sir George Chaworth, uncle and h. male, of this Thomas in. Alice, da. and h. of John Annesley of Annesley, Notts, and was ancestor of the family of Chaworth of Aunesley, sometime Viscounts Chaworth [I.]. ( b ) These were (1) Joan, m. firstly Thomas Dinham (illegit. s. of John, the last Lord Durham) by whom she had several children. She m. secondly ( ) Fitz William. (2) Elizabeth, >/;. Sir Anthony Babington by whom she was great grandmother of Anthony B. attainted by Queen Eliz. (3) Arm, m. William Mering of Notts, but d. B.p. ( c ) Visit, of Notts, 1062. C) Elizabeth, his sister, bap. 19 Dec. 1632 at Southwell, TO. William (Byron), 3rd Lord Byron, and was ancestor of the Poet, whose early attachment to his cousin, Mary Anne Chaworth, is commemorated in his lines " To a Lady," commencing " Oh, had my fate been joiu'd with thine ; " and again in a " Fragment," commencing "Dills uf Annesley, bleak and barren." This Lady " the solitary seiun left of a time honoured race," was the sole da. and h. of William Chaworth uf Annesley the last heir male uf that line. See, ante, note " a " She m. in 1S05 John Musters of Colwick Hall, Notts, and d. at Wiverton Hall (the ancestral home of the Clmworths) Feb. 1S32, aged 40, being some 2 or 3 years older than her said cousin.