Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/320

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COBHAM. 319 Cobham. Brass and M.I.( a ) Will (not signed but to which he set hi? "seale of Mtnea") dat. 7 July 1529, reentered (no probate) 1530. His widow living 31 March 1552. IX. 1529. 9. George (Brooke), Loud Cobtiam, 2ud but 1st surv. s. and h., by 1st wife, was h. about 1497. He attended with his Father at the marriage iu France, 1514, of the Princess Mary with Louis XII. In 1522 lie was Knighted in the French war by the Earl of Surrey. From 2 Nov. (1529) 21 Hen. VIII to 20 Jan. (1557/8) 4 and 5 Ph. and Mary, he was sum. to Pari. In 1336 he was one of the 27 Peers for the trial of Queen Anne Boleyn. In 1546 was Lieut.-Gen., under the Karl of Hertford, against the Scots : and shortly afterwards was Deputy of Calais ; el. K.Gr. 24 April and inst. 13 Dec. 1549. Like the other courtiers, he had large grants of the ecclesiastical lauds, including that of the College of Cdbliani. He was one of the 4 lay Lords for the trial of the Protector Somerset : and was, in 1551, Lieut.-Gen. of the forces sent into the north. He was one of the Council who subscribed to the King's limitation of the Crown to Lady Jane Grey but acquiesced in Queen Mary's proclamation. He was considered as implicated in Wyatt's rebellion (in which his yr. son Thomas had joined) and was arrested, but was (with his 1st son William} one of the seven, whose pardon was extorted from the Queen by the Council. He received Cardinal Pole at Cowling Castle (in his progress), 23 Nov. 1555, and in 1556 was on the commission to enquire about heretics. He m. before 1526 Aune, 1st da. of Edmund (Braye), Lord Braye, by Jane, da. and h. of Sir Richard ILyliGhwelL, which Anne was one of the six sisters and coheirs of John, Lord Braye, who d. s.p. 19 Nov. 1557. By her he had 10 sons and 4 daughters. He d. (a few weeks before Queen Mary) 29 Sep. 1558 aged 61. M.I. (on a magnificent tomb) at Cobham commemorating his " defence of the Gospel," erected iu 1561. His will dat. 13 Jan. 1557/S, signed " George Cobham," pr. 6 Dec. 1560. His widow d. a few weeks after bun, 1 Nov. 1558. X. 1558. 10. William (Brooke), Lord Cobhau, 1st s. and h., b. 1 Nov. 1 .527. At tho age of 13 ho was aflianced in marriage, and was sent to travel. In 1559, ho was found one of the coheirs of Jane, Baroness Braye. Ho was sum. to Pari. 5 Nov. (1558), a and 6 Ph. and Mary, to 19 Feb. (1592/3) .35 Eliz. ; was Lord Warden andChancellor of the Cinque Ports, Constable, of Dover and Lord-Lieut, of Kent, 1558-1696. In November 155S, he was sent to BrtiFscllg to announce to Philip of Spain the death of Queen Mary, his Censort. Ue received Queen Elizabeth at Cobham Hall, in her progress, July 1559, and again in Sep. 1573. In 1578, and again in 15S8, was on an embassy to tho Spanish Governor of the Netherlands ; P.C., 2 Feb. 1585/6 ; el. K.G., 23 April 1584, inst. 14 April 15S5. Custoa of Eltham Palace and Park, 1592. Lord Chamberlain (afew months before his death), Aug. 1596. Ho added greatly to Cobham Hall, vefounded the Collego at Cobham for the good of the poor, and was also a great patron of literature. Ho mi. firstly Dorothy, da. of George (Nevill), Lord Abergavenny, by his 2nd wife, Mary, da. of Edward (Stafford), Duke of Buckingham. She d. s.p.m. 22 Sep. 1559. Ho >». secondly 25 Feb. 1559/60, at Wostm. Palace (tho bride being one of tho ladies of the Bedchamber), Francos, da. of Sir John Newton. She d. 17 ( a ) Wherein he is described as " cousin and heir of Sir Richard Beauchamp, Kn l " so that, apparently, he must have inherited some considerable property in right of such consulship. This Richard (Beauchamp), Lord St. Amand, was s. and h. of Sir William BeaucVmmp (U. 1457) by Elizabeth, the only child that had issue of Gerard Braybrolce, who was only s. and h. ap. of Sir Gerard 'Braybroke, by Eleanor de St. Amand (the only child that had issue of Lord St. Amand), the issue of which last-named couple came to an end on the death, s.p. legit, of the above named " Sir Richard Beauchamp, Knt.," (Lord St. Amand) their great grandson, in 1 508. Through this Richard's mother (Elisabeth Braybroke), the Lords Cobham thus became " his heir," being descendants of Sir Reginald Braybroke and Joan, mo jure Baroness Cobham (No. IV), as set forth in the text, the said Reginald being next br. to the said Sir Gerard Braybroke, who m. the heiress of St. Amand as aforesaid. See pedigree of Braybroke in Howard's " Mis. Ocn. et Iter.," N.S. Vol. ii, p. 72.