Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/89

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88 BUItNTIZLANJD.. i.e. "EAKL OF ISLA AND BURNTIZLAND," [S.,] sec " Mklkort," (Drummond) Dukedom of [S.] cr. 17 April 1692 by James II when in France. See vol. i, p. 59 note " b," under " Jacobite Peerages."

promoted the Restoration and was high in f avour with the Sing, whom ho entertained at Littlecote. He was bur. at Chilton Foliot, S Doe. 1669, leaving issue. 53. I'hide [Sir] Thomas, who had been knighted 17 Jany. 1655/8, by the Protector, lie was one of those who signed the King's deatli warrant. He is said t<> have been a drayman, but was a soldier of note in the Pari, army, and is famous for having over- ruled the House of Pari, by the Army, wheu he administered "Pride's Purge" to them. He d. at Nousueh, s.p.m , 23 Oct. 165S. [Rich., see "Warwick, Karl of."] 62. Roberts, Sir William. He was of Neasden in Willesden, Midx., I. 1605. Knighted at Greenwich, IS May 1624. Was one of the Commissioners to try Charles I ; M.P. for Midx. 1654 and 1656. He d. Sep. 1602, and was bur. a"t Willesden. His s. and h. ap. was cr. a Baronet, v.p., 3 Nov. 1661, which dignity became extinct in 1700. 33. House, Francis, " Esq." Born at Halton, in Cornwall ; M.P. for Truro, &c, temp. Car. I, being great in his outcry against an established church. 4c. ; M.P. for Devon, 1656, and, for a mouth, Speaker, P.C., &c He was made Provost of Eton College. He d. 7 Jan. 165S/9, and was bur. " as a Baron " in Eton Chapel. 39. Russell, Sir Francis, Bart., s. and h. of Sir William R., Bart., of Chippenham, co. Cambridge, sue. his Father in Feb. 1653/4, having been M.P. for Cambridgeshire, and one of the sequestrators of the estates of the delinquent loyalists and a Col. in the Pari. army. He was dir. at Chippenham, 30 April 1854, leaving issue, of whom his eldest son (Sir John) 7)1. Francis Cromwell, da. of the Protector. 27. St. John, Oliver, " Chief Justice of the Common Pleas " (Oct. 16 IS). He was pardoned at the Restoration, and d. 31 Dec. 1673, aged 75. 11. Say and Sele, William (Fiennes), Viscount. He sue. to that title, as a Barony, 1613, and was cr. a Viscount, 1624. He d. 14 April 1662. See under that title. [Slicffidd. see " Mulgrave, Earl of."] 31. SKiri'ON, Philip, one of the " Major Generals " for the Counties. He is said to have been a waggoner ; President of the Council of War under Essex ; P.O. to the Protector Oliver and to his son, whom he deserted. He (just about the time of the Restoration) shortly before 1 July 1661. He was father of Sir Philip Skippon, knighted 1674. 28. Steele, William, " Chancellor of Ireland," so appointed 26 Aug. 1656. He had previously (1654) been Chief Baron of the Exchequer in England. He was pardoned at the Restoration, which he not long survived, dying in Dublin. His grandson was the well-known essay-writer, Sir Richard Steele. 40. Strickland, Sir William, Bart., who had been so cr. by the King, 30 July 1641. M.P. for East Riding, 1654 and 1656. He d. 1673. 32. Strickland, Walter, who appears to have been br. to the above Sir William. He was agent at Holland during the Protectorate. Was a member of the Committee of Safety in 1659. 30. Sydenham, William, "One of the Commissioners of the Treasury;" Col. in the Army, &c. He was P.C. both to the Protector, and to his sou, but joined the Committee of Safety. He was dismissed from TarL in 1660, having been M.P. for Dorsetshire. [Sydney, see " Lisle, Viscount."] 55. Thomas, Edward. He was of an ancient family in co. Glamorgan. 51. Tichuoknk [Sir] Robert, who had been Knighted by the Protector 15 Dec. ] 656, when Lord Mayor of London. He bore " the sword of the city of London " at the Protector's Investiture 27 June 1657. He had presented a petition from the Council of Loudon for the trial of Charles I ; was one of his Judges and Bigned his death warrant. He recanted at the Restoration, thereby saving his life, but d. a Prisoner in the Tower of London. 56. Tomi.inson [Sir] Matthew, who was Knighted by the Lord Deputy (Henry Cromwell) of Ireland. He waB Col. of Horse in the Pari. Army. Tho' one of the King's Judges he did not sit, but guarded His Majesty during his trial and on the Bcaftbld. By becoming a witness against several of the accused he was pardoned at the Restoration.