Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/283

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282 CLERMONT. CLERMONT (Scotland). i.e. "Clermont and Fettercairn," Barony [S.J fMukllelon), or, 1 Oct. 1660 with the Earldom ov Middleton [§.], whicii see ; forfeited 169ft, CLERMONT • (Ireland). Barony [I.] /, "William Henry Fortescue, of Clermont, co. Loutli I 1770 s. and h. of Thomas F. of llandalstown (afterwards Clermont Park; ' in the said co., by Elizabeth, sister of James, Earl of Ci.amirassill l <Ofi M' c ' ;u Hamilton of Tollymore, was b. 5 Aug. 1722 ; M.l'. lbUo. {or co x,o«itli, 1745-60, and for Monaghau, 1761-70 ; High Sheriff of co. Louth, 1746: P.O. [I], 1761 ; Post Master Gen. [I], 176-1-84 ; and Viscountcy having sue. his Father, Feb. 1769, in the family estates, was on 26 May & Barony [I.] 1770 cr . BARON CLERMONT of Clermont, co. Louth [I.], taking his T 1 77(i seat 23 Nov. 1773. Shortly afterwards, 23 July 1776, he was cr. VIS- ' COUNT and HA HON CLEHMONT of Clermont, co. Louth [I.], with -p 1 j rT -| a spec. rem. failing his issue male, to his br. James Fortescue, and finally, Jiariaom [Lj 1Q Feb 177 - he ^ ^ }ixUh QF CLERMONT, co. Louth [I.], without T. 1777, suc u S P C - rein. He was Customer and Collector of the Port of to Dublin, 17S4; Governor of co. Monaghau, &c. K.P. 30 March 1795. 1806 ^ e '"• ^ ^ ^ 7. r )2, Frances Cairnes, 1st da. aad coheir of Col. John M.URRAY, M.P. for co. Monaghau, by Mary, Dow. Baronkss Blaynky [I.], da. and h. of Sir Alexander Cairnes, Bart. He d. s.p.m. at the Old Steyne, Brighton, 30 Sep. 1S06 and was bur. at Cuffingham, Norfolk,(") when the Barony (cr. 1770) and the Earldom became extinct. WHi pr. Feb. 1807. His widow d. at Hastings, 3 Dec. 1820, in her 77th year. Will pr. Dec. 18_?0. Viscountcy 2. William Charles (Fortescue), Viscount and &Barcny [I.] Baron Clkrmont [I.], nephew and h. male, who under the spec. rem. IT 1806 (l'7fi) became entitled to those dignities, being only surv. s. and h. of ^ o ' the Rt. Hon. James Fortescue abovenamed (br. to the hist Peer), by l uio Mary Henrietta, da. of Thomas Orby Hvnter of Crowland Abbey, co. 16 - J - Lincoln. He was b. 12 Oct 1764; was M.P. [I,] for co. Louth, 1790-1SO0 and again [U.K.] 1800-1806. He d. unm. 24 June 1829, when all his honours became extinct. Will pr. Oct. 1822. CLERMONT OF DROMISKEN. and CLERMONT OF CLERMONT PARK. BaTony [I.] 1. Tiiomas Fortescue of Ravensdale Park and of co. Louth, s. and h. of Chichester F. of Dromisken afsd. by Martha Angel, da. of Samuel Meade HoHSONof Muckridge I. Bar vHT V 1 ^ ouse > co - Cork, Barrister at Law, b. 9 March 1815 ; sue. his Father O yl ■ v.j 25 Nov. 1826, and sue. his distant cousin (4th cousin once removed) I. 1866. Sir H. J. Goodricke, Bart., 22 Aug. 1833, in the estate of Ravensdale t0 Park, &c, co. Louth ;( b ) matric. at Oxford (Ex. Coll.), 9 May 1833 ; looj B.A. (Grand Compounder) 1833; M.P. for co. Louth, July 1840, to July 1841 ; was, on 11 Feb. 1852, cr. BARON CLERMONT OF DROMISKEN, co. Louth ("I.] with a spec, rem., failing the heirs (*) He " was the Father of the turf and ranked among the most intimate friends of the Prince " [of Wales]. See " Annual Register " 1806. ( b ) Lord Clermont's Grandfather, Thomas Fortescue, was b. and h. of Chichester F. s. and h. of Thomas F. s. and h. of Chichester F. who was s. and h. of Sir Thomas F. (all of Dromisken) who d. 1710 aged 90. William F. of Newrath, co. Louth, the 2nd b. of Sir Thomas F. last named, was fatheT of Thomas F, the father of William Henry Fortescue cr. (1770 to 1777) Baron, Viscount and Earl of Clermont [I.J as above stated. Charlotte, the only sister, who left issue, of the 2nd and last Viscount m. 1796, Sir Harry Goodricke, Bart., and left an only s. and h. Sir Henry James Goodricke, Bart, on whose death unm. in 1833, the estates of the Viscounts Clermont came to Thomas Fortescue (afterwards cr. Lord Clermont) as above mentioned.