Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/327

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326 COBHAM — COKE. IV. and VI. 4- George (Ghenville afterwards Nugent- 1 "sgj Temfle-Grenville), Earl Templb, Viscount Couham and .2 2 177|). BaboS Couham, nephew and h., being s. ami h. of the Ht. | f Hun. George Grenyili.e, next br. to the hist named Peer, 4. §„. 17 June 1753. He was cr. MARQUESS OF BUCKINGHAM, gj g in the co. of Buckingham on 4 Dec. 1784. He d. 11 Feb. 1813. V. and VII. 5. Richard (TEiirLE-NuGEMr-BKYDGEs-CiiANDoa- Qrenyille), M.iu)uess of Buckingham, Earl Temple, Vis- 1813. count Couham and Bahon Cobham, also Earl Nugent [I.]. s. and h., 6. 20 March 1776. On 4 Feb. 1S22 he was cr. EAHL TEMPLE OF STOWE, co. Buckingham (u-ith « tpcc. rem.), and (witlwut such rem.) MARQUESS OF CHANDOS and DUKE OF BUCK- INGHAM AND CHANDOS. He d. 17 Jany. 183". VI. ami VIII. (>. Kichakli Plantagenet (Temple-Nugent - 1!rydges-Chandos-Grenvillk), Duke OF Buckingham and 1H3V. Chandos, &c, Viscount CoBHAU, Bahon, &c, only s and h., 6. 11 Feb. 1797 ; (/. 29 July 18b'l. VII. and IX. 7. Richard Plantagenet Campbell (Temple- Nugent-Erydges-Chandos-Grenville), Duke ok Buckino- 1861. ham and Chandos [1822], Maro.ukss of Buckingham [1784], Marquess of Chandos [1822], Earl Temple [17411], Eaul Temple of Stowe [1822], Viscount Couham and Baron Cou- ham [1718], also Earl Nugent [I., 1786], and also Lord Kinloss [S., 1602], only B. and h. He was b. 10 Sep. 1823. S a s s ~ r. 3. COCHRANE OF DUNDONAL1), and COCHRANE OF PAISLEY AND OCHILTREE. Barony [S.] 1. Sir William Cochrane, of Cowdon, was, by pat. T 104 7 tlnt - at Carisbrook Castle, 26 Dec. 1647, cr. LORD COCHRANE OF DUNDONALD [S.], with rem. to the heirs male of his body, and I. 1669. was, subsequently, by pat. dat. at Whitehall, 12 May 1669, cr. EARL OF DUNDONALD, LORD COCHRANE OF PAISLEV AND OCHILTREE [S.], with a more extended limitation. See " Diwdonald," Earldom of [S.], cr, 1669. COCKERMOUTH. i,e. "Cuckermouth. co. Cumberland," Barony {Seymour, afterwards Wyndhum), cr. 3 Oct. 1749, with " Egremont," Earldom of, which see ; ex. 1845. CODNOR. i.e. "Ghey de Codnor," co. Derby, under which designation the Lords Grey (of Codnor), from 1335 to 1441, were sum. to Pari, by various writs. See " Ohey, or Grey de Codnor," Barony, cr. 1299. COKE OF HOLKHAM. i.e. "Coke or Holkham, co. Norfolk," Viseoimtey (Coke), cr. 9 May 1744, with " Leicester," Earldom of, which Bee ; ex. 1759. COKE. i.e. "Coke," Viscountcy (Coke),, cr. 12 Aug. 1837, with " Leicester of Holkuam, eo. Norfolk," Earldom of, which Bee.