Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/318

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COBHAM. 317 12 Sep. and 12 Nov. 1342 and to Pari, as a Baron by writs (directed "John clc Cobham ") 24 Nov. 1880 to 15 March 1354/o. In 1354 he received, doubtless for his military prowess, the dignity of Banneret with an annuity of 100 marcs to support the same. He m. firstly, in 1314, Joan, da. of Sir John Beaucha.«1' of Stoke-under- Hamdcn, Somerset. She was living 1343.( a ) He m. secondly Agnes, da. of Richard Stone of Dartford. He d. 25 Feb. 1354/5 and was bur. in Cobham church. M.I. III. 1355. 3. John (he Couham), Lord Cobham, s. and h. by first wife, was sum. to Pari. 20 Sep. 1355, and again, by writs, " Joh'i do Cobham dt Kent," 24 Feb. 13GS to 18 July 1397, but, finally, as " Oh'l'r" (only) from 1H Aug. 1399 to 9 Feb. 1405/6.( b ) He is famous as "a Founder," a Warrior, and a Statesman. In 13G2 he founded a perpetual chantry or College at Cobham ; later on, he repaired and sumptuously decorated the church of Cobham, and put a new roof on that of Cowling, and finally, 1380-85, he built the well fortified Castle of Cowling. As a warrior he was in various French expeditions, 1359 to 1376, being made a Banneret in 1370, while, as a Statesman, he was twice appointed to mediate with the French and once with the Flemings. In 1386 he was one of the Lords appointed to examine into the state of the King's Court, and in 1388 one of the Lords Appellant who impeached Delapole, De Vere, and others, the King's favourites. He sat as a member of the Court of Chivalry, both in 1389 and 1392. In the Pari, of 1397, however, he was impeached concerning the Commission of 138S, and condemned to be hanged, but pardoned on condition of banishment to Jersey, whence he returned within two years at the accession uf Henry IV. lie m. when a minor, and apparently very young, in 1332-33, Margaret, da. uf Hugh (Couutenav), Karl of Devon, by Margaret, da. of Humphry (Bokun), Haul of Hereford, and granddaughter of King Edward I. She d. 2 Aug. 1385, and was bur. at Cobham. Brass and M.I. He d. s.p.m. at an advanced age (74 years after his marriage), 10 Jany. 1407/8. ( c ) His brass, probably erected in his lifetime, is iu Cobham church, but he was bur. iu Grey Friars, London. ( J ) IV. 1108. Jf. Joan, ma jure Baroness Conn am, granddaughter and h., being da. and h. of Sir John DelaT-OLB, of Chrishall, Essex, by Joan, only child of John, Lord Cobham abovenamed, which Joan (who m. iu 13G2), d. v.p. about 1388. At an early age, this Lady m. firstly Sir liobert HemEnhale, of co. Norfolk, who d. s.p.s. 1391, and was bur. in Westm. Abbey. She m. secondly Sir Reginald BilAYBROKB, who d. s.p.m. s., at Middlcburgh on the Scheldt, 20 Sep. 1105, and was lmr. at Cobham Church. Brass and M.I. Sho m. thirdly, within a year of his death (as his 2nd wife), Sir Nicholas Hawberk, who d. (leaving by her a son, John, who (I. an infant), 9 Oct. 1407, and was bur. in Cobham Church. Brass and M.l. Within 3 months of his death she sue. her grandfather, and, before Oct. 1409, sho m. fourthly (as his third wife), Sir John Oldcastell, who (probably in consequence of this marriage, hut without any designation to prove such to have been the case) was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD OLDCASTELL) by writs directed " Johanni Oldcastell, Chlr." from 26 Oct. (1409) 11 Hen. IV. to 22 March (1413)4) 1 Hen. V.(°) Seo fuller account under that title. He was executed 25 llec. 1417 as a heretic and a traitor. The Lady Cobham m. fifthly Sir John Harfeden, who (unlike his predocessor) was never sum. to Pari, as a Baron, and who survived her for 24 years, and d. 1458, being bur. in Westm. Abbey. Brass ( a ) She is not improbably bur. in Rochester Cathedral. See " Arch. Cant." Vol. xi, p. 56, note* circa finem. (b) There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. ( c ) A tabular pedigree shewing tho relationship of the tight persons (somo of them his 4th cousins) of the name of Cobham, on whom he entailed his estate, failing the heirs of his body, is printed in " Arch. C'«»£.," Vol. xi, p. HI. (d) "In tumba elevata jacet Dnus Johes Cobham Baro de com. Kancie." See "Coll. Top. et Gen.," V, p. 387. (a) In the proceeding against him in Pari, in 14 17, he is styled " Dominum Joh'em Oldcastell, Militem, Damiuum de Cobham, - ' and in tho paper, read 23 Sep. 1413, declaring his faith, he styles lumself " John Oldcastlo, Knight, and lord Cobham."