Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/92

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BURY — BUTE. 91 BURY ST. EDMUNDS. Sec " Jkrmvm of St. Edmunds Buuy, ee. Suffolk " (Jermyn), Barony, cr. 1643 ex. 1708. BURY (co. Lancaster). i.r. " Viscount Bury, co. Lancaster " (Keppel), sue " Aluemarle," Earldom, cr. 1697. BUTE (county of). Earldom [&] jf, Sm .Tames Stuart, B:irt. [S.] was, on 14 April 1703, cr. EARL OF BUTE, VISCOUNT OK KING ART H LORD L 1703. MOUNT STUART, CUMRA AND INCHMAKNOCK [S.] to him ami hi.s heirs male whatsoever. He was s. ami U. of Sir Dugald Stuart, Bart. [S.] of Bute(*), by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Thomas Rlth- VI) of Dunglass. He sue. his Father in 1072 being then very young. In 1081 lie was active as Col. of the Militia in quieting Argyllshire, then in confusion thro" the rebellion of its EarL He waa Sheriff of Tarbet, 1 (584 ; Sheriff of Argyllshire, 16S5 ; admitted an Advocate, 1685. He concurred with the Revolution, was 31. P. for co. Bute 16S5-93 ; P.C. to Queen Anne ; and, being one of the Commissioners to treat of the Union [S.] in 1702 (which did not then take effect) was raised to the Peerage as above, lie afterwards, however, opposed that measure and absented himself from Pari, when it was carried. He m. firstly, Agnes 1st da. of (the learned) Sir Ueorge Mackenzie of Kosehaugh, King's Advocate, by his 1st wife Elizabeth, da. of John Dickson of Eartree, a Lord of Session. She, who waa b. 2 Jany. 1 603, was living 1690. He m. secondly Christian, da. and coheir of William Dindas of Kincavel, Advocate. He d. at Bath, co. Somerset, 4 June 1710 and was our. at Rothesay, M.I. His. widow d. at Edinburgh 25 May 1710 and was bur. the 30th in the Carmelite monastery at Queens- ferry. ][. 1710. jg, James (Stuart), Earl of Bute, &c. [S.] s. and . by first wife. On the death of his maternal uncle George Mackenzie of Kosehaugh, he, after great litigation, sue. to and retained possession of the extensive estates of hia maternal Gran [father. He was a Lord of the Bedchamber. Lord- Lieut, of co. Bute. Bjw Pki-ii[S.], 171") till his dsath He m. Anne, da. of Archibald CAMPBELL), 1st Duke of Aimvll [S.] by Lady Elizabeth, da. of Eliza- beth, suojurc Countess of Dvsart [S.] He d. in London 28 Jany. 1723 aged 33 and was bur. at Rothesay. Will dat. 5 Jany. and pr. 2 May 1723. His widow m. 19 Sep. 1731 Alexander Eraser of Strichen, co. Aberdeen, a Lord of Session. She d. at Stricheu 9 Oct. 1738. III. 1723. J. Joh.v (Stuart), Earl of Bute, &c. [S.], s. and L.( b ) b. 25 May 1713, in Pari. sq. Edinburgh. Rep. Peer fS.] 14 April 1737 to 1741, and, again, 1761 to 17S0 ; Lord of the Bedchamber to Frederick, Prince of Wales, 1750-51 ■ Groom of the Stole to George, Prince of Wales, 1756-60, and again to him when King, 1760-61 ; El. K.T. 10 July and inv. 15 Aug. 1738, at Holvrood HouBe ; one of the Princ. Sees, of State, 13 Apr. 1761 to 29 May 1762 ; Banger of Richmond Park, 1761 ; El. K.G. 27 May, and hist. 22 Sep. 1762, resigning the Order of the Thistle previously. ( c ) First Lord of the Treasury and Prime ( a ) This Dagald waa s. and h. of James Stuart of Ardmoleish in Bute who was cr. a Baronet [S.] 28 March 1627, being a great sufferer for his loyalty to his King and who d. in 1662. His ancestor John Stuart was an illegit. e. of Robert II of Scotland, who, about 1385, erected the islands of Bute, Arane and Cumbrae into a county con- ferring on him the office of Hereditary Sheriff thereof. ( b ) His yr. br., the Rt, Hon. James' Stuart-Mackenzie, Lord Privy Seal [3.], sue. to the Mackenzie estates, and d. s.p. 6 April 1S00, in his S2nd year. (°) See vol. i, p. 11, note " b " for mi account of such Knights of the Thistle (12 in number, exclusive of the Blood Royal) as have beeu elected to the Garter.