Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/91

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90 BURTON. BURTON Cof Burton). Barony. 1. The Mm, Hi'.xhy Pa«ET, s, and h. rt-p. of William Loud PAOCT, was, v p., pr. 1 Jany. mW) BABOH BUBTON of I. 1712. Burton, co. Stafford, being one of the 12 Peers or, in 5 daya to mouth n majority in the House of Lords. He rac. his Father in the Baihiny ok Paget next year, ami in the year following was cr. Eviu. or Uxhridce. With this Earldom the Barony uf Burton woe united till both because extinct in 1700 by the death of the 2nd Earl. See fuller account under " Oxbridge " Earldom of, cr. I7W : «■ 17?& BURTON (in Ireland.) e.e. " BARON 1'EKCEVAL ( >F BURT< >X, co. Cork," [1.], (/W ml), cr. 1715. Sec " Egmont," Earldom of [I.], cr. 1733. BURTON (co. Lincoln.) Sou "MONSOil OF BURTON, co. Lincoln" (lioitsoti), Ban my, cr. 172S. Sue "OXEXBRIDGE OE BURTOX, co. Lincoln," (Monson) Vis- countcy, cr. 1S80. BURTOX OF RANGEMORE AXD EURToN-UPOX-TREXT. Barony. J, gin MlCHAFL AliTHUH Bass, Bart., was, on 13 Aug. 1880, n: BAHON BITHTON OF KANGEMORE AND OK BCRToN- I. 188G. UPON-TBENT, both in co. Stafford. He was s. and h. of Michael Thomas Pass, of Rangemore af»d. (many years M.P. for Derby and Head of the Brewery( h ) at Burton-upon-Trent) by Eliza Jane, da. of Major Samuel Audkx, of Longerott's Hall, co. Stafford. He was b. 12 Nov. 1837 at Burton-on-Trent ; ed. at Harrow and at Triu. Coll., Cambridge ; B.A., 1859 ; SI.A. 1863. He was M.P. for Stafford, 1S65-68 ; for East Staffordshire, 1868-86, and for the Burton division of co. Stafford, 1885-86. He was, v.]). cr. a Baronet 17 May 1SS2, with a spec, rem., failing heirs male of his body, to his br. Hamar Alfred Bass. He sue. bis Father (who d. aged 84) 29 April 1884 ; Lieut.-Col. 5th Stafford Volunteers ; Director of the extensive Brewery Company of " Bass and Co." Raised to the Peerage in 1880 as above. He TO. 28 Oct. 1869, Harriet Georgiaua, da. of Edward Tiiohnwii.l, of Dove Cliff, co. Stafford. Family Estates.— These, in 1883, consisted of 2,2S3 acres, valued at £17,317 a year. Principal Residences. — Bangemore, near Burton-on-Trent ; Gleu Quoich, co. Inverness, and Chesterfield House, Mayfair, Midx. BURTON PYXSENT. i.e. " VISCOUNT PITT OF BURTON PYNSENT, co. Somerset, (Pitt) see "CHATHAM," Earldom of, cr. 1760 ; ex. 1S35. ( a ) " Horfi octava ante meridiem ejusdem diei." See vol. i. p, 269 note "d"for nn account of this proceeding. () Founded in 1777 by William Bass, who d. 1787, aged 69, and was me, by bis s. Michael Thomas Bass, who d. 1827, aged 00, being grandfather of Lord Burton.