Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/329

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323 COLCIIESTER —COLEPEPER, Strongly opposed td the Unman Catholic emancipation, he was a Tory of the " anti- C.mnitig " view. His services to the literary world Were considerable, aa a trustee of the Brit. Muaenut, to. He waa P.S.A. 0792), F.R.S. ; Bencher of the Middle Temple, &e. He m., 29 Dec. 1790, at St. Marylebone, Elizabeth. 1st da. of Sir Philip Guides, 1st Hart., of Barbados, by Agnes, da. and h. of Samuel OsBORNS, of that island. He tl. at Spring Gardens, Whitehall, S, and was bur, 14 May 182», at Westm. Abbey, aged 72. Will pr. July 1S29. His widow d. 10 .lune 1847, in Upper Berkeley Street, Midx., aged 86. Admon. July 1817. II. 1829. J. Chakles (Ahbot), Baron ('oluuesteii, 1st s. and h., b. 12 March 1798, and bap. at St. James, Westm. ; ed. at the Royal Naval Cull., entered the Navy. 381 1 ; becoming an Admiral on the reserved list, 1804 ; P.C., 1852 ; Vice-President of the Board Of Trade and Paymaster Gen., Feb. to Dec 1862 ; Postmaster Gen., Feb. 1858 to June 1S59. He m., 3 Feb. 1830, Elizabeth Susan, 2nd da. of Edward (Law), 1st BaKON Ellenbohouuh, by Anne, da. of George Philips Towuv. He d, IS Oct, 1867, at 34, Berkeley Sep, Midx. Will pr. 6 Dec. 1867, under tl4,000. His widow, who was b. C Sep. 1799, d, 31 March 18S3, in her 84th year, at 37, Montagu Sep, Midx. Will pr. 4 May 1S83, at £10,94G. III. 1867. 3. liEcuNALi) Chakles Edward (Arbot), Baron Colchesteh, only s. and h., b. 13 Feb, 1842, in Great Cumberland Place, Marylebone; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch„ Oxford; matric. 19 Oct. 1859; 1st class in classics, 1st class in law and history ; Stanhope prizeman in 1863 ; B.A., 1SG4 ; Fellow of AH Souls' College, 1864-69 ; M.A., 1864 ; Barrister (Line. Inn), 1867 : Examiner in law and history at Oxford Univ., 1869 ; Charity Commissioner, 18S0-83. He »!., 28 Jauy. 1869, Isabella Grace, l B t da. of Coruwallis (Maude), Eakl WS Muntalt, by Clementina, da. of Admiral the Hon. Charles Eu'HinstONE-Flkkmino, She was b. 15 Jauy. 1846, , Family estates.— These, in 1883, were under 2,000 acres, COLDBURNE. Set- "Colling wood of Coldburne and Hetiu'oole, co. Northumber- land," Barony (Collinynood). a: 1805 ; ex. 1810. COLE. Note. — The style of '• Viscount Cole " is used by the family of Cole, Earls of Enniskillen [I.], as the courtesy title of the h. ap. of that Earldom. These Paris are, however, not entitled to a Viscountcy of Cole, but to one of Enniskillen [I.], i.e., a Viscountcy of the same name as the Earldom. See " Ennis- kjllun," Earldom of ft], a: 1789, and see also Vol. i, p. 316, note " b." COLEPEPER OF THOEESWAY. Barony. l. Srn John Colepepeb, Master of the Rolls, was, 21 I. 1644. 0ct - l6ii - cr - BARON COLEPEPER OF THORESWAY, co. Lincoln. He was only s. and h. of Sir John C-, of Wigsell, co. Kent, by Eliza- beth, da. of William Sedlev, of Southfleet ; served, sometime, in the Army, was elected M.P. for co. Kent, in the Long Pari., where (9 Nov. 1640) he made a famous speech against Monopolies, but opposed " the Grand Remonstrance." He was made P.C. and Chancellor of the Exchequer, 2 Jan 1642, and his advice (not always very judicious) was greatly esteemed by the King, who, on 25 Aug. 1642, sent him from Nottingham to treat with the Pari., which refused to hear him as a member thereof. There being " in those troubled times less need of lawyers than of counsellors and soldiers, '*(») he obtained, 28 Jan. 1643, the office of Master of the Rolls, "for which his previous education had in no degree prepared him."( a ) His influence with t») Foes' s«Judycs."