Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/88

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BURNTISLAND. 87 Auk. 171 1) M& d. 1705. See fuller account under " Wemyss " Earldom of [S.j, a: 1633. 4S. Johnston ,; Laird of Warreston " [Sir] Archibald, wlio was knighted by the Protector; Was one of the bitterest enemies to Charles I ; one of the Commissioners at the treaty of Uxbridge, &e. He was executed at Edinburgh, 24 Jany. 1061/2. 34. Jones, Philip, " (&tnptrolUw of His Highness' Household," and Col. in the Annv. He was of Breconshiro ; M.P. for that co. in 1653, P.O., Sic- He is said to be ancestor to the well-known clergyman, William Jones, of Neyland, in Suffolk. 52. Jones, .lolvn, " Esq.," Col. in the Army. He was second husband of Catharine Whitstone, widow, sister of the Protector, and, being one of the Regicides, was executed 1 7 Oct. 1600. See " Top and Gen III, 160. [gemedy, see "Cassillis, Karl of" [S.] 5. LaURESOE, Henry, " President of the Privy Council." He was of Sherdington, co. Glouc. 26. Lkntiiai.i., William, " Master of the Polls in Chancery." He had been Speaker of the House of Commons, 1640-53 ; and was, 1659-60, Keeper of the Great Seal to the pjjrl, lie received the Koyal pardon, and d. 3 Sep. 1662, at Burford, Oxon. 11. Lisle, " Loud Viscoint," i.e., Philip Sydney, ttvUd Viscount Lisle, being s. and h. Bp. of Uobert, Earl of Leicester, whom, in 1677, ha sue. iu that. Earldom. See under that title. 4. Lisle, John, one of the " Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal." He was President of the High Court of Justice, &c.. in which many unfortunate Royalists were condemned. He was assassinated at Lausanne i ll Aug. 1664. His widow, the well-known " Lady Alice Lisle," was executed (by Judge Jeffreys' sentence) iu 16S5. 45. Lockhaht [Sir] William, who was knighted by the Protector, 10 Dec. 1656. He had m. Robins, da. of John Sewster, of Wistow, co. Huntingdon, by Anne Crom- well, sister of the Protector, who appointed him ambassador to Trance, Keeper of the Signet of Scotland, &e. He made submission at the Restoration, tho' too late to retain his appointments, but was again made Ambassador in 1672. He d. 20 March 1675/0, leaving issue. 5. MANCHESTER, Edward (Montagu), Earl of. He had sue. to that Peerage, 1642, and d. 1671. See under that title. 21. MoNCK, George, "Commander-in-Chief of the Forces of Scotland." For his great service towards the " Restoration " he was a: by the King, 7 July 1660, Duke o* Albemaule, <tc. See trader that title. [Montagu, see " Manchester, Earl of. "J 23. Montacc, Edward, " One of the Generals of the Fleet and one of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury." He went over with the Fleet to Charles II at the Restoration, by whom he was cr. Earl of Sandwich in 1660. See under that title. [J/orpcf/i, riseounf Howard of, see " Howard," Lord Viscount.] !>. Mllghave, Edmund (Sheffield), Earl of. He was the 2d Earl ; sue. 1646 ; d. 24 Aug. 1658. See under that title. 41 . Onslow, Sir Richard, who had been knighted by James I, on 2 June 1 624. Was of Cranley, Surrey. He was one of the Committee to urge Cromwell, in 1657, to assume the title of King. He, however, assisted in the Restoration. He d. 19 May 1664, in his 63rd year, being Father of Sir Arthur Onslow, Burt., ancestor of the Earls Onslow. 50. Pack [Sir] Christopher, Alderman of London, who bad been knighted, when Lord Mayor, 23 Sep. 1655, by the Protector. He was of Cotes, co. Leic. and was living at the Restoration. 15. Pickehino, Sir Gilbert, " Chamberlain of His Highness' Household." He was l>. 1613 ; is said to have been cr. a Bart. [S.] by James I ; M.P. for Northampton- shire 1640, and again 1653, 1654, and 1656. Was one of the King's Judges, but sat only two days ; obtained (probably by tin! influence of the Earl of Sandwich, his br.- in-law) a partial indemnity at the Restoration. He d. 166S at Titchmarsh, co. Northampton. 19. Pikuuepont, William. He was 2d s. of Robert, 1st Earl of Kingston-upon- BnlL and was ancestor of the 3d and succeeding Earls, as also of the Dukes of Kingston. He was nick-named " Wise William," and d. 167!', aged 71. 43. Poiuiam, Alexander, "Esq.," was of Littlecote, Wilts, being s. and h. of Sir Francis P. of the sarne, He wus a Col. in the Pari, anny ; M.P. in many Paris, He