Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/28

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BRISTOL. 27 in the family estates, and as Hereditary Hi^'li Steward of Bury St. Edmunds. He waB M.P. for Bury, 1690 and 1694-1703, when, somewhat unexpectedly,^) on 23 March 1 702/3 he was a: HA RON HERVEY OP ICKWOKTH, co. Suffolk. He was cr. LL.D. (Cambridge), 16 April 1705, and, having been a zealous supporter of the succession of the House of Hanover, was, in 1714, cr. Earl of Bristol as above JJeaB. firstly, 1 Nov. 1688, Isabella, sister aud b. of Sir Edward Carr, Bart., being da. of Sir Robert Cum, Bart., of Sleaford, co. Lincoln, by Elizabeth, da of Sir John I'.i'.xnkt. She d. 7 March 1692/3 and was bur. on the 16th at Ickworth. Hem. secondly, 25 July 1695, at Hosted Hall, Suffolk, Elisabeth, da. aud coheir of Sir Thomas Fulton, Bart., of Playford, Suffolk, by Elizabeth, 3rd da. and coheir of James (HOWARD), 3rd Earl ok SUFFOLK, LOW) Howard PK Waloen. She was one of the Ladies of the Bedchamber to Caroline, the Queen Consort, both as Queen and When Princess of Wales. After having given birth to 11 sons and 6 daughters she <l. 2 .May 1741 and was Inn: the 9th at felt Worth. Will pr. 1713. He d. 20 Jan. 1750/1, and was bar. 27 at Iekworth aged 86. Will dat. Dec. 1750, pr. 23 Feb. 1750/1 . [Garb IIervbx, styM Lord Kkkvev, s. and h. ap., being only s. by 1st wife, 5. 17 Sep. 1601 ; ed. at Clare Hall, Cambridge ; M.A., 1710. He was M.P. for Bury St. Edmunds, 1713-22. Groom of the Bedohambor to the Prince of Wales. He d. unm. aud v.p. at Bath, Somerset, 15 Nov. 1723 and was bur. the 24 at Iekworth, Admou. 20 Nov. 1723.] [JonN Hervey, styled I,oni> Hbrvbt, 2nd, but 1st surv. s. and h. ap., being 1st son by 2nd wife, l>. 13 Oct. 1696 ; ed. at Clare Hall, Cambridge ; M.A., 1715. He was M.P. for Bury St. Edmunds, 1727. Vice Chamberlain of the House- hold and P.O., 1730. By writ, 11 June 1733. he was sum. to Pari, v.p., in his Father's Barony, as LOUD HERVEY OF ICKWORTH and took bis seat next day. Loitu Privy Sbal, 1 May 1740 to 1742. One of the Lords Justices of the Realm, .May 1711. His career is a Politician (a warm supporter of YValpole) is a matter of historical note.() He m. 20 Oct. 1720, Mary (then maid of Honour to the Princess of Wales), da. of Brig. Gen. Nicholas Lkpell,( c ) Groom of the Bedchamber to George, Prince of Denmark. Lord Hervey it. v.p. 5 Aug. 1743 in his 47th year, and was fiiir. the 12th at Iekworth. Will pr. 1743. His widow d. 2 Sep. 1768, aud wsa bur. at Ickworth. Will pr. that month.) V. 1751. 2. (Ieokge William (IIervey), Earl of Bristol, &c. grandson and h., being s. aud h. of John, Lord Hervey, by Mary his wife above named. He was b. 31 Aug. 1721 ; was au officer in the army 1739-42. On. 5 Aug. 3 743 heme, his father as BARON HERVEY OF ICKWORTH and took his (») The famous Duchess of Marlborough in her " Conduct" writes "Ineverwa3 concerned hi making any Peer but oue, and that was my Lord Hervey, 1 had made a promise to Sir Thomas Felton that if her Majesty should ever make any new Lords I would certainly use my influence that Mr. Hervey should be one. When the Queen had resolved to create four Peers, Granville, Guernsey, Gower, aud Conway, I wrote to Lord Marlborough and Lord Godolphin that if they did not endeavour to get Mr. IIervey made a Peer I neither would, nor could, shew my face anymore. The thing was done purely at my request aud at a time when affairs at Court ran so violently agaiust the whole party of Whigs that Mr. Hervey had laid aside all hopes of the Peerage." See Gage's " Thingoe Hundred," p. 296. ( h ) He is the " Sporus " so bitterly satirised by Pope, whose— " Eternal smiles his emptiness betray As shallow streams run dimpling all the way." A very different estimation of him was, however, held by most oi his contemporaries. To Caroline, the Queen Consort, " ho was particularly agreeable, as he helped to enliven the uniformity of a Court with sprightly repartees aud lively sallies of wit" — Opinions of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. (°) " For Venus, sure, never saw bedded So comely a Beau and a Belie, As when Hervey, the Handsome, was wedded To the beautiful Molly Lepell."