Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/97

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96 BUTLER. find turn witnessing charters 16 Deo. 1315 *ud 4 Feb. 1815-8 (merely) in " Edmunl le Botiller, Justiciarius and officially djasribad, in 1119, m " E ItnuadiH Water, Piueerna Hibernia> ;" while his son is deij/ibi 1, in 1 -i 2 1 -"2, ;u ' l ,f.rn;i, s. an I h. at Edmund le Botiller "and again, in the Ormoud creation ehartjr, in 1323 (simply) :n '•James le Botiller," tho' since that ilate, CDntinaously deioritod m "Km of Ormonde." He m. 1302 Joan, da. of John (Fit/. TuoMAS-Flrz Gerald) 1st Earl OF Kildaru [I.] by Blanche, da. of John (Roche), Loud Feumuy [I.] lie d. (after returning from a pilgrimage to St. James of Compostella in Spain) in Loudon, 13 Sep. 1321 and was bur. at Gowrau co. Kilkenny. VII. 1321. 7. James Butler, or Le Botiller, s. and h. Under a^c, at his Father's death. On 2 Kov. 1328, he was cr. HAUL OF ORMONDE ri.] See " ORMONDE," Earldom of [I.], cr. 132S. BUTLER OF TULLEOPHELIM. Viscountcy. 1. Theobald Butler, 3d. and yst. s. of Sir Edmund B. [I.] of Roscrea and Cloughgrenan, co. Carlow, by Eleanor, da. of Rowland (Efstacb), 2d Vjscoir.NT B.iLTlNOLASS [I.J (which Edmund Butler was I 1603 s ' of Jumes . 9*h Earl ok Oiimonde &c [[.]) aud next br. to Thomas, ' ' tlie 10th Earl) was granted by patent 13 July 1603 (being at that to time h. male, tho' not h. gen. of his Father) the reversion of the Earldoms of Ormonde and of Ossory [I.] on the death of [his uncle] JUIo. Thomas, the then Earl, s.p.m., with rem. to heirs male of his body, rem. to heirs male of the body of his great grandfather, Piers Butler. On 4 Aug. 1603 (a few weeks subsequently) "he was cr. VISCOUNT BUTLER OF TULLKOl'HELIM, co. Carlow [I.] He was Gov. and Lord-Lieut, of co. Carlow, 16 June 1805. He m. Elizabeth, only da. and h. of [his said uncle] Thomas (Butler), Earl ok Ormonde, &c. [L] by, his 2d. wife, Elizabeth, da. of John (Shekkield), Baron Sheffield. He d. s.p. (in the life time of his said Uncle aud Father-in-law to whose Peerage honours, to which he never succeeded, he was in remainder) Jany. 1618 and was bur. in St. Canice's church, when his honours became extinct. His widow >i>. Richard (Preston), Lord Dingwall [S.] who, on 21 July 1619, was cr. Earl of Desmond [I.] with a spec. rem. She d. s.p.m. in Wales, 10 Oct. 1628, 18 days before her said husband. See " Dingwall, Barony [S.], cr. 1609. i.e. "BARON BUTLEK OF L ANTHONY, co. Monmouth " (Butler) Barony [first creation], cr. 1660 with the Earldom ok Brecknock. See " Ou.mondk," Dukedom of, cr. 16S2 : all titles forfeited 1715. i.e. "BARON BUTLER OF CLOUGHGRENAN" (Butlor) [I.] cr. 1662, with the Earldom ok Ahran [I.], which see ; ex. 1686.(») them with the earlier case of the Earldom of Ulster [I.] in 1205-6, where the " feodum" granted was " totarn terrain liUanUe, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, de qua ipsum ciuximus in Comitem." " The simple fact,' ' adds Mr. Round, " that the title [of Carrick] was never really con- ferred will solve, the otherwise insoluble problems of its (on the hypothesis of its existence) most mysterious disappearance. As its ' feodum,' the Castles of Harriet Macgriffyn, and Roscrea, continued in the hands of the Butlers, it is otherwise incomprehensible why they should have allowed it to be ' superseded ' (as Lord James Butler expresses it) by a title which completely ignored it ; and, still more why they did not revive it when precedence was the summum bonum, and when it would have ranked them above their rivals of Kildare, and made them in fact the Premier Earls " [of Ireland.] (") Another Barony of Clourjligrenan [I.] (not " Butler of Cloughgrenan ") was conferred in 1693 together with another Earldom of Arrau [I.], on Charles Butler, nephew of the above, aud became extinct in 1758.