Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/22

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BRIDGEWATER. 21 Bridr/eVXUer, as above; Lord President of Wales,(") 1631; Lord Lieut, of co. Salop, Worcester, Hereford and Monmouth and of North and South Wales, 1631. lie m. FVahe£g (da. of his step mother, being) 3rd and yst. of the daughters and coheirs of Ferdinondo (Stanley), Earl ok Dbbby, hy Alice, da of Sir John Svuscmi, afterwards 3rd wife of Thomas, Viscount Brackley abovenatued. She d. 11 March 1635(6, aged 62, and waabur. at Little Gaddesden, Hcrts.(>') M.I. lie it. 4 Dee. 1649, aged 70, and was but: there. M.I.(») Admou 30 April 1650. [James Egertox, dykd Viscount Hrackley, 1st s. and h. ap. d. num. and v.p. at tlie Barbican and was bur. 31 Dec. 1620 at St. Giles, Cripplegato.] [Charles Egerton, stijleil Viscount Brackley, 2nd, but 1st surv. s. nnd h. ap., d. num. and v.p. at the Barbican and was bur. 19 April 1023 at St. Giles, C'rijiplcgate.J lit. 1610. 2. John (Eu.eivton), Earl ov Biuwsewatkr, ti&o,, 3rd, but 1st surv. s. and h. ; b. 1623 ; Lord Lieut, of Bucks, 1060 ; High Steward of the Univ. of Oxford, 1663 ; «•. M.A. 24 May 1663 ; P.C, 1666 and again 1679 ; Lord Lieut, of eo. Chester and Lane, 2d70, aud of Herts, 1679. He m. in his 19th year (mar. lie, from Bp. of London, 21 July 1641), Elizabeth, 2nd da. of William (Cavendish), 1st Duke ok Newcastle, by liis 1st wife, Elizabeth, da. ami h. of William IIasset of Wore, eo. Stafford. She d. 1 I June 1063, in her 37th year, at Wcstm. (where she had gone to visit her husband then in custody of " Black Bod") and was bur. at Little Gaddesden. M.I. Admon. 27 April 1677. Fun. certif. at Coll. of Anus- He (/. 26 Oct. 1086 at his house, in the Barbican, Midx., and was bur. 1 Nov. at Little Gaddesden, aged 63 years, 4 months and 28 days. M.I. Fuu. certif. at Coll. of Arms, «';. Egerton with 21 cmavtoriugs, impaling Caveudish, with 15 ipiarterings. Will pr. May 1687. ( (1 ) IV. 1G8G. J. John (Ecehton), Eaul ov Buidueyyateb, &c. s. and h., b. 9 Nov, 1616 : K.B. IS April 1661 ; M.P. for Bucks 1685-S6 ; Lord Lieut, of Bucks, I6S6( C ) and again, I6S9 ; P.C, 1691 ; First Commissioner of Trade, &e., 1695; Chairman of the House of Lords, 1697 and 1700; ouo of the Lords Justices of the Uealm, 1699 and 1700 ; Gov. of Greenwich Hospital, 1699, &c. Ho m. firstly, in 1668, Elizabeth, da. and h. of James (Crankield), 2nd Earl Of Middlesex, by Anne, da. ami coheir of Edward (BoimcHltiit), Eaul ok Bath. She d. 3 March 1669/70, aged 22, and was bur. at Little Gaddesden. ( ! ) He «(. secondly, 2 April 1673, at Charter House Chapel, Midx., Jane, 1st da of Charles (PoWlktt), 1st. DDKS ok Bolton, by his 2nd wife, Mary, illegit. da. of Emanuel (Le 8oeOT«), Eaul ok Sunderland. He d. 19 and was bur. 31 March 1701 at Little Gaddesden in his 65th year. M.I. Will dat. 10 May 1687 to i March 1700/1, pr. April 1701. His widow d. 23 and was bur. 31 May 1716 at Little Gaddesden in her 61st year. M.I. Will pr. June 1716. (■') It was on the occasion of his proceeding to Ludlow Castle, Ids official residence, that his da., Lady Alice Egerton, was benighted in the forest, an incident which gave rise to Milton's " Comut." ( b ) The old college of the Bonhommes (Augustine Monks), at Ashridge in Little Gaddesden, Herts (afterwards the chief residence of the family) was purchased, in 1604, by Lord Chancellor Ellesmere. It was pulled down in 1800 by the Duke of Bridgewater, the present mansion being erected by, the Earl, his successor. ( c ) Whereon it is stated that " his deportment was graceful." ( ll ) Chauney in his " History of Herts " says he was " of a sweet and pleasant countenance ami comely presence " which corresponds with Milton's description of his and his family's beauty. " Their port was more than human as they stood, &c." Sec "Collins," iii, 197. (°) From which he was dismissed by James II. See attic vol i, p. 28, note "a." P) Her only child John Egerton was b. 10 and bap. 12 Jan. 166S/9 at St. Giles, Cripplegate and d.. an infant 31 March 1670.