Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/312

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CLOUGLTGRENAN— -CLONCURRY. 311 CLOITGLTGRENAN. i,e. " Cloughgrenan," Barony of [I.] (Butler), cr. 1693, with " Arran," Earldom of [L], which see ; ex. 1758. CLONBROCK. Barony [t] 1. Koeert Dillon, of Clonbrock, co. Galway, s. and b. T 1700 °* Lu ' ic D. of tlie same, by Bridget, da. of John Kellt, of Castle Kelly, in that co., was 6. 27 Feb. 1754 ; M.P. for Lauesborougb, 1786-90, and, on 3 June 1700, was cr. BARON CLONBROCK, of Clonbrock, co. Galway [I.] lie m. 14 J any. 1770, Letitia, only da. and h. of John Greene, of Old Abbey, co. Limerick, by Catherine, sister of John, 1st Earl ok NonnuHV [I.], da. of Daniel Toler, of Beechwood. He d. 22 July 1795. His widow to. May 1802, Clement Archer. She d. May 1841. Will pr. July 1847. II. 1795. 2. Luke (Dillon), Baron Clonbrock [I.], only s. and h., 6. 25 April 17S0. He m. 6 Jany. 1803, Anastasia, da. and sole h. of Joseph Henry (Blake), 1st Baron Wallscourt ok Ardkry [I.], by Louisa Catherine Mary, da. and coheir of Thomas (Bermingham), Earl ok Louth [I.] She, who was b. 31 Oct, 1785, d. 5 June 1810. He d. 13 Dec. 1826. Will pr. April 1827. III. H2G. S, Robert (Dillon), Baron Clonbrock [I.], only s. and h.,i. 29 March 1807 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; inatric. 21 March 1825 ; B.A., 1827 ; M.A., 1830. Uei>. Peer [I.], 183S. Lord-Lieut, of co. Galway. lie 15 Junu 1830, at Cornbury, Oxou, Caroline Elizabeth, 1st da. of Francis Almeric (Si'ENCEK), 1st Bakon Churchill of Whichwooh by Frances, da. of Augustus Henry (Fitzhoy), 3d Duke or Gkakton. She, who was b. 28 June 1S05, d. 17 Dec. 1864, in her 00th year at Clonbrock. Family estates. — These, in 1S82, consisted of 29,550 acres, co. Galway, worth £11,873 a year. Principal Residence. — Clonbrock, near Ahaseragh, co. Galway. CLOXCURRY. Barony [I.] 2. Slr Nicholas Lawless, Bart. [I], was, on 29 Sep. L 1789 1769, cr. BARON CLONCURRY, of Cloncurry, co. Kildaro. Hewas ' 1st s. of Robert Lawless, of Abington, co. Limerick, " a resident of Dublin [who] acquired a considerable fortune in the woollen manu- facture,"^) by Mary, da. of Dominick Hahsor, of Dublin, merchant. He was b. 30 Oct. 1735 ; " bred a Catholic," ( a ) and was " engaged in commerce." (") He con- formed to the established religion and returned to Ireland from Galleville, in Normandy, being cr. rBahonet [I.] 20 June 1776. He was M.P. for Lifford, 1776, till in 1789 he was raised to the Peeragc{ h ) as above. He had sue. his Father some ten years before, on 16 March 1779. He m. 31 Oct. 1761, at St Peter's, Dublin, Margaret, da. of Valentino Browne, of Dublin. She d. 10 Feb. 1795, and was bur. at Crumlin, co. Dublin. Ho d. 28 Aug. 1799, and was bur. at Cnimlin afsd. (») Seo Owen and Debrctt's "Peerage," 1790, Vol. iii, p. 430, and Sir Egorton Brydges' " Biographical Peerage," 1817, Vol. iv, p. 365. ( b ) The olevation to the Peerage of one ongaged in the wool trade, somewhat scandalised the then elite of Dublin Society. His Lordship is said to have found the following verses (attributed to Miss do Burgh) in his box at a theatre where "Don Quixote" (and the scene in which Sancho Panza is "tossed") was to be represented: — " Cloncury, Cloncurry, don't be in a hurry, To see them toss up tho poor Squire ; Tho' high he mast go, yet wo very well know, Your blankets have tossed you much highor."