Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/325

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324 COBHAM. COBHAM. " John Brooke of Heckington, co. Lincoln, Knt.," was on 3 J:m. 1644/5, ttr. BARON COBHAM, by letters patent at Oxford, in which the King " grauteth and restoreth him and his lieires males to the same dignity with all privileges and imnnitie thereunto belong- ing, and that he shall enjoye the same place and precedeneio as well in Parliament and publique counsells as elsewhere within the King- dome of England which George, late Lord Cohham, his Grandfather whilst he lived enjoyed."( a ) The grantee, on the death of his cousin Sir William Brooke, in 1013 (see, ante, p. 320) was the heir male of Henry {Ilrmtkc), the last Lord Cobham, though not the heir general (on whom all right of succession thereto would devolve) of the old Barony of Cobham, cr. by the writ of 1313 issued to Henry Cobham. He was 2nd, but 1st surv. s. and h. of Sir Henry Cohham, () alias Brooke, by Anne, da. of Sir Henry Sutton, of Notts, which Sir Henry was 7th s. of George (Brooke) Loud Cobua.M, grandfather of the lord who was attainted in 1603. He had been knighted before his mother's death, Jan. 1611/2, had, early in life, mortgaged the Heekington estate fur £7,000, and disputed of all the freehold that remained to him in Kent to the Dnko of Richmond, the owner of the Cobham estate. " He seems to have been a weak- minded man, wedded to a very strong-minded wife",( c ') and it is curious that such a worthless spendthrift should have been so highly favoured. He hi. firstly Anne, who, probably, was the Anne, wife of Sir John Brooke, of the Savoy, Knt., who was bur. 23 Feb. 1625 at Kensington. He hi. secondly, before Oct. 1636,( d ) Frances, da. of Sir William Bamfield. He d. s.p.s. and was bar. at Wakerley, co. Northampton, 20 May 1660, when his title became extinct.^) His admon. is in the Calendar (but not in the Act Book) of June 1059 (sic. but probably a mistake for 1660). His widow ■was bur. at Surfieet, co. Lincoln, 1676. II. 1714, . 1. Sin Richard Temple, Bart., of Stowe, co. Bucking- to ham, s. and h. of Sir Richard Temple, Bart., K.B., by Mary, da. of 17-19. Henry Knapp, of Rawlins, Oxon, was b. about 1669 ; became aa Ensign, in Prince George of Denmark's foot, in 1685, .sue. his father in Viscoitntcy, *' le Baronetcy and the family estates in May 1697 ; was MP. for and Barony. Buckingham, 1607-1702 ; and for Bucks, 170-1-13 ; Lieut of the town of Buckingham, 1703 ; distinguished himself in the Flemish wars and I and LTI. particularly at the siege of Lisle in 1708 ; Major-Gen., 1709 ; Lieut.- Gen. and Col. of the 4th Dragoons, 1710 ; was on the accession of 1718. George 1. 1!) Oct. 1714, sent Envoy to Vienna (which post he held till May 1715) being, 19 Oct. 1714, cr. BARON COBHAM. of Cobham, CO. Kent, having, through a series of females, a descent from, though no representation of, the Lords Cobham. (°) He was Col. of the " Royal " Reg. of Dragoons, 1715-21 ; P.C., 1716 : Constable of Windsor Castle, Arc, 1716- 23. On 23 May 1718 he was cr. BARON COBHAM of Cobham, co. Kent, and VISCOUNT COISHAM, with a spec, rem., failing the heirs male of his body, of those dignities to his second sister, Hester Grcnville, and the heirs male of her body, failing which, to his third sister, Dame Christian Lijttelton, in like manner. He was Col. of the "King's Own " Horse, 1721-33 ; Gov. of Jersey, 1723 ; Lord Lieut of Bucks, 1728 ; Gen. in the Army, 1735 ; Col. 1st Horse Greu. Guards, 1741-44 ; Field-Maksim, 1742 ; Col. 5th Horse, 1744 ; Col. 10th Dragoons, 1745 ; Ranger of Windsor Forest, &c. He m. Anne, da. of Edmund Halsky, of Southwark. Surrey, anil Stoke Pogis, Bucks. He d. s.p. 13, and was bur. 18 Sep. 1749, at Stowe, when the ( a ) See " Creations, 1483-1646," in ap. 47th Report D.K.P. Records. This creation, however, whatever precedency it might command, was unquestionably a new one. ( b ) He appears to have been better known as " Cobham." He was b. 5 Feb. 1537, and was on several diplomatic missions. His admon. as "Sir Henry Brooke Cobham, Knt., of Sutton at Hone, Kent," dat. 10 Feb. 1591/2. The will of his widow as "Dame Anne Cobham," dat. 8 and pr. 10 Jan. 1611/2. ( c ) Arch. Cant., Vol. xi, p. 206. (<l) Baptism at East Bamet; 1636, Oct. 15, George, s. of Sir John Brooke, alius Cobham, and Frances, bis wife, /;. 11. (, c ) See next page note " a." Barony. I. 1615, to 1660.