Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/330

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COLEPEI"ER — COLERAINE. 329 the King in military affairs roused Hindi jealously, so that when, ill 1844, he was (■)•. ft Petrta oboreiuentiuned, "it did much dissatisfy both the court and army."(M in March 1645 he was one of the Council of the Prince of Wales, whom, iu 1646, ho accompanied to Paris. By Charles II he was sent to Russia, and obtained therefrom in 1650, a loan of £50,000 in corn and furs. .Shortly after this date he purchased the estate of Leeds Castle, in Kent. He remained with the King when in exile, and returned at his restoration, which he only survived a few weeks. He m. firstly. 28 Oct. 1628, at -St. Iiotolph's Ilishopsgate, London, l'hilippa, da. of Sir John Snkllino, of West Grinstead, Sussex. She was bur. 16 Sep. 1630, at Hollingbourne, Kent. He m. secondly, before 1637, his cousin, Judith, da. of Sir Thomas ColkJ'EI'KU, of Holliug- bourne, and sometime of Leeds Castle, Kent, by Elizabeth, da. of John Cheney, of Questling, Sussex. He d. 11 July 1660, aged" 60, and was bur. at Hollingbourne. ILL, in which the date is wrongly stated as 1661. Will dut. 3 July 1660, pr. 6 Aug. following. II. 1800. $. Thomas (Colepeper), Bakox Colepeper of Tiioues- way, 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h.,() by 2nd wife. He was Gov. of the Isle of Wight, 1660-67 : and Gov. of Virginia, 1675, but did not proceed there till 1680, returning thence in 1682 (against orders), whereby he forfeited that post. He m. Margaret, da. and coheir of jean Van Hessh. Signeur de PerschU] and Weiia, in Holland, lie"', s.p.ui. 2? Jan. 1888/9. Admon. 22 Feb. 1688/9 to Margaret, the widow. She, who was naturalised by Act of Pari., d. 10 May 1710, aged 75, at Leeds Castle afsd., and was fair, at Bromfield. Her will, signed " St. Culpcper," dat. 8 May 1710, pr. 19 June 1710 by her dan., Katharine, Lady Fairfax, widow. ( c ) IT1. 1(58!). ,1. .TnilX (C'OLEl'EI'Jili), BaKOX CoLErEPEll OF TlIOHES'WAY, br. and hi, bap. 16 March 1640. He in. 30 (settlement 23 and 24) June 1707 Frances, da. of Sir Thomas Colepepeh, of Hollingbourne, co. Kent, by Alice, da. of Sir William CoI.kpepkh, of Aylesford. He d. a$, 8 July 1719. Will, &c, dat 12 Aug. 1710 to 7 Feb, 1714, pr. 2 Nov. 1719. His widow, who was 6. 4 Feb, 1644, at Aylesford, d. 17 Feb, 1740/1, ami was far. at Hollingbourne. Will signed "P. Colcpcper," dat. 31 Aug. 173S, pr. 1 April 1711, by John Speucer Colepeper. IV. 1719, If. Cheney (Colepepeii), Bakon Colepeper of Thores- to way, br. and h., bap. 6 Sep. 1642. He was sometime of the Inner 1725. Temple, London. He ft. unm. 25 June 1725, aged 85, when the peerage became extinct. COLEKAINE. Barony [I.] 1. "Hugh Hare, Esq.," was, on 31 Aug. 1625, er. T i " BARON COLERA1NE, of Coleraine; in Ireland "( ,l ) [I.] He was s. of John Hare (7th B. of John H., of Stow Bardolph, Norfolk), Bencher of the Middle Temple, by Margaret (afterwards Cocntess of Man- chester), da. of John Crouch, of Cornbury, Herts. He was of Longford, Wilts ; was, in 1625, advanced to the peerage as above stated, and continued ever afterwards a faithful adherent to the King. He m., before 1636, Lucy, 2nd da. of Henry (Montaou), 1st Earl ok Manchester by his 1st wife, Catharine, da. of Sir William Spencer. He was bur. 19 Oct. 1667 at Totteridge, Herts, aged 61. Will dat. IS Jan. 1653, pr. 11 Nov. 1667. His widow was bur, 9 Feb. 1681/2, at Tottenham, Midx. M.I. Her will, &c, dat. 19 April 1680 to 4 Nov. 1681, pr. 20 Feb. 1681/2, by her son the Hon. Hugh Hare. ( a ) Clarendon's " Rebellion." ( b ) His elder br., of the half-blood, Alexander Colepeper, m. (at her age of 12), Catharine, da. and h. of Sir Edward Ford, of Halting, Sussex, but (/. s.p. and v.p„ his widow marrying, before 1655, Ralph (Grey), 2nd Baron Grey of Werke. (•) Catharine, their da. and h., m. Thomas (Fairfax), 5th Baron Fan-fax of Cameron [8.1 and conveyed to that family the estate of Leeds Oastle, C 1 ) See " Creations, 1483-1646," in ap. 47th Rep. D.K.P. Kecords.