Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/23

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22 BRIDGEWATER. [Charles Egeuton, styled Viscount Brackley, 2ml but 1st surv. s. aud h. ap,, being 1st s. by 2nd wife, 6. at the Barbican 7 and bap 0 May lo'75 at St. Giles, Cripplegate. lie d. nnm. ami v.p.( :l ) and was bur. 14 April 1687 at Little Gaddesden). V. 1701. Dukedom, I. 1720. 1. Scitoor (Eoertox), Earl of 1!iuhgevateh &c, 4th but 1st surv. s. and 1)., 3rd s. by 2nd wife, b. 11 and bap, 14 Aug. 1681 at St. Giles, Cripplegate; Lord Lieut, of Sucks, 1702 and again 1714-2S ; Gent, of the liedcharuber to George, Prince of Denmark 1703, and Master of the Horse to the same I'rinee *If05-8 ; Lord Cham- berlain to the Princess of Wales, 1714-17; Lord of the Bedchamber to the King, 1719-27. On 18 Juue 1720 he was n>. "MAR'JF.SS OF ltRACKLRY, co. Northampton and DUKE OF BRIDGHWATEU co. Somerset. He in. firstly, 9 Feb. 1703, Elizabeth, 3rd da. of John (ClUUtcHII.L), the celebrated DlKF. ok Mutumiiorciii by Sarah, da, and coheir of liichard Jk.v.vixos. .She il. 22 and ivaa Imr. 29 March 1714, aged 20, at Little Gaddesden. M.I. He m. secondly, 1 Aug. 1722. Hachael, da. of Wriothesley (Rl'sskll), 2nd Duke Of BEDFORD, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of John Howland of Streatham. lie d. 11 Jan. 1744/5. Will pf. 171"'. His widow m. Dee. 1745 Sir Richard LytteltoN, K.U. (who d. Sip. 1 Oct. 177U) and d. his widow 22 and was bur. 2S May 1777 at Little Gaddesden. Will pr. 1 777. [John Egeuton, styled Viscount Brackley, 1st s. ami h. ap. by 1st wife, 6. 3 Feb. 1703/4, d. onm. ami v.p. while at School at Eton, 30 Jan. and was bur. 5 Feb. 1718/9, aged 15, at Little Gaddesden. M.I.] [Charles Egeuton, styled Marquess of Biiackley, 3rd but 1st surv. s. and h. ap. being 1st son and h. ap., being 1st s. by 2nd wife, 6. 27 July 1725. lie d. young and v.p. 2 May 1731.] Dukedom, II. Earldom, VI. 4745. 2. John (Egeuton), Duke of Bridgewater &c. 4th but 1st surv. s. and h., being 2nd s. by the 2nd wife, b. 29 April 1727. Me d. until, and a minor 20 Feb. and was B«r, 4 March 1747/8 at Little Gaddesden. Admon. March 174S to his mother. Dukedom, III. Earldom, VII. 1748, to 1S03. o. Euancis (Eoertox), Duke ov Bridge- ivatkh &.c , yst and only surv. br. and b. He was b. 21 July 1736. He is justly called the Founder of Inland Navigation in this couutry, as thro' his enterprise, assisted by Jarnes Blind- ley( !l ) as Engineer, the first Canal was opened in 176*1, which was rapidly followed by many others. The profits therefrom were enormous, his return to the income tax being £110,000 a year. He d. unni. at his house in Cleveland Row, St. James, 8 March 1803, in his 67th year, aud was bur. at Little Gaddesden. M,I.( C ) Will dat. 28 Jan. 1803, pr. 1S03.('1) At his death the Dukedom of Bridgewater, and the Marqucssalc of Brackley became extinct, the Earldom devolving as under. (») He was burnt to death with his next yr. br. Thomas (b. 15 Aug. 1670) in the fire which destroyed Bridgewater House, Barbican, the site of which, on the east side of Aldersgate Street was afterwards formed into " Bridgewater Square." ( b ) Mr. Brindley d. at Tnrubnrst, co. Stafford, 27 Sep. 1772, aged 56. (") On his monument is this line, " Impulit ille rates ubi duxit aratra Colouus." () He left the estate of Brueklcy, co. Northampton, that of Wbrsley, co. Lane, (together with the canal property, worth some .£75,000 a year). " Bridgewater House" in Cleveland Row, St. James's, his pictures (valued at £150,000, and afterwards called "The Stafford Gallery"), his plate, &o. fcc to his nephew, Lord Gower (a few months afterwards Marquess of Stafford and subsequently [1832] ci: Duke of Sutherland), with rem. to his said nephew's 2nd s., Francis Leveson Gower, re, in 1S46', Viscount Brackley and Earl of Ellesmere. The rest of the family estates, viz. those in Herts and Bucks (including Ashridge Park), those in Salop (including Ellesmere), and in Yorkshire he devised to his cousin and h. wale, viz. his successor in the Earldom of Bridgewater.